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Started by routemaster at 06,Jun,14 08:10  other posts of routemaster
Today is the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings, a.k.a. D Day, so let's remember in our thoughts those brave men who hastened the end of world war two, hundreds of whom never came back. I salute you all

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By #181785 at 06,Jun,14 19:24
thanks to the vets

By #201155 at 06,Jun,14 17:53
I was there 10 years ago for the 60th anniversary. It was a very moving experience, and I only wish I could be there again now. Who could watch the veterans on TV and not admire their extraordinary bravery

By #68656 at 06,Jun,14 10:01
Veterans gather to mark D-Day in France


June 6, 2014, 7:05 pm

D-Day veterans have gathered in France to commemorate their efforts to liberate Europe from Nazism. AFP D-Day veterans have gathered in France to commemorate their efforts to liberate Europe from Nazism.

Hundreds of veterans have gathered to mark 70 years since the historic D-Day invasion of France that hastened the end of World War II.

At ceremonies on the beaches of northern France, where the biggest amphibious assault in history was launched in 1944, heads of state, royalty and prime ministers rubbed shoulders with the veterans, now in their 90s, who risked their lives to liberate Europe from Nazism.

"This day, which began in chaos and fire, would end in bl00d and tears, tears and pain, tears and joy at the end of 24 hours that changed the world and forever marked Normandy," French President Francois Hollande said as he opened the ceremonies.

Dignitaries - including Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, who at the age of 88 is making a now rare foreign trip, and sparring world leaders US President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin - will have lunch together at a grand chateau before heading to the beaches for a solemn international ceremony.

Around 1800 veterans from countries including Australia, Britain, the United States, France, Canada but also Russia and Poland, will honour the sacrifice of thousands of their comrades who fell on D-Day, many of them marking the occasion for the last time given their advanced age.

Away from the wining and dining world leaders, the majority of the D-Day veterans marked the occasion in a quiet and unassuming fashion, resplendent in their military uniforms and medals.

At the tender age of 89, one former Scottish paratrooper commemorated the anniversary in rather more energetic fashion, parachuting to the same place he landed 70 years ago, this time strapped to the back of a Red Devil expert for safety.

Dressed from head to toe in a bright red jumpsuit, Jock Hutton sprang eagerly from his Cessna Caravan from 5,000 feet - 10 times the height from which he jumped on that historic night in 1944 - touched down on the grass near Britain's Prince Charles and made jokes to the waiting media.

"At my age, life tends to get a wee bit boring. So you've got to grab at any chance at excitement!"

"I was hoping there'd be some Calvados."
By #218130 at 06,Jun,14 17:08

By steve3095 at 06,Jun,14 12:55 other posts of steve3095 
Lest we forget.

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