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prostate massager toys

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Started by #476211 at 24,Jan,15 07:43
I have several eneros massagers they are awesome use lots of lube after some deep breaths my cock starts leaking.after about 20 minutes cum is flowing pretty good I try to eat it all.sometimes there has to be a half a cup of cum I eat. Its like coming for 20 minutes straight. Let's hear your story

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New Comment

By #485312 at 04,May,15 11:43
well that's good to know, might get one instead of using my finger if it has that effect on a guy...thanks for sharing *lix*
By #23212 at 07,May,15 06:25
*lix*, you may want to look at the many prostate massagers that are meant to be hand-held; so that you can use them with your man/men. The Aneros line is meant to be used without hands, using the man's own 'muscle squeezing'--something quite different. Happy massaging!
By #485312 at 30,Jul,15 04:29
might have to acquire a few for my collection and try them out on the willing, l like the sound of that, they can leave them in while lm fucking them *lix*
By Mrfrisky at 02,Aug,15 23:00 other posts of Mrfrisky 
I really like how you think.

By spermkiss at 24,Jan,15 17:03 other posts of spermkiss 
Man, the best prostate massager of all is an erect penis. For a man who enjoys a good prostate massage (and there are a LOT of them, not all of them gay by any means), to have a man mount you, put his erect penis in your anus, probe about until he finds your g-spot (or is it the P-spot?), then pump away giving you pleasure while at the same time deriving his own sexual pleasure from the action can be enormously rewarding.
By #420420 at 31,Jul,15 02:50
We aren't all as lucky as you, being so open, so out there, having someone to play with.
It's not like there is a 'penis rental' place where you can get one of your choice, really, safely.
What a great idea for a 'service'!! It could be like 'Angie's List' but you could just sign in and request what you want, experienced, large, small, playful, whatever!
By spermkiss at 31,Jul,15 14:59 other posts of spermkiss 
"...'penis rental' place where you could get one of your choice..."

Damn! The images that flashed thru my head upon reading that are mind boggling. I saw a fashionable store with a nice tasteful name like The Penis Palace. Inside would be a well appointed showroom filled with gentlemen without pants so that their penises were on full display. The clients could look over the wares on display and make their selections.

By leopoldij at 16,May,15 13:14 other posts of leopoldij 
Here's my anal toy [deleted image] and here s me using it [deleted image]

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