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Out of curiosity...

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Started by #491031 at 13,Jun,15 23:38
Did anyone else get a one word, anonymous post on their wall today which read, simply: "faggot"?

I was curious as to whether I was SPECIFICALLY being called-out for faggotry, or if someone was tagging gay guys in general.

Similar topics: 1.Survey Question?   2.hey whats up   3.How are you s'posed to fit it all into tidy-whities?   4.Curiosity me out?  

New Comment

By #485312 at 15,Jul,15 13:50
l thought a faggot was a pile of sticks...*lix*
By JeffinKS at 15,Jul,15 14:22 other posts of JeffinKS 
or a cigarette.....
By #485312 at 18,Jul,15 11:44
ld call a cigarette a fag here in Oz, but l gave up fags a few years ago...still dream about sucking them sometimes, wake up in sweat and feeling naughty *lix*

By #23212 at 18,Jul,15 05:25
Hey 'lix', I thought it was a Germany.
By #485312 at 18,Jul,15 11:44
never played with a bassoon, might have to try one *lix*
By #23212 at 19,Jul,15 05:33
Hi again, *lix*. I'm not sure you got my attempt at humour:
In 'Google Translate', put in 'bassoon' in English, and ask it to be translated to German.
By #485312 at 22,Jul,15 13:00
l did it, finally worked out how to do it, and got it...wonder if it makes your lips sore *lix*

By admin at 14,Jun,15 22:14 other posts of admin 
I'm not sure if you were here that long ago, but I remember back in 2009 or 2010 some religious zealots were posting comments on members pages about everyone here being sinners and going to hell. What was most confusing for me - how they justified their coming to this site at all...
By leopoldij at 14,Jun,15 23:57 other posts of leopoldij 
Actually, religious people watch as much porn as normal people. The only difference is that religious ones feel a lot of guilt, whereas normal people don't.
By admin at 15,Jun,15 03:28 other posts of admin 
I honestly don't care if religious people watch transsexual midget dominatrix porn all day long, what I do not like is when people pronounce other people bad (sinners, etc.) for doing something while doing it themselves...
By mr_blue at 18,Jun,15 11:55 other posts of mr_blue 
"I honestly don't care if religious people watch transsexual midget dominatrix porn all day long" that made my day admin...just the mental image has me lmao...

I was kinda surprised that a member hasn't asked you where they might find such a thing....

By #491031 at 15,Jun,15 03:03
Trying to apply logic to the thought processes of religious zealots is an exercise in futility. It can drive a rational person mad...

By #491031 at 15,Jun,15 03:05
I wasn't offended by the comment (I've been called MUCH worse!), I just wanted to see if there had been a mass posting on the site from some lunatic.

By #460360 at 14,Jun,15 21:55
I think there's a LOT of ignorance about sexuality out there, and because of that, people who "cross the line" are often considered "faggots" because STRAIGHT people (like THEM) wouldn't do that (or even admit to being curious).

By bella! at 13,Jun,15 23:59 other posts of bella! 
Why would someone call you a "faggot", when you clearly indicated that you're bi?

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