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Started by #403616 at 29,Oct,14 16:03
I don't know why some women who post on "show your cunt" feel like it's a gynecology exam. Come on girls, you don't have to drive a Mack truck in it. Also, if you weigh more than 160 lbs, keep it covered, IMHO

Similar topics: 1.Cocks on Cunts sites   2.Why so many cunts on the dick page   3.Cocks on Cunts page   4.I love to look at shaved cunts. Why not show me yours   5.Famous cunts  

New Comment

By #493281 at 04,Aug,15 08:35
Don't think this cretin is a member any more so it's probably pointless commenting, but I'm surprised any girls / women post themselves with attitudes like that around!.....and probably explains why there are 50 cocks to every cunt on this site!!

He was probably some troll sitting at his computer getting his kicks trying to wind people up and being "oh so controversial"...whilst attempting to get his tiny flaccid cock erect!

By #143536 at 03,Aug,15 18:26
I agree with Dr Gyno. I enjoy women of all shapes and sizes and ages!! I also love cunts. Up close, far away, wet, dry, big lips small lips.

I wish more ladies would show more of their bodies!

I love you, ladies!!

By #473614 at 06,Nov,14 23:23
you are exactly the reason we hesitate. smh

By #358797 at 29,Oct,14 18:29
How rude! A woman's weight is absolutely none of your concern!
By leopoldij at 06,Nov,14 16:46 other posts of leopoldij 
he's obviously choosing women according to how much money he has in his wallet.

By #303133 at 29,Oct,14 16:21
You are obviously going to make a lot of friends here...
By #474162 at 29,Oct,14 17:35
And of course the topic is posted by someone who seems to be over weight and doesn't exactly have attractive genetalia thwmselves.
By #303133 at 29,Oct,14 17:45
You forgot to add "IMHO" at the end.
Because, as we all know, that makes it all okay...
By #451452 at 06,Nov,14 09:16
If your from the USA "bless his or her little heart" also makes anything rude or mean ok.

By #403616 at 29,Oct,14 20:28
Weigh 157, not over weight and I personally think my genetalia is very attractive. Hell, I sure play with it enough, I must think so!
By bella! at 29,Oct,14 22:57 other posts of bella! 
You play with your genitalia 'enough'? Are you retired and alone? Don't want no short, short man........

By bella! at 29,Oct,14 18:44 other posts of bella! 
Men can be so damn funny, 160 lbs weight limit makes me say hmmmmmm.......!

If she has an athletic build, 160 lbs could be nothing but muscle. If she's 5'10", 160 lbs is nothing but legs ( if you're lucky ). Now if she's 4'9", she most likely is a bit fluffy!
By #146802 at 05,Nov,14 13:59
Short n sweet

By #451452 at 06,Nov,14 09:20
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. What is in the person's mind and heart are far more important than what their weight is. If you like body builders, then expect them to weigh more than average for their height. If you like then curvaceous, not people who have silicon everywhere, then there will be more of them to love. Personal preference is what it is about. If you think that you are a perfect specimen, then flaunt it and to heck with others. Be proud of who you are and how you look.

By nekekal at 31,Oct,14 17:36 other posts of nekekal 
I don't know. I like seeing cunts. I would like to fuck them more, but just looking is ok. Sort of like looking at cars. I cannot drive them and certainly cannot buy them, but it nice to look, knowing that someone uses them.

Ok, I would not mind seeing a little more imagination when photographing them, but the same can be said for cocks. A cunt is what it is. And I will take what I can get.

By #473773 at 31,Oct,14 08:26
hey they don't all do that

plus ALL pussies are great. Tight ones, loose ones, hairy ones, shaved ones, young ones, old ones, love em all

By t-rex at 30,Oct,14 01:07 other posts of t-rex 
I love all the women on here, so glad they they feel confident enough to share, don't cut them down , none of us are perfect, keep the pictures coming ladies !!!!!

By #443664 at 29,Oct,14 21:39
I thought it was 'all about the bass' these days, guess I was wrong.

For me, even though I prefer slim girls, women of all sizes are beautiful in their own way. I find Kerry Marie really hot.
By Sickboy at 30,Oct,14 01:04 other posts of Sickboy 
No treble!

By DeepThroatThis at 29,Oct,14 18:10 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
Personally I love the way our female members pose. Most pics are very creative and there is nothing more beautiful then a pussy up close so move on pal

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