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Started by #467361 at 07,Oct,14 08:10
No one talks on this site any more. Why is that?

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By JeffinKS at 14,May,15 12:58 other posts of JeffinKS 
the chat rooms are almost always dead....
I do send out messages but would rather chat in a chatroom.... but I guess those days are gone.. at least for this site
By bella! at 14,May,15 16:03 other posts of bella! 
May I ask, do meaningful conversations really happen in chat? I've popped in every now and then, see a bunch of emoticons, i.e. and decide to leave.
By JeffinKS at 29,May,15 11:38 other posts of JeffinKS 
yes at times there is actually something meaningful going on.
I have seen you come into a chat room.. and before anyone can say hello... you have left already. take a chance hangout and chat with us . 98% of the members no longer chat.. I miss that

By bella! at 07,Oct,14 22:09 other posts of bella! 
Yuuup, they're both right! I receive messages from both pifad and routemaster. Both are really nice men, take some time and send them a message, you won't regret it.
By pifad at 14,May,15 13:05 other posts of pifad 
Thank you Bella.
What goes around comes around. Sometimes ya just have to put yourself out there. I talk to everyone!!
By bella! at 14,May,15 15:04 other posts of bella! 
You are a gem!

By #485312 at 14,May,15 12:51
depends on the messages, l don't like answering statements, or emoticons, or messages with less than five words...stupid questions come into that category where are you from when its written on my profile, and they haven't bothered to read the heading that above everyones profile *lix*

By CreativeOne at 09,Oct,14 02:47 other posts of CreativeOne 
[deleted image]

Really ? Personally ... I'm not sure why you posted this thread . I mean , I personally chat with so many members here and most everyone I know ... chat's with everyone as well ! I get a lot of messages - comments and I respond to All of them . So I can say there really are a lot of members here that chat with each other and more !!!

By pifad at 07,Oct,14 20:27 other posts of pifad 
I talk to lots of people on here as well.

By routemaster at 07,Oct,14 08:39 other posts of routemaster 
I talk to lots of people on here

Adult Discussion Forum