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My belly is not sexy enough!how to improve it?

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Started by #457943 at 29,Apr,15 05:25
How to lose the fat on the belly? Give me some advices!see the pic of me!

Similar topics: 1.improve shooting distance   2.does your penis reach your belly button? your hot and sexy belly!!!!   4.Attn: Bbws! you're sexy asf.. show belly off 😍   5.Belly Buttons  

New Comment

By _avg_ at 31,May,15 04:34 other posts of _avg_ 
1) Improve your diet
2) Exercise
3) Photoshop
5) some combination of the above...
By #457943 at 09,Jun,15 04:06
By #23212 at 12,Jun,15 04:54
Garbanzo beans and sesame butter.

By #124665 at 11,Jun,15 04:04
-Eat more raw veggies in your diet.
-Avoid low fat and diet products.
-Less grains and sugar, or none.
-No brominated vegetable oil (Mt. Dew).
-Be more active.

By boc at 31,May,15 15:01 other posts of boc 

Get in my belly!
By #457943 at 09,Jun,15 04:02
Ur muscle seems sexyThanks for ur brilliant answer. The key point is not the ability , it's the mind

By leopoldij at 29,Apr,15 05:39 other posts of leopoldij 
Just fuck more.
--------------------------------------- added after 61 seconds

The more you fuck, the more you exercise, and the more you take your mind off food.
By #457943 at 31,May,15 03:45

By #457943 at 31,May,15 03:46
But your belly is not sexy enough!

By #443664 at 31,May,15 19:04
That's a great form of cardio
By leopoldij at 31,May,15 22:54 other posts of leopoldij 
Just about the only exercise I do with pleasure

By #445126 at 31,May,15 11:51
You sound sincere in your wish to tighten up your abs and that area. As a man who has had a lifelong relationship with trying to stay in shape I will tell you that the battle of a good midsection is won in the kitchen not the gym. Watch you diet carefully - cardio is, of course, going to be important, but no amount of crunches (not a great exercise anyway) or sit ups will reduce extra weight in that area. Also, take a good look at your posture and see is you are allowing you lower spine to settle when you st and walk.
By #61033 at 31,May,15 12:55
Totally agree - the fight is won in the kitchen. Watch the diet, eat healthy, drink lots of water (min 2 litres a day), maintain an active lifestyle and some regular cardio training and you should start seeing good results.
Yeah - it is not easy and there is no quick fix unfortunately.

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