Hi there! I registered on this site just moments ago or should I say re-registered. However, it is not my first visit here! I was on this site at first around 2010 as fou4r and then later on with my wife (as NYcouple) when joined me. I chatted and shared with some very friendly people but there were also some weirdness which made my wife and then myself reconsider. However, my exhibitionist inclination has not gone away so I joined the site again to satisfy that itch!
Forgive me if I'm not remembering the names exactly right but I remember chatting with decent and spicy, a lovely woman who's name I'm blanking on. She was shy at first but then opened up and was just a great person. I'm blanking on some other names. Anyway, I wonder what the turnover rate is like for this user base. I'm sure there are some hard core old timers!
Anyway, I want to post from my large archive of pictures of myself and my wife and fun with friends (plus whatever new ones!), but I just don't want to be assaulted with cries of FAKE! I'm not interested. Thank you. This is me and my wife and my friends. I have nothing to gain from impersonating anyone.
So I'm wondering what the users on this forum think.
I uploaded one photo so far. Let me know if you'd like more!

Well, it's simple, isn't it?? Post verification pics/vids.
It's WAY more fun when you know the person in the pictures is the person you're chatting with, here.
The profiles for fou4r and NYcouple had the BEST bondage pictures and she always looked so gorgeous. And then there were four, towards the end, you invited your friends to join your fun. There was one picture of you that I remember. You took a picture of you standing there naked having just taken a picture of yourself standing there naked. The picture was on your tablet or something and it was an interesting contrast of sorts.
The turnover has been phenomenal and I think that you will soon see that many of the members, especially SYC members, are now gone. There was the lovely lovemylovebuttons aka Revealed, she is fr the UK, posted on SYD as well as newbienudes but sadly, approximately 4 or 5 months ago, she deleted her profiles on both sites. There was the amazing 8888, an American beauty, that was deleted about 18 to 24 months ago. Her offense, she posted a picture, a "web derived" picture....not a nude, something silly like a saying and the self appointed Site Sheriff reported her and she was SWIFTLY deleted....there seemed to be no tolerance for ANY web derived images no matter how silly. There was beautiful, creative and always so very kind, Obscura. She did not post nudes, just beautiful, colorful and saucy pictures. She was always very appreciative of each and every comment that she received on her pictures and as I recall, would send blessings.
It's nice to see that you both returned.