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sucking cock the right way

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Started by northernlad at 05,Nov,14 20:14  other posts of northernlad
I love sucking cock, and really just want to get down and deep throat that dick ASAP....but maybe guys don't like it done that way.
If you like to get your cock sucked, do you want the sucker to deep throat you, or do you prefer more tongue and lips action?

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New Comment

By deepchocolate2071 at 10,Nov,19 23:05 other posts of deepchocolate2071 
Everyone is different. I love to be sucked but NO TEETH, tight lipped, and a WARM mouth after a hot drink. I don't like cold blow jobs.

By kebmo at 23,Aug,19 16:33 other posts of kebmo 
Is there such a thing as a bad blowjob? I've never had one... and hopefully never given one!
By MM_DD at 03,Sep,19 11:30 other posts of MM_DD 
Unfortunately, yes, there is. My first boyfriend couldn't suck cock worth anything. I literally had to look down just to make sure he was even touching me. Not meaning to diss him because he's a wonderful, beautiful man and I still love him to this day, but I remember being so disappointed. After him, if the guy I was with sucked my cock at all, it was just OK. I never really got a good BJ until my husband came long, and he gives me the best blowjobs I've ever had...and goodness knows I try my best to do the same for him. So all's well that ends well.

By spermkiss at 23,Aug,19 16:25 other posts of spermkiss 
No matter how it's done, the most important part of cocksucking is to take the man all the way to climax and SWALLOW HIS LOAD.
By northernlad at 03,Sep,19 06:51 other posts of northernlad 
absolutely, I adore swallowing a load

By MM_DD at 03,Sep,19 10:59 other posts of MM_DD 
Yes. This. Every time.

By centexwill at 03,Sep,19 05:33 other posts of centexwill 
I prefer the tongue and lips.

By SluttySarah069 at 23,Aug,19 19:40 other posts of SluttySarah069 
I love cock sucking and I can't remember how many times I have done it. I just let the guy I'm sucking take it as far as he wants. Inevitably the al end up thrusting it right down my throat making me gag - (lovely I love it when they make me gag) and then shoot their load down into me. I then try try tastes it and let some of it dribble down my face and then swallow most of it.

By bikev at 23,Aug,19 07:45 other posts of bikev 
Most men like to have their cock sucked and licked every which way you can. Lick the head and shaft or take all the way into your throat.

By thebeewolf at 18,Aug,19 15:42 other posts of thebeewolf 
You won't find me objecting to a nice deepthroating. It's fucking awesome, especially when I feel that bumping pressure of the head of my cock turning the corner at the back of your throat. But it's not everything. I do like a mid-depth head bob. Even ball sucking is a nice addition. Mix it up! But whatever you do, don't leave out that bottom-hitting deepthroat action.

By #590925 at 12,Aug,19 04:01
I enjoy more tongue and lips action.

By knewbi at 10,Jun,19 16:04 other posts of knewbi 
I have had mine sucked by so many people, men and women, and have yet to find someone willing to such it that I did not enjoy. Some were just better at it.

By #220845 at 06,Nov,14 20:05
If you're really a cocksucker, you just know how, save the deep throating till midway through the bj.
By #588373 at 09,Jun,19 03:29
Absolutely.First explore his entire cock from the tip to below his balls including his balls and the area between his balls and anus, wet your fingers and see if he likes u to play with his nipples while sucking.
You can kinda tell if a man wants more cock in your mouth because he will do it, then let him drive
Once u know how much cock he wants parked start slow
He will also normally set the tempo.
And finally once he increases the tempo, try mouth fucking his cock because that lets him know
If he wants he can let his horse out of the corral and ride your head.

By nekekal at 06,Nov,14 17:52 other posts of nekekal 
The only thing I like swallowed is my cum. I like my cock licked, fondled, nibbled at, and the front 3 inches sucked. It is a mouthful and I **** to see anyone gagging. But sucking, please.
By foreskinlover52 at 06,Nov,14 20:07 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I agree!

By *kmadeau* at 06,Nov,14 19:22 other posts of *kmadeau* 
just suck on it as long as you can the way you like that

By #460895 at 06,Nov,14 07:23
jakul lang

By t-rex at 06,Nov,14 02:31 other posts of t-rex 
I like to be swallowed, I like to be teased, licked, sucked, it all makes the blow job a great thing

By Texas979 at 05,Nov,14 21:03 other posts of Texas979 
Take it all!!!! Work it up and down until it explodes
By #476756 at 05,Nov,14 21:45
all of the above

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