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You silly bastards are ruining the forum!

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #303133 at 03,Sep,14 01:54
The SYD forum used to be a place where a member could go to engage in some serious dick rating, brow beating and "does this make me gay"ing, but all of the damned silliness and general grab-assery of late has really brought the tone down to an irritatingly low point.

This site is called SHOW YOUR DICK for a reason, dammit! It is not intended to be enjoyable. Dick showing is a fucking serious business, and you ninny-hammers are just destroying the whole thing by having "fun".

Either show your damn dick without cracking jokes, or find some other site with "plenty of silly and ridiculous topics for you to make an ass of yourself in".

Those of us who were born without a sense of humor don't like your kind around these parts...

Similar topics: 1.Tired of what do you think.... on the forum   2.Women in men clothes??   3.OMG!!!!!!!   4.All this damn silliness...   5.I have recently had my pecker smacked...  

New Comment

By bella! at 03,Sep,14 02:21 other posts of bella! 
Wait a damn minute! On your page you have one dick pic, a pie chart and a picture of the Mona Lisa. Who are you calling a ninny-hammer, Coyote Boy?
By #303133 at 03,Sep,14 02:30
That's a serious damn pie chart!
I stand by my original point...
By bella! at 03,Sep,14 03:00 other posts of bella! 
By #68656 at 03,Sep,14 09:19
Does the definition of "forum" extend to private group forums where various members can be targetted, discussed and attacked in se-cret.??
By #303133 at 03,Sep,14 14:04
Oh, good lord, are you still going on about that?
By #68656 at 03,Sep,14 15:05
Could you answer the question please.?
By #303133 at 03,Sep,14 16:23
Okay, here goes:
1.A "private group forum" is just that--private. What is said in such a venue is not the business of individuals who are not members of that group.
2. One of the reasons that certain subjects are discussed in private is to avoid airing "dirty laundry" in a public forum.
3. None of the members of the group in question divulged the contents of the group's discussion in the main forum. That was the work of a non-member...who continues to bring the subject up long after the group members--the individuals who had their privacy violated--have moved past it.
4. That particular group are not the only members of SYD to have ever expressed annoyance at the behavior of another member--whether in a "private" group, by PM, in chat or here in the public forum. It happens all the time--as you well know, John. Are you not guilty of sending "in strictest confidence" PMs to myself and numerous other SYD members so that you might point out an issue that you were having with another member? (Note, by the way, that I never broke your confidence in this regard.)
5. There was no "attack". It was mentioned that you and other members were behaving like ass-hats. (Which, you most definitely were. Sometimes, you seem to forget that we all don't share your perspective on the world and all things SYD.)
6. Until you began flogging this donkey in the public forum, sharing with the forum readers every thing discussed in that "private" group and intimating that you had magical eavesdropping abilities, the group members had moved on to other topics.

Does that answer your question?
By bella! at 03,Sep,14 17:51 other posts of bella! 
I realize that I am one of the ass-hats that have been discussed, but when I check MY LIST, I have a name that deserves being discussed as their behavior definitely qualifies them to be on that ass-hat list. Believe that!

By johnp at 03,Sep,14 17:58 other posts of johnp 
Will u talk about me in **** pleeeeaase!? I love attention negative or positive.. Public or privet .. Just talk about MEEE... For the love of god can I get some privet forum time please!!!!!
By bella! at 03,Sep,14 18:49 other posts of bella! 
Please note that JustWill's forum topic, STOP NEONATAL VOCABULARY MUTILATION may be of interest to you. Post there, and I'm sure JustWill will devote as much time to you that you so sorely need! lol

By the way, what the H-E-double hockey sticks is "privet"?
By #303133 at 03,Sep,14 20:42
A "privet" is a type of shrubbery.
By bella! at 03,Sep,14 20:55 other posts of bella! 
So he wants to talk about a bush? Whose bush?
By #303133 at 03,Sep,14 20:56
Oh, for the love of gawd, don't get him started!!!!!!
By bella! at 03,Sep,14 21:07 other posts of bella! 
Too late!
To late!
Two late!

Fer fuck sakes, I want to make sure that I have my bases covered so all the ninny-hammers understand!

By johnp at 03,Sep,14 20:59 other posts of johnp 
How do u throat punch someone over text on the forum?? Or an I not supposed to make comments like that?? U all knew what I meant fer fuck sakes!!!!
By bella! at 03,Sep,14 21:04 other posts of bella! 
You're going to throat punch me? Well, well, well..... how do kick someone in the nuts via text?
By johnp at 03,Sep,14 21:24 other posts of johnp 
I was directing that towards the big dog J.W. So y u startin static huh!? Oh sorry start-ING ... I don't want to confuse u again ..
By bella! at 04,Sep,14 04:17 other posts of bella! 
No problem, if I can find out how to kick someone in the nuts ( via text ) can YOU be my maiden voyage?

By johnp at 03,Sep,14 20:55 other posts of johnp 
Holy hamburgers don't start the grammar police shit w me again bella!!!! U knew what I meant!!! Jeez ur starting to sound like peach!
By bella! at 03,Sep,14 21:02 other posts of bella! 
Hell no, I did NOT understand you!

By #316255 at 03,Sep,14 17:48
Good Lord. Give it up already.
By Ray10754 at 03,Sep,14 17:54 other posts of Ray10754 
DAM !!! Talk about beating a hose to death! Stirng the pot is all this is! Attention and Dama 100%

By bella! at 03,Sep,14 18:50 other posts of bella! 
Did any of you notice JustWill's metamorphosis into Coyote Boy?
By #354861 at 03,Sep,14 19:02
Yeah. Sad isn't it? Did he paint that portrait himself or steal it from someone?
By bella! at 03,Sep,14 19:43 other posts of bella! 
Don't go there, avatars are exempt from copyright infringement. Also, I like JustWill, we have been friends since he was JustLookin and that's a long time. Friends are kinda like family, even better because you don't get to pick your family. Friends don't always have to see eye to eye and they can fall out every now and then, it's all good!

By #303133 at 03,Sep,14 20:40
You just have to be a douche, don't you?
By #354861 at 03,Sep,14 20:51
Nope. I don't, nor am i. Seems to me and anyone who has seen your ridiculous posts of late that being a douche would be your area of expertise, not mine.
By #303133 at 03,Sep,14 20:52
That reply seems kinda douche-ish to me.
It must be tough going through life with your panties in such a wad...
By #354861 at 03,Sep,14 21:31
Yeah, and it must be tough going through life for you also. Especially since you have the social skills of a 3rd grader...and even that's pushing it.
By #303133 at 03,Sep,14 21:35
You hurt my feelings
(Hang around with a lot of 3rd graders, do you? Damn, that's creepy...)
By #354861 at 03,Sep,14 21:40
No creepy would be the contents of your private messages. They were quite an interesting read earlier. About as interesting as what your silly little group says everytime i open that to read for my amusement.
By #303133 at 03,Sep,14 21:50
You're one of "those".
I do not believe that I have ever KNOWINGLY exchanged private messages with you.
You must have learned the fine art of fake profile making from your Overlord.
It is kind of you to out yourself as a phony in the forum.
By #354861 at 03,Sep,14 21:54
You're so foolish. Don't believe everything you hear from people who have no credibility. Since you don't know jackshit about me, you have no say in who i am.
By #303133 at 03,Sep,14 22:01
Um...what does that mean in English?
Are you saying that I DID exchange messages with you, or that you have no credibility?
Technically speaking, I have no say in who ANYONE is.
By #354861 at 03,Sep,14 22:05
It's quite simple really. This is my only account. It's well proven to be so. Had i ever wanted to make another "fake" as you put it, i easily could. I learned how to do it from 3 of your best friends. Mother Hen, the fairy godmother, and an evil hornet. They do it better than anyone does.
By #303133 at 03,Sep,14 22:14
Your yammering grows boring.
I am sure you believe you are making some kind of point; I just fail to see what it is...
By #354861 at 03,Sep,14 22:18
It's made now. No further time will be wasted on the likes of you or people of your nature. It's an obvious waste of time i could use to speak with decent people.
By #303133 at 03,Sep,14 22:21
You have said much the same in various other threads after spewing incoherent drivel all over them.
Yet you keep coming back.
In any case, you have my permission to go away now.
(Jeezus, I thought he'd NEVER leave!)
By #354861 at 03,Sep,14 22:29
Nice edit...
By #303133 at 03,Sep,14 22:33
You said you had no further time to waste here.
So, now you are a liar as well as a fake?
By #354861 at 03,Sep,14 22:42
I'm going to pretend you didn't just call me either of those things, cause had you said them to my face you'd be saying nothing at all right now. You'd be eating pavement. NOBODY says those things to me cause i am neither of them. I came back cause you said in your original post that decent people would not talk to me and then proceded to visit my page and see otherwise and edited your post. Therefore eating your words yet again. Yeah, know what your talking about before you open your fucking mouth again.
By johnp at 03,Sep,14 22:51 other posts of johnp 
Yikes 😁

By JeffinKS at 03,Sep,14 19:07 other posts of JeffinKS 

By bella! at 03,Sep,14 21:22 other posts of bella! 
May I make a suggestion to you, JustWill? Open a thread and call it Just English with JustWill. Pick an obscure word for the day, provide the definition and use it in a sentence with a JustWill spin!

Frick! I have never heard of the word privet, have never had the need to work it into a conversation thus far. Just think how many folks you might enrich that do word search puzzles, crossword puzzles other than those found in the weekly TV guide OR just like to sound smart when they're with an average group of people!

By johnp at 03,Sep,14 14:14 other posts of johnp 
I've been preaching that shit for yrs and no one would listen. Now show us some cock j.w. ... Ps top 5 best/funniest forum topics!!good job bro proud of ya
By #303133 at 03,Sep,14 16:30
Thank you. (Funny, but that didn't hurt as much as I thought it would.)
Two things:
1. You have seen as much of my cock as I am willing to show you.
2. What are the other four topics on your list?
By johnp at 03,Sep,14 17:52 other posts of johnp 
Y so shy bro?? The other forum topics r mine of course.. Classics like rate my brain or the one where I ask u and two nice to show us the cock... Couple funny ones where I fuck w peach!!

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