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Suggestions on shaving genitals

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Started by leopoldij at 21,Jul,14 12:50  other posts of leopoldij
Well, lots of people talk about shaving their genitals and how itchy it is, etc. For men it's a bit more tricky than women, but I think the best method is this:

Get a good electric shaver. Not a cheap one. The thing to know is that hair cut this way do not cause any itchiness. Trust me. The tricky thing is not how to shave the pubic area around the cock/balls, but the cock and balls themselves. For the balls: you need to stretch the skin. For the cock: you need to shave when it's erect.

It's actually best to use an electric shaver that, besides the main blades, also has a side trimmer. The side trimmer helps a lot both for shaving your neck but also shaving hairs on the balls. Again, skin must be stretched. When you move to a different place, stretch skin again.

And what about the anal area? Same. Use electric shaver, with trimmer.

Now, for the fine job in the end, use a nose/ear/eyebrows hair trimmer, on that has a 1-inch cutter like the Philips NT9110. This works great in the anal area and for some persistent hair on the balls/cock.

Using the above won't result into itching. But you need to repeat every few days.

Some of the electric shavers are of the wet/dry type meaning that you can lather the area before shaving. I haven't tried that because I'm afraid that soap + electric shaver may behave like manual blade and may result into itching.

For women, the job is easier and the above work in exactly the same way.

I discovered this method a couple of years ago because I found someone on youtube describing it (without pictures). And, yes, it works.

Me before shaving: /kkrb9epezxltpic.html
and /xy1nck9v3f7upic.html
Me after shaving: /qynrei25mhu2pic.html (but you can still see some partial hair which were eventually removed by side trimmer: /uiizibit5mulpic.html)
And here is the result on the woman: /3yr9z7562x0ypic.html (she performed the operation herself!)

Similar topics: 1.Shaving question   2.Shaving Balls   3.Manscape   4.SHAVING her genitals   5.Best shaving technique  

New Comment

By randy999 at 16,Jan,25 10:41 other posts of randy999 
I brought a small rechargeable razors from e-bay Ј8.00 it very good. use it every day. I have always shave my face every day, it needs it. Can't belive how good this is for the price.

By Lik2play at 08,Dec,24 14:54 other posts of Lik2play 
I started shaving about fifteen years ago. My job at the time required me to be outside in tall grass an tress. Ticks were a big problem. When I started shaving it was horrible ingrown hairs razor bumps but after time it hit a lot better I shave every three days in the shower with soap.. but I'm sure looking a lazors they are getting cheaper an works well an last longer.

By leopoldij at 05,Dec,24 23:53 other posts of leopoldij 
What's more difficult to shave, a cock or a pussy?

By casado at 05,Dec,24 14:31 other posts of casado 

By small_dik at 17,Jul,15 06:10 other posts of small_dik 
I use hair removal cream, but I don't suggest anyone tries it before testing it on skin other than your genitals as it can burn. But for me it works well.
By leopoldij at 17,Jul,15 08:46 other posts of leopoldij 
I don't even know what a hair removal cream is. Any more hints/links?
By small_dik at 18,Jul,15 02:34 other posts of small_dik 
I use this one: only registered users can see external links

Basically it's a cream, you put it on, leave it for about 10-15 mins, then wash it off thoroughly. Leaves you bald as can be and lasts twice as long as shaving. But it's not suitable for everyone. You need to test it somewhere else before you try it on your genitals. Also they don't recommend you use it the way I'm telling you, but works for me fine.

By #23212 at 18,Jul,15 03:43
I often use a brand called 'Sally Hansen'--usually the one labeled for faces, as it's more gentle. Leave it on trimmed pubes [well trimmed, about 2-3 days before], scrotum, etc., for about 8 minutes, and all the hair comes off fairly easily; and it lasts quite a while.

By #485312 at 10,May,15 15:37
nothing beats waxing, smoothness like no other *lix*
By leopoldij at 10,May,15 22:44 other posts of leopoldij 
are you waxed? can a man wax his balls and dick too? i have no clue.
By #485312 at 16,Jul,15 09:02
yes, l wax everything, and lve waxed a few guys...get it done by a professional first, as it hurts a bit and the skin needs to be tight...but after its well worth the effort, smoother, no stubble or itch when it grows back...*lix*
By leopoldij at 16,Jul,15 23:29 other posts of leopoldij 
But how often do you have to get waxed then?
By #485312 at 17,Jul,15 02:27
only about once a month, depends on your hair growth, light haired people usually less frequent, darker haired maybe more often, everyones different, some are lucky and doesn't grow back as thick or fast the more you wax *lix*

By #159671 at 12,Dec,14 06:58
I use a razor on my balls in the shower. It's wet but I use nothing but water. Seems to work fine for me. No stretching either. Comes out smooth as a mutha too.

Maybe every few weeks I use an electric buzzer to trim down the bush.

By #220845 at 08,Dec,14 00:01
I shave chest, tummy, ass, Bush, cock, balls, in the shower with a good soap lather works fine
By leopoldij at 12,Dec,14 02:35 other posts of leopoldij 
No itch after a few days??
By #248658 at 12,Dec,14 03:02
I don't have any itch at all when I shave our between shaves. Sometimes a week may pass between shaving down there.

By #122507 at 07,Dec,14 15:26
I shave my cock and balls in the shower with a razor, but never get any itching.
[deleted image]

On the area around my cock and balls, I get itching, so I should probably try an electric shaver there instead.
By leopoldij at 07,Dec,14 20:21 other posts of leopoldij 
so you *do* get some itching, right? electric shaver doesn't give any itching (i learned this on youtube).

By #285354 at 06,Dec,14 20:46
I recently start shaving my balls and love it. I've found it to be very easy to do in the shower with shaving cream. I shave about once a week and it feels great. No itch!
I like the full bush look above the cock.

By #471760 at 06,Dec,14 20:30
Get Nair for Men on eBay.

No nicks, no itch, and baby smooth....

By #455846 at 22,Jul,14 00:02
it doesnt seem to shave that close but great to read your article and experience -Thanks
By leopoldij at 22,Jul,14 00:28 other posts of leopoldij 
Welcome. It really works for me.

By leopoldij at 21,Jul,14 19:08 other posts of leopoldij 
I thought someone might have a comment on this. Please Let me know your thoughts. ..

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