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This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by pifad at 30,Jan,14 05:16  other posts of pifad
I contribute a lot to this site and suddenly my points drop. I know I vote for a lot of guys pics, but still, isn't that what this site is all about? Confused

Similar topics: 1.Points log   2.Total Points?   3.FOR ADMIN - THOSE POINTS AGAIN   4.Small addition for paid members   5.Points Changes  

New Comment

By #457608 at 13,Apr,14 01:11
I have a dom I would dom so one else but I'm to nice to fuck with there points.

By #443664 at 30,Jan,14 23:32
Are you being dominated or posting a lot of topics ?
By bella! at 31,Jan,14 01:25 other posts of bella! 
Well, the king is kinda correct, "the domination game doesn't make yur points go down......." but he shoulda added that "yur not getten all the points you really earned......" No, you won't see points being deducted because of the domination game, with you being the submissive. All you need to recognize is what you did receive, was only 80% of what you actually earned. Wuh? Your dominant received 20% off the top.......kinda like a pimp and whore!
By #415959 at 31,Jan,14 01:38

You forgot to include an abundance of emoticons if you wish to communicate effectively with the Montard.

I wonder if my opinions now...will soon be deleted along with my others?

It seems this forum has a bias slant.
By bella! at 31,Jan,14 02:49 other posts of bella! 
There's no need for me to call him names. He does an adequate job, of making himself look silly without any help from me.

By pifad at 31,Jan,14 04:13 other posts of pifad 
I don't play domination game. It's not a big deal. I contribute. I'm not bitter.

By #435701 at 30,Jan,14 20:50
I know what you mean. But voting costs points. Commenting here makes points...what are they good for? Voting.

Adult Discussion Forum