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Deep throat cum question.

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Started by Blade at 05,Jan,15 02:48  other posts of Blade
When you are fucking someone's mouth, and they take you in deep, what happens if you cum right when you are the deepest down their throat? What has happened to the person sucking you I mean. Did they choak? swallow with ease? Some other reaction?

Similar topics: 1.Deep throat   2.Deep throat   3.Deep throat   4.Breaking the deepthroat barrier   5.sucking cock the right way  

New Comment

By #358797 at 05,Jan,15 04:19
I've had it happen many times. It just goes right down...
By leopoldij at 05,Jan,15 18:46 other posts of leopoldij 
That statement of yours made me hard Arexa.
By #358797 at 05,Jan,15 23:28
Doesn't everything make you hard?
By leopoldij at 06,Jan,15 06:09 other posts of leopoldij 
Nope. Try me.

By #550639 at 23,Apr,18 06:10
looks like you enjoyed it 2

By #204766 at 03,Dec,17 21:26
Swallowed with ease

By #535819 at 03,Dec,17 13:16
What happens depends how ready you are for it.

By #485312 at 05,Aug,15 08:42
everyones different, l like it down deep, much easier to take a big load *lix*
By Blade at 06,Aug,15 01:55 other posts of Blade 
Does it make you swallow, or does it just slide down your throat? I would think it makes you swallow from reflex right?
By #485312 at 06,Aug,15 07:20
yes, l just seem to swallow without thinking, l can feel the heat and its very soothing *lix*

By Fritz at 31,Mar,15 12:01 other posts of Fritz 
with my 5 1/2inch it does not matter how deep it is in their mouths

By #453604 at 31,Mar,15 10:12
Swallow with ease

By cumonme1 at 27,Mar,15 19:18 other posts of cumonme1 
I sucked a cock I had as much as I could get in my mouth as he fucked my face and I sucked and tongued his shaft, when he came his warm load went right down my throat. now I want more cock.

By #208346 at 27,Mar,15 05:48
Swallow with ease.Just not enough.

By #40333 at 10,Jan,15 11:26
I had a guy nut down my throat while I deepthroated could feel his Semen shooting but to my surprise, it went down easily.
By Blade at 27,Mar,15 02:45 other posts of Blade 
Did you have to swallow it, or did it just run down your throat?

By bikev at 10,Jan,15 07:37 other posts of bikev 
It just goes straight down into my belly. I do this all the time.

By #204766 at 09,Jan,15 06:29
Down it goes no problem

By t-rex at 05,Jan,15 02:57 other posts of t-rex 
My experience, some have swallowed with ease, some don't have as good a gag reflex and have to back off,

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