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Horny moment at the doctor

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Started by #494303 at 21,Jul,15 12:45
Today i went to the doctor because i had an appointment to get x-rays on my stomach. The doctor was a 40 ish normal woman, when i say normal im saying she wasnt really hot or atractive to me. She then told me to put down my jeans so the metal button and the zipper wont appear on thr xray. I pulled down my jeans and i dont know why but i got a lil bit horny. The woman wouldnt stop looking at my bulge eventhough i wasnt hard at all. But the fact i was getting looked at startet to get me harder and i think she realised. She told me to put my feet together, straight back and hold my breath. She went to this room so i could get the xray done and when she came out i was totally hard. I had a huge hard on, i thought my cock was gonna explode. She couldnt stop looking and turned me on a lot.

Its a stupid story cuz nothing happens afterwards. I had to jack off when i got home and i came more than ever.

Have u guys ever had a situation like this?

Please share!!

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New Comment

By leopoldij at 21,Jul,15 19:30 other posts of leopoldij 
It has happened to me too. A couple of years ago I had a female doctor examine me naked. She checked me everywhere, including genitals. She touched my cock and balls with white gloves. I did get hard. She said nothing. Very professional. But I did masturbate later.
By #485312 at 28,Jul,15 14:22
l wonder if it had anything to do with ovulation?? maybe its a pheromone thing and something that's built into us some way...then again, it could just be a horny man thing lol, *lix*
By jayman73 at 28,Jul,15 15:07 other posts of jayman73 
It may have something to do with ovulation, but most likely it is a horny man thing. I speak from experience.

By #491615 at 28,Jul,15 15:19
I am Voting for: Horny Man Thing !!
By #485312 at 29,Jul,15 02:16
maybe l should take up radiology for side job *lix*

By jayman73 at 28,Jul,15 15:17 other posts of jayman73 
So, I had an interesting experience, that I think would be appropriate to share here. Quite a few years back I needed to see a specialist for a possible testicular hernia. It in fact did not turn out to be a hernia, after they actually got me on the operating table. What it was was a large amount of fluid in the scrotum. Anyways, the doctor had asked me to pull down my pants so he could examine the scrotum and the area for surgery. But what was funny, was that he had a medical student with him. She was a very attractive, about 23 year old redhead, very nice, very sweet. The doctor then had asked if it was okay to talk to her about my scrotum. I said yes of course, and he began to proceed grabbing at it and actually explaining to this woman the whole situation. It was really hot having it being explained to her and her seeing my private parts exposed to her. Who can get hard after that. This was a real story, something that actually happened to me believe it or not. I wonder what happened to her.

By #311947 at 28,Jul,15 13:41
Never had a situation like that but awesome story

By #436014 at 22,Jul,15 09:25
I wanna hear the lady doctors perspective on this, if they get turned on, if it reaffirms their sexiness, etc. Inquiring minds wanna know.

By bella! at 21,Jul,15 17:08 other posts of bella! 
At least you provided your normal woman with a saucy story she can share with her coworkers!

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