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performing in public

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Started by #452589 at 13,Apr,15 13:37
I have a fuck buddy...she wants me to fuck her in front of an audience! Just the thought of it gets her wet! Any ideas how we could accomplish this in a friendly, look but don't touch environment?

Similar topics: 1.Naked In Public Stories   2.Public Sex - How Far Would You Go? in public??   4.Public sex   5.Sucking strangers in public  

New Comment

By #568296 at 21,Oct,18 05:46
At my friends party one of the gay strippers had me suck his cock while the guys watched. He took my clothes off and fucked me in front of everyone.

By #485312 at 29,Apr,15 12:45
go to a swingers party, you can fuck each other, most places let you choose the level of interaction you want, some just go to watch others fuck...its the perfect environment and if you get real horny, might like to fuck someone else while your partner watches...just a thought *lix*

By small_dik at 14,Apr,15 10:18 other posts of small_dik 
webcam - chaterbate - is the way to go. You'd probably get thousands of viewers for doing it.

By spermkiss at 13,Apr,15 15:52 other posts of spermkiss 
Start by doing a fuck video and posting it on this site.
By #457775 at 13,Apr,15 17:41
good idea
By spermkiss at 13,Apr,15 22:54 other posts of spermkiss 
Or do professional, semi-professional or amateur porn. Porn producers are always looking for new performers. You and she could do full on sex with the cameras rolling and your sex show could be put out there for the whole world to see. Reputable producers will honor the limits of their performers. If you and your fuck buddy just want to have sex with each other without touching or intrusion by the camera operators or others on the set, they'll be fine with that.

It's a common misconception that porn producers exploit their performers. I'm not so naпve as to think that exploitation doesn't happen in porn (but then it happens in just about every business), but the truth is that the vast majority of women and virtually all men who do porn are doing porn because they want to do it.

By mr_blue at 13,Apr,15 14:08 other posts of mr_blue 
Do a David Blaine,and do it in a glass box h@nging in mid air...

In a boxing ring, pay per view....

Adult Discussion Forum