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People's biggest "pet peeves"

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Started by #315268 at 13,Apr,14 21:21
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By CreativeOne at 13,Apr,14 21:54 other posts of CreativeOne 
My biggest "Pet Peeve" is when someone posts about "Pet Peeves" ............ Just Kidding ! I couldn't resist .

Actually my biggest "Pet Peeve" is something that I'm sure has happened to All Drivers , and that is when you're doing the speed limit and you get that person that pulls right out in front of you and does half the speed limit !!! That really grinds my gears
By #68656 at 14,Apr,14 17:01
They can be a real menace, even though you may be travelling at the speed limit they rush past at high speed,then come in front and slow down to way below the speed limit. They especially do it with trucks and heavy vehicles.
Another annoying pest is the cruise-control wanker, these pests set the cruise control at usually 20 kph below the open road speed limit and keep on going for hours on end at that speed regardless of the road terrain. They never look in the rear vision mirrors and must be deaf as they cannot hear the air horns of a truck or bus.
By #315268 at 18,Apr,14 01:03
These guys are half the reason for road rage!

By BCofR at 19,Apr,14 06:50 other posts of BCofR 
Road peeves(also fucking dangerous)talking or texting while driving and not running over people who think the world stops while they are on phone

By routemaster at 18,Apr,14 17:52 other posts of routemaster 
Rudery and bad manners and that nasty woman neighbour of mine
By #444014 at 18,Apr,14 18:02
Good manners do not cost a thing
By routemaster at 18,Apr,14 18:21 other posts of routemaster 
No they don't but I've lost count now of the number of times I've held a door open for someone and they sail through without any thank you or a bye or leave. I wonder why I bother being nice sometimes
By bella! at 18,Apr,14 18:53 other posts of bella! 
I understand your peeve, routemaster. I work for a large insurance company in a very large, multipurpose building(s). I do notice that many women must feel a sense of entitlement when it comes to doors being held or being permitted to enter and exit an elevator first and so often, they neglect to say 'thank you'. I'm not sure what to attribute it to, whether it be manners not taught or enforced at home, being young or what. There's that old song; 'City girlz seem to find out early, how to open doors with just a smile'........ I acknowledge that kind act and always say thank you and it has been engrained in me to say 'excuse me, please' should I need to bypass someone in the grocery store that might be lingering and looking at something on the shelf. One thing I have noticed, men no longer remove their hats in the elevator. It must be only in the movies.
By routemaster at 18,Apr,14 23:59 other posts of routemaster 
I'm sure your manners are impeccable, Bella, and I don't doubt you always say thank you when a door is held open for you. However, its not just women but men as well who can't be bothered to offer thanks for this small consideration of kindness towards them. Slightly different, a few years ago, in a busy shopping mall, a woman cut right across me and crashed into me and then started screaming at me to look where I was going. Quite recently, a bloke tried to push past me when getting on a bus, well nobody queues up nowadays, its dog eat dog - yet another example of how far standards have fallen along with the lack of manners - but the fact is that this happened just as I was getting on and he rudely tried to elbow me out the way. So he got an elbow back in the ribs and then started effing and blinding at me as if I was the one in the wrong. Poor fool couldn't see that by using foul language in front of all the other passengers, all he was doing was showing himself up for the moron he is. Anyway, I made sure he didn't get on before me so that told him but it does make me wonder sometimes if I have "come and annoy" etched on my forehead since it does seem that, like the Rosemary Clooney song, "Everything Happens To Me". I didn't retaliate as that's exactly what these people want you to do, same goes for the nasty neighbour I have, the moment you respond then they've won and I ain't going to give them that satisfaction. Every part of me wants to tell these people - who are only happy when they're being miserable and pathetic - exactly what I think of them but saying nothing pisses them off a lot more and, in any case, they really are not worth wasting breath over. As for men removing their hats in a lift - sorry, I meant elevator - I've never seen that done over here, must be something peculiar to America!
By bella! at 19,Apr,14 00:48 other posts of bella! 
Impeccable manners, no, but I try. Regarding a man removing his hat, Google hat etiquette.

By routemaster at 19,Apr,14 00:19 other posts of routemaster 
People who put feet on seats in trains is another peeve of mine but at the same time, for all the idiots in this world, there are still very many nice people around and I am graced with some beautiful and much valued friendships both in my private life and the friends I have made on this site. Didn't want anyone thinking I'm as miserable as the people I complain about. Those of you on here who know me well know that I have a very good sense of humour!!! I'm not perfect neither, its just that I don't suffer fools gladly

By Ray10754 at 18,Apr,14 21:42 other posts of Ray10754 
People that think they know EVERY THING And People that think they are better than any one else and last but not least people that don't mind their own buisness!!

By #359325 at 18,Apr,14 18:16
My pet peeve is when i'm waiting for the gym to open and someone comes right after me and asks a stupid question, " is the gym open???"

By #358797 at 18,Apr,14 15:11
Wobbly tables, women who use PMS as an excuse to be bitchy, those assholes who take up 2 parking spaces, people who habitually need favors, being "guilt tripped", people playing air guitar in public, p33pl wh0 tYp3 LyK d1z, when you're typing an angry response and hit send only to notice auto correct pretty much ra.ped your entire paragraph....
By #85103 at 18,Apr,14 15:20
People playing air guitar in public!
By #358797 at 18,Apr,14 15:29
Yeah. It's even worse when they make the sounds with it. Lmfao.
By bella! at 18,Apr,14 15:51 other posts of bella! 
In public like at karaoke night at the bar or in public like at the mall?
By #358797 at 18,Apr,14 16:48
Public like at the mall or grocery store.
I could possibly understand it on karaoke night... possibly.
By bella! at 18,Apr,14 17:12 other posts of bella! 
Hmm.... That would look odd. I wonder what is going on in their head when they're playing an air guitar at the grocery store or mall? Maybe my answer is..........ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
By #358797 at 18,Apr,14 17:29
I've seen random fucknuts air guitar soloing in fucking crosswalks. Irritates me to no end.

By #85103 at 18,Apr,14 15:28
The f#cking ice-cream van that has a knack of pulling up right outside my house when I'm recording vocals!
By bella! at 18,Apr,14 15:30 other posts of bella! 
You have that in your neighborhood? That is a blast from the past!

By routemaster at 18,Apr,14 04:17 other posts of routemaster 

By routemaster at 18,Apr,14 04:17 other posts of routemaster 
Those wretched "I'm on the bus" merchants regaling me with all the inane details of their dreary ghastly lives

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