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Started by leopoldij at 11,Apr,19 15:20  other posts of leopoldij
Similar topics: change the subject 2.If you could change anything about... 3.DAYS OF THE WEEK ALWAYS IN THE SAME ORDER 4.Do YOU have an order? 5.Who would you fuck or/and get fucked by from this site? New CommentComments: |
Every fucked an older woman? How old?
It makes you happy, so that's good.
Even though it seems now I couldn't get laid if I was a brick, I would still put making a honest dollar ahead of getting some pussy.
And you should consider the other persons motives that is trying to tempt you away from doing what needs to be done as well.Are they putting their sexual desires ahead of their own needs and those of yours? If so,they may not be the best company for you.They are bringing your down instead of helping you up in life.
If it are things that can wait or be done on an other day, hell yes.