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Older penis - differences?

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Started by #149545 at 09,Feb,15 16:40
Question to older mens: What are the differences between the penis at a young age and when you're older? Skipping erections because it's weaker and less frequent. Is he smaller? Did you notice any differences? Do you feel pain during sex or feel pleasure from it?

Similar topics: 1.Ever had sex with an Indian?   2.older men   3.Growers vs Showers?   4.When does age difference become weird   5.Are there any men here who would prefer to suck on the same Penis all the time?  

New Comment

By #518391 at 27,May,17 09:43
My cock is the same size as ever...though not sure how much my long tapering foreskin added when soft and has now gone...I don't get such instant hard-ons as before and need more visual and physical stimulation to get properly hard...but feel as horny as ever and orgasms are as intense as ever. And now being circumcised has added an extra dimension to sex...the snesation on the top of my helmet when fucking is just amazing.

By #519017 at 27,May,17 07:18
It takes longer to get erect and it needs more stimulation. Just thinking about a woman or ogling porn or seeing my wife nude isn't quite enough. I need her against me or playing with my kit. Squirting my cum is not quite as exquisite as when I was in my teens and twenties. Biggest difference is I can keep going for ages up my wife's vagina! No more premature ejaculation, and I'm thrusting for long sweet minutes! No complaints!

By #497509 at 24,May,17 16:07
I am 62. I find little difference . Earlier it was 6.7" but now it it's 6.25". Some times erection is less stiff . But most of times it's as hard as earlier. Thickness has increased by 1/2". Penetration requires more pressure than earlier.

By #493914 at 19,May,17 17:48
I'm 57 this year and it's still small

By #193145 at 30,Mar,17 14:41
[deleted image]

Slightly smaller but can still shoot a good load!

By #532137 at 30,Mar,17 03:44
I'm 62 and my size is same, 8", but doesn't get as firm as before. I can however last much longer but less cum

By basque9 at 11,Feb,15 02:30 other posts of basque9 

Mine is a bit longer and a good bit thicker at 82 than it was at 25 when my youthful growth seemed to stop. It started growing thicker again about 7 years ago ; length is just a bit longer than it was at 25. Yes, I have been jelquing it to keep it healthy!
--------------------------------------- added after 113 hours

--------------------------------------- added after 195 hours

But a cum still feels good like a cum should at any age!
By thesevenpointfive at 29,Mar,17 18:32 other posts of thesevenpointfive 
so your 82? if my dick was as hard as yours then great, that looks still an impressive dick

By #435701 at 29,Mar,17 17:37
At 66, it's an inch smaller.

By chubbyloves at 25,Mar,17 21:26 other posts of chubbyloves 
I am almost 70. The differences are: It got a little shorter, about 1/2 inch and when you cum, there is a lot less. I still jackoff at least 2 times a week and it still feels good

By #208346 at 25,Mar,17 13:34
No difference at all.I really enjoy my dick

By #434610 at 25,Mar,17 08:59
Mine got a little smaller and wen fucking i cum really fast now

By #519017 at 24,Mar,17 23:14
Jacking off lasts much longer than when I was younger. I used to suffer from premature ejaculation but now I can keep going for ages in my wife's vagina.

By #525566 at 24,Mar,17 16:02
I have more time now to play with it. To me that's a good thing!

By Gntlmn at 24,Mar,17 15:33 other posts of Gntlmn 

By 3fdfd at 24,Mar,17 13:20 other posts of 3fdfd 
Never was all that big to start with, but he's smaller now. Doesn't get hard anymore. That's the biggest difference. Grows a bit but not as hard or as big.

By #530860 at 24,Mar,17 13:12

By #81191 at 13,Feb,15 19:21
It all slows down thats all

By #457775 at 13,Feb,15 12:58
my mushroom head got more purple coloured

By #289712 at 12,Feb,15 18:43
As ive got a little older,my penis has gotten a bit bigger and fatter!

By #6568 at 12,Feb,15 16:23
The main difference in my penis to when I/we were young is that it's attached to a man who is MUCH more aware about sex and pleasure and how to use it for bothh partners benefit....

By #93 at 11,Feb,15 16:31
Not much difference other than it seems slightly longer and fatter. It still works!

By spermkiss at 10,Feb,15 16:11 other posts of spermkiss 
Yes, the penis gets smaller with age. Sorry guys, but that's the grim truth. For the vast majority of men it does not get much smaller, nor does it get smaller very quickly, but it does get smaller.

As for pain during sex, that is not normal. It should always be pleasurable. If You're feeling pain during sex, see a doctor.

By #323075 at 10,Feb,15 05:09
I didn't find any differences. Only one: he can longer time😄

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