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Can't delete my page images.

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Started by fancyabit at 21,Dec,14 03:58  other posts of fancyabit
I can't delete my old pics, I pressed the "delete image" over and over again, sign out and in, testared my phone, still cannot delete! Can anyone help?

Similar topics: 1.DELETE PC   2.Who should we delete ?   3.New feature - tags for images   4.Why bother   5.100 PIC PERSONAL GALLERY PAGES?  

New Comment

By admin at 26,Dec,14 23:18 other posts of admin 
if(confirm('Are you sure to delete this image?')) window.location='/delete.php?id=image_id

Simple javascript to block accidental hits. Either you have JavaScript turned off or some really retarded pop-up blocker. Anyway, it's not a problem of the site.

By #435701 at 26,Dec,14 20:39
I am sorry to say that anything you put on the internet has made you immortal...

By #363641 at 24,Dec,14 20:27
I have the opposite problem! Using an iPhone I can't upload any photos. I haven't been able to for about 8 months now.

By #451452 at 21,Dec,14 19:37
igning out may not be enough, you need to clear your internet cache to **** the updated page to be re-loaded with the changed content. If you add a new picture does it show up right away?

By bella! at 21,Dec,14 13:01 other posts of bella! 
Are you saying that when you 'click' on a specific picture on your page and choose the DELETE THIS IMAGE option, nothing happens?

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