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Would you fuck me or would i fuck you

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Started by #377789 at 11,Apr,14 03:57
Is it whoever has the biggest dick fucks gives and the smaller receives ?

Similar topics: 1.Blowjob Or Fuck?   2.Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me so hard...   3.Fuck for fuck !   4.Discreet fuck buddy wisconsin   5.Would you change your plans in order to fuck?  

New Comment

By Fritz at 01,Apr,15 08:25 other posts of Fritz 
What a question, with such a beautifull dick you would fuck me, and I hope more than one time
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

And yes, in General the bigger ones fucks the smaller ones. Nobody likes a tiny dick up the ass

By #220845 at 24,Sep,14 18:32
Bottom 99%of the time

By #147052 at 23,Sep,14 14:52
Maybe you should investigate it personally and get back to us

By #377789 at 17,Sep,14 16:34
Why dont any girls comment?
By #303133 at 21,Sep,14 03:00
Possibly because two girls have a hard time figuring out which one of them has the bigger dick.
But, you know, I'm just guessing about that...
By #316057 at 21,Sep,14 03:30

By #303133 at 11,Apr,14 15:32
That is EXACTLY how it is written in the official Gay Rule Book.
By *kmadeau* at 17,Sep,14 18:49 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By bigone21 at 17,Sep,14 20:54 other posts of bigone21 
By #303133 at 18,Sep,14 16:54
Seriously. If the guy with the smaller dick fucks the guy with the bigger dick, they have to turn in their membership cards and return their complimentary "Blow Me! I'm Gay." bumper stickers...
By #316057 at 20,Sep,14 03:51

By bigone21 at 17,Sep,14 20:54 other posts of bigone21 
when the guy with the bigger dick is not too drunk to get it up, yes, that's mostly the way it ends up to be!

By #377789 at 11,Apr,14 03:58
/vz4mkytes1cypic.html that is a picture of mine compare?
By *kmadeau* at 17,Sep,14 18:40 other posts of *kmadeau* 
with your hot butt you have good chances to get fucked anytime

By spermkiss at 17,Sep,14 16:51 other posts of spermkiss 
It ain't necessarily so. While my dick is about as large as most guys, I've been with guys who are considerably larger and I fucked them. I've also been fucked by guys whose dicks were quite a bit smaller than mine.

When it comes down to who fucks whom, personality and demeanor are far more important than dick size. But getting down to the nitty gritty of fucking, flip fucking is best. Both guys give it and both guys take it.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

And you self identify as straight! Do you want to take a dick in your ass or put your dick in a guy's ass or both? Tell us.

By pifad at 11,Apr,14 12:21 other posts of pifad 
We are about the same so let's take turns
By #377789 at 22,Apr,14 02:22
How big is yours?
By pifad at 22,Apr,14 03:25 other posts of pifad 
6.5 x 5

By #447598 at 11,Apr,14 13:02
I thiiink it's whatever you want to do, not the size of your cock.

By #316057 at 11,Apr,14 09:01
am I small

By #457775 at 11,Apr,14 04:08
well, I made the experience that mostly the bigger dick is the dominant one and in the end the smaller one is fucked by the bigger one.

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