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Someone please describe sucking a dick!

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Started by #372233 at 16,Oct,14 21:39
I always wanted to wrap my lips around a nice cock but the opportunity never arose. I'm not really a bar person and I don't want to do anything online. I'm mostly straight but do enjoy the sight of dick.

On a side note, what do you think of mine?

Similar topics: 1.Describe a Favorites Dick you like?   2.Thinking about sucking a dick   3.Name that Dick!   4.Describe   5.Describe your idea of the ideal dick  

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By spermkiss at 17,Oct,14 15:33 other posts of spermkiss 
OK, you're thinking about becoming a cocksucker, even though you self identify as "mostly straight", and you'd like to know what it's like. Well, I'm a cocksucker, indeed, I consider myself a World Class Cocksucker, and sucking another man off is my All Time Favorite sex act. So I'll do what I can to convey what it's like.

First of all, I'll address your "mostly straight" identity. It is far from unusual for a straight man to enjoy sucking a cock. It is much more prevalent than most people realize. I call these men straight cocksuckers and there are a LOT of them. So how many are there? I've known a couple of dozen in my personal life and there are undoubtedly millions worldwide.

You're a man and you know how good it feels to reach an orgasmic climax and ejaculate. It just plain feels good. At any time. But when the hormones are raging and you're so horny you can't see straight getting an orgasmic release becomes all you think about. You just gotta have it.

Now consider how satisfying it would be to give that pleasure to another man. To know that he has trusted you with his prized penis and has placed getting his sexual satisfaction in your hands or more literally in your mouth is enormously fulfilling.

When I'm sucking a guy off I do not want any distractions. I don't touch my own dick while I'm doing it and I'd rather the other guy not touch it either. Or suck it. If he wants to suck me off before or after I suck him, that's fine. But when I'm sucking I want to be able to devote my full attention to my mouth, to the dick that is in it and to the man whose dick it is. I want to be attuned to his response to my oral service so that I can fine tune my performance on the go so that he has a rewarding sexual experience and a satisfying orgasm.

Finally, about ejaculation. Receiving the gift of the man's sperm is the highlight of the entire cocksucking experience. I love sperm. Sperm is the precious nectar of passion. Sperm is life. When a man give me his sperm he is giving me a living part of his body. There are live sperm cells swimming around in the seminal fluid. When I swallow it -- and I always do -- that sperm will go down into my gut, be digested and become muscle tissue in my body. Part of him will become part of me. That feels really good.

So get out there, get down on your knees and suck a man off. You'll be glad you did.
By #462598 at 18,Oct,14 17:41
Spermkiss, WELL DONE and well said!!
By spermkiss at 19,Oct,14 15:28 other posts of spermkiss 
Thank you. How kind of you to say that. More than once I've been told that I have a good way with the written word. If I do say so myself, I'm rather proud of the way I have rendered into writing the excitement, fulfillment, satisfaction and reward of the cocksucking experience. Thanks again.

By stroker11 at 21,Oct,14 15:16 other posts of stroker11 
Great description and very well said....sperm is the most precious substance on earth....a gift from God for our ultimate pleasure, both in love and to procreate.
By spermkiss at 21,Oct,14 17:15 other posts of spermkiss 
"...sperm is the most precious substance on earth..."

Man, you got that right. It's great to give and great to receive. It's a known antidepressant. If you're feeling blue, go out and give a man a blow job and swallow his load. You'll feel better and so will he.

By #23212 at 18,Oct,14 06:32
Hmmm, all these folks here giving suggestions to the poster here who claims, "I always wanted to ... ... but the opportunity never arose", seem to have missed his blog of 06 July, 2013, where he describes sucking his first cock!!
By #447598 at 18,Oct,14 10:21
Someone's a little detective. :o
By #23212 at 18,Oct,14 23:21
Perhaps it might feel that way to you, but to me it's just noticing blatantly obvious incongruities.

By #359325 at 18,Oct,14 13:29
He says he's mostly straight, but his bio says he's bi?

By #452213 at 18,Oct,14 17:27
he must have deleted it
By #23212 at 18,Oct,14 23:26
Apparently, after seeing this post, he did delete his blog of his delight in having sucked a cock in July, 2013. We can wish him well "to find one" again, given the approx. 2 billion human adult males on Earth.
By #316057 at 19,Oct,14 18:02
I saw his blog he did deleted

By #462598 at 17,Oct,14 20:30
Sucking cock is magical and the best thing you will ever put in your mouth. To describe it you have to experience it. The fleshy throbbing shaft and smooth swollen cock head filling your mouth is absolutely heavenly.
By spermkiss at 19,Oct,14 15:19 other posts of spermkiss 
Spoken like a true blue, dyed-in-the-wool cocksucker. Cocksuckers rule!

By #372233 at 17,Oct,14 03:36
What's the best way to find to find one, aside from what I've mentioned
By #451452 at 17,Oct,14 10:21

By #472683 at 17,Oct,14 01:45
1. Find dick.

2. Wrap mouth around it.

3. Suck while moving up and down.

By t-rex at 17,Oct,14 02:15 other posts of t-rex 
You are so cute

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