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"I could fall for you too"

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Started by leopoldij at 16,Jun,15 14:35  other posts of leopoldij
I just got a private message from a member saying
"hun I could fall for you too"
and I just wanted to say that it made my day!
And a public thanks to the sender!

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New Comment

By bella! at 16,Jun,15 15:07 other posts of bella! 
"hun I could fall for you too"..........?

What else has the sender fallen for? A hamburger with all the fixin's, a new car, some bling-bling? You, too, is that really a compliment?

And why a public thanks?
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

By the way, I'm glad that your day has been "made".
By leopoldij at 16,Jun,15 19:09 other posts of leopoldij 
Look, I don't know. I just felt this way. Sometimes we feel in a certain way and can't explain why.
By bella! at 16,Jun,15 19:23 other posts of bella! 
By leopoldij at 16,Jun,15 21:18 other posts of leopoldij 
I know . Whatever.

Adult Discussion Forum