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Started by #272281 at 28,Jan,15 22:58
So the other night I get home from work and my significant other was really hinting about dinner and sex. I said great just let me shower and get ready. After I get done showering my beauty queen walks in a sees my blow drying my nut bag. I told her I was trying to kill two birds with one stone by blow drying my nuts by heating up her dinner. I don't know WTF I was doing wrong but she left the house without dinner and sex

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By #358797 at 29,Jan,15 15:41
Apparently someone gets their jokes from memes... How original!
I've been seeing that shit in my facebook feed for the last 6 months...

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By #147052 at 29,Jan,15 15:20
Nice story. So how was the hand job that you gave yourself while you were wondering why you were alone.

By boc at 29,Jan,15 07:43 other posts of boc 
I hope that is a joke. It actually sounds like an Andrew Dice Clay joke.

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