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adult cinemas

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Started by #48408 at 13,Jan,10 17:33
I've read alot of posts mentioning adult cinemas. mostly when talking about a gay experience. Im really interested in going to one i've found not far from me. is it just standard for people to be wanking each other off and stuff or is this just rare occurances?
i've got a huge fantasy of a random guy coming to me and wanking me off as i wank him.

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New Comment

By #220845 at 24,Jun,13 16:43

By #315268 at 24,Jun,13 16:10
Any in the Seattle area???

By spermkiss at 06,Dec,12 03:57 other posts of spermkiss 
That depends on the adult cinema. Obviously the motion pictures shown in these theaters feature explicit sex.

But does sex occur among the audience members? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. I've been told very explicitly when purchasing my ticket "There's no smoking and no jacking off inside." I would presume that also means no fucking and no sucking. In others, sex in the seating area between patrons is de rigueur.

Go and find out.

By #311749 at 06,Dec,12 03:46
I always sit bottoms naked in porn theatre.the guys see u wankn they join u

By MoeJoe at 14,Jan,10 01:41 other posts of MoeJoe 
Maybe if you are lucky you will encounter a couple in the theater, who are looking for some fun.....a very common ocurrence in many adult cinemas.

Adult Discussion Forum