I dont know who told you that you spoke mythology cos they@ve had you over ? thats not mythology you speak its just a degenerate retard who cant speak properly because he just talks out of his arse. Its about time someone desperate came alkong and shoved a whacking great plug in that orifice hopefully it will stem the shit till we can get a nappy on it. And I believe its my turn to make a suggestion. fora start it may help if you knew what the fuck you were babbling on about in the first place. but thats far to much to expect from a life form thats got nothing but shit for brains. I spent some considerable time trying to fathom out what the fuck all this diahorrea you've been leaving had to do with your chosen subject with your announcement telling us this was a sex site. and you got that wrong. But if its what you believe then its not my place to shatter your ideology of the interpretation of sex. What a sad little individual. I think you should just run along and join the thomas the tank engine club they have everything for the under 5 year olds. Oh take your mates off here as well right up their street. Bye bye brainless, pissy fairy.
By #491031 at 11,Jul,15 01:47
That was a tad hurtful.
See, the quotation marks...those little lines that look like this "...before and after the words in the title where intended to indicate irony. I get from reading your posts that punctuation isn't really your thing, so I just thought I'd help.
Also, what's up with the ranting again? It doesn't make you look very good to people who might read this.
If you had included a few random "cunts" in your rant, people might confuse you with that happy_guy doofus who used to be a member here...
By #415959 at 11,Jul,15 02:04
I think you should "spend some considerable time trying to fathom" how to punctuate your thoughts...
Reading that made my brain hurt.
By #491031 at 11,Jul,15 02:10
I fed his rant into Google Translate. All it could come up with was: "I like cookies" and "I can count as high as potato!"
@ TheUnicorn, you used Google Translate for that? I'm familiar with "I like cookies" but I've been rubbing my head for days trying to make sense of "I can count as high as potato". Like 1-potato, 2-potato, 3-potato, etc?
Is that what they're teaching our ch.ildren in school? So apparently, yellow is greater than eleventy-two?
By #491031 at 14,Jul,15 16:02
Yellow is not even a number!
Get real...
By #491031 at 12,Jul,15 00:58
I think 12kink is kind of sweet on me.
What do you think?
By #491031 at 12,Jul,15 21:30
Bye-bye, 12kinkwhatever.
By #485312 at 13,Jul,15 05:40
sex sites breed douches, it comes with the territory...you gotta have them and they make you laugh *lix*
By #491031 at 13,Jul,15 14:42
I do find the douches very amusing. Ask anyone.
By #57759 at 11,Jul,15 21:30
I am for the sex site thing, no tuna or kittens, Just my opinion
By #491031 at 12,Jul,15 00:57
Here's the thing, Doc:
You keep starting these threads asking for pics of gaps, nipples, clits, right breasts, etc., but you NEVER post any of your own.
Maybe if you got things started--other members would join in.
Good lord. from tuna caserole to pissy fairy rant? to over use a phrase, Really!
By #131063 at 30,Jun,15 18:30
By #491031 at 30,Jun,15 18:55
"May I suggest now maybe work on your people skills?" --hornybrat (quoted from this very thread, no less!)
"How can you say to your br0ther, 'Br0ther, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your br0ther's eye." --Luke 6:42 (Because, you know, hypocrisy and whatnot.)
By #491031 at 01,Jul,15 16:31
Some people just don't like tuna casserole, I guess.
Just a note of clarification, though:
While the lengthy screed about this NOT being a sex site is very ranty and a bit pissy, it is not, in fact, the work of the PRF. You can tell because epistles posted by the Pissy Rant Fairy contain much more condescension and self-aggrandizement.
By #57759 at 30,Jun,15 14:57
I thought it smells and taste like fish , but not tuna.
By #491031 at 01,Jul,15 13:55
Because, as everyone knows, a tuna is a mammal.
By #491031 at 30,Jun,15 19:19
A question regarding the negative vote on this thread:
Are you voting ANTI sex site, or PRO being a douche?
By #490468 at 30,Jun,15 01:09
This is NOT a sex site, many of you may interpret talking dirty to one another in order to satisfy yourselves of your sexual needs as sex but its not how I interpret it. I have people leave comments that tell me to "Have Fun" Would someone tell me how im expected to have this fun granted there are the pics where you can relieve yourself to or on (whatever floats your boat) but much of the pages that you visit most, if not all the pics are restricted as mine are. With it being predominantly male membership there is just a sea of close ups of a members dick from a thousand different angles, others like to show close ups of more extreme examples of what gets them off or them actually getting themselves off usually with a pic of some unfortunate and unsuspecting female they've had a fall out with in a cheap and nasty bit of revenge. Oh how delightful ? No sorry none of that does anything for me ! Forget the videos unless you are some premium, platinum gold plated subscriber with a credit card or a degree into the ins and outs of the Bit Mining industry as its the only way you will see them, of course you may be able to trade your hard earned points for a peek. Though what a shit if the video aint up to much or you dont quite fancy the pair\trio or more (if you are that lucky) who are at it (lucky them). That leaves us with the all singing all dancing chat rooms and private messaging facility. Well thats a lottery for a start as you generally (males mainly) need to send a PM to the individual you wish to entertain and shower with your unique vocabulary of sexually orientated phrases for when you enter into the dialogue in an attempt to impress. Unless one is gay or is the worlds best loverboy one doesn't want to be too expectant or hopeful, as most of the time you will be lucky enough to get a reply saying go away let alone, take off your clothes and come inside, that of course is if the carefully prepared message gets to the recipient as that member has their account settings set to messages from Members friends only, you try and leave a comment of your intent on the members home page comments section only to be told that the member only receives comments from friends only and to try and message the member to add them as a friend. Is someone taking the p*#s or what. This site is mainly used by those males and females who are after sexual gratification living out their most desired fantasy. When you are the lucky chosen one where's the fun this CHAT rubbish isn't chat as its an exchange of short memo's to one another, in which we need to use our hands to frantically bash away at the keys of a keyboard, A tall order keeping our spelling in order at the best of times, I've seen my spelling after things have got a little steamy by this method, and all im going to say is thank you to the lady for seeing it through to the end because I hadn't the foggiest idea what it said ? Yet I wrote it. So how am I supposed to get myself off when both of those hands are helping out elsewhere. I would need to be a contortionist if I was going to try and suck myself off ? Thats if everything goes without there being an interruption, or you getting in the room in the first place. No i'm sorry ladies and gentlemen the last thing this site is and thats a sex site, Yes its entertaining but when I want to get gratification there are plenty of sites that offer me a hell of a lot more and I can walk away knowing that I haven't been used, made a fool of or just had my time completely wasted. Please note this is only my own personal opinion based on my own personal experiences and I respect that many people who use the site get a lot of enjoyment from it and I have no wish whatsoever to spoil this enjoyment it gives them.
By #491031 at 30,Jun,15 02:47
But there is, at least, the occasional tuna casserole recipe.
So it's not a total loss.
TheUnicorn, were you still on the lookout for a "party pooper"?
By #491031 at 30,Jun,15 12:11
Though I have no particular desire to associate with a "party pooper", rumor has it that there is at least one individual here,an acclaimed aficionado on the didgeri-dookie, who, in his typical down-underhanded fashion, quite enjoys floating a turd in the community punch bowl.
The didgeri-dookie? DOOKIE? Seriously, I have not heard that term in a hundred years. Thanks for the laugh! --------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes
You know, with you mentioning the recipe for the tuna noodle casserole, it got me thinking about the upcoming holidays. Wonder if you would share some of your family favorite cookie recipes? I notice that you frequently say, 'I like cookies', I'm hoping that you've got some good ones.
By #68656 at 30,Jun,15 14:29
What a load of crap, why not just say my name instead of ridiculous inferences to both me and Australia.
Also the instrument is known as a didgeridoo and is an aboriginal tribal instrument.
By #491031 at 30,Jun,15 16:02
As a point of order: "Imply and infer are opposites, like a throw and a catch. To imply is to hint at something, but to infer is to make an educated guess. The speaker does the implying, and the listener does the inferring."--vocabulary.com
Therefore, any "ridiculous inferences" have been made by you.
I know that it is great fun to use big words, but we should always try to use them CORRECTLY. Otherwise, we just look silly.
You're welcome.
By #491031 at 30,Jun,15 16:14
The Didgeri-dookie (also known as the "Asshattian Shit-whistle") is the traditional instrument of the primitive bush-people of lower Asshattia. Made from a lacquered tube of petrified dung, the didgeri-dookie was blown by the village elder as a means to call the tribe to gather for ceremonial brow-beating and ritual donkey flogging.
Interestingly, the didgeri-dookie has also been adopted by the SYD Star Chamber as a method of alerting members that something "esoteric" is going on.
In reply to your addendum: I fear it would be unwise to share cookie recipes in the Forum. It seems that some members find cookies to be "a load of crap" and, for some strange reason, offensive to the wonderful land of Australia. I do not wish to be "recipe-ist".
By #68656 at 30,Jun,15 17:08
What a stupid, obtuse comment but typical of someone who has a vapid blog promoting filthy and unsafe activities.
Give it a rest Mr. headstrong, you had enough to say about Bella and myself in **** on that stupid private group.
The difference between you, Bella and me is that with her and I you see the real article and we say what we think, we do not hide behind false facades and fancy lexicon.
By #491031 at 30,Jun,15 18:13
Hey! Thanks for the shout-out for my blog ( coyoteboytales.blogspot.com )! Glad to hear that you are a fan and regular reader! But:
Why "stupid"?
Wherefore "obtuse"?
In what regard "typical"?
By what reasoning "vapid"?
You've used a number of polysyllabic words but, once again, by your usage I am not quite sure you know what they MEAN.
For the record (and the millionth time), Oh Eternal Donkey Flogger, I said nothing about you privately that I haven't also said in public.
There is no "false facade". I made no effort to hide who I was here. Any member with two brain cells to rub together could have identified me by my writing style from reading my very first post. (Also, "false facades"--based on your intended meaning here--is an oxymoron. By definition, all such facades (masks, disguises) are "false". So...um...again with that "using big words you don't understand" thing.)
The difference between us is that I have a sense of humor and you are...unfortunately...you.
By #131063 at 30,Jun,15 18:23
@JohnS - you're wasting your time...he uses a lot of words and flowery prose and goes on and on - - but says nothing that enriches anyone's experience here...
By #491031 at 30,Jun,15 18:25
This is one of those "pot, meet kettle" moments, isn't it?
@ JohnS, what happened in secr3t happened so long ago, it's time to forgive. It's not necessary for you to "forget" but it is time to move along..... Do not allow what transpired to consume your thoughts, feelings and energy.
By #131063 at 30,Jun,15 18:11
@TheUnicorn - You only make yourself look foolish by lobbing personal insults and attacks. Your attempts at satire and sarcasm at the expense of an entire people and country shows what a shallow person you truly are.
Correct, this is not a sex site. It is a site where I often see the most unrestrained personal attacks by one person upon another; in between the pages and pages of profiles that go far beyond the premise of showing one's dick and instead becomes a showcase for 'show your most extreme and depraved fetish'. [And try to be as graphic as possible!] If any of this is arousing, then excuse me. I don't find it so.
By #491031 at 30,Jun,15 18:18
Hornybrat: Double check those posts. I lobbed no personal insults or attacks. I called no one "stupid", "obtuse", "vapid", or "the front of a building" (yeah, I'm still trying to figure that one out, too). Nor did I call anyone "shallow" or "foolish".
I did, however, provide some helpful tips on word usage.
As for your literary criticism, I might be viewed as unkind and insulting if I called you a "humorless philistine", so I won't do that here.
I get that you and John are, forgive the term, "butt-buddies" from way back, but I find it odd that you overlook his transgressions and only focus on what you perceive to be mine. That smacks of hypocrisy, don't you think?
By #131063 at 30,Jun,15 18:28
Your posts were poorly-veiled and directed at Australians, both generally and specifically, and I full well know the intent and whom it was directed at. You can't backpeddle out of this one...
Perhaps you are a good writer, and your spelling and grammar reflect that you at least take the time with composition. May I suggest now maybe work on your people skills?
By #491031 at 30,Jun,15 18:49
Correction: I've done no backpedaling. My posts were "veiled" in just the exact fashion I desired, and there was nothing "general" about them. They weren't directed at an entire people; only one. Thus, they were not "poorly" veiled, but "thinly" veiled. Just as I intended them to be. I have nothing but the deepest respect for the vast majority of Australians.
Thank you, by the way, for the complimentary remarks about my writing. It means the world to me.
By #131063 at 30,Jun,15 18:29
I advise you reread. Those 'insults' were directed at your comment and your blog; not you personally.
By #460385 at 25,Jun,15 20:09
But if you call this a sex site. You might offend the cooking students.
This recipe and 2 cans of tuna can feed many for relatively, very little. I don't understand my taste buds but I've been Jonesin' for tuna lately! I've been putting some on top of my lunchtime salads, that way I don't use salad dressing. There was some Star Kist brand tuna that I found that was packaged with jalapeŃo and red peppers, the only drawback is that it's packed in oil ( but I rinse it ). And old faithful, my version of tuna salad, chopped celery, onions AND DILL PICKLE! Oh, yum!
By #477982 at 26,Jun,15 10:59
Acctuually, Bella, I have to confess, can't stand Tuna. It's the meal we have round here when when no-one can think what the hell else to have for dinner. Tuna patties, tuna salad, tuna patty leftovers - sick of the sight of the stuff! And tuna is endangered, don't you know, from overfishing by our Japanese friends. On the other hand I will be a Total Douche and offer a free suck of my Masterpiece Cock to anyone who can give me a sure-fire guaranteed, restaurant quality recipe for Lebanese/Turkish kofta. Reeellly. I Just Will!
Southeastern Michigan, in a suburb outside of Detroit, is the home for many Middle Eastern refugees and Arab-Americans. Many Middle Eastern families have fled their countries in recent years in search of safety, with hopes of rebuilding their lives in the United States. A large portion settled in the Detroit area, Dearborn in particular. Dearborn is one of our larger cities in our state and is often referred to as the Arab capital of North America. Home of the Arab-American National Museum, numerous mosques and Islamic schools for ****, the city has become a home away from home for people originally from Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemeni and Iraq.
With this community, we have a number of great ethnic restaurants that serve kofta/kafta with that yummy tzatzki sauce. I LOVE Middle Eastern food, come to Detroit, let's do lunch, it's on me
--------------------------------------- added after 36 minutes
I am an admirer of you, your sexy schlong as well as your insight and intelligence. Don't get caught up in drama, don't let an asshat Spooner feed you bullshit. Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see!
By #491031 at 26,Jun,15 16:10
Has the Minister of Forum Affairs been spreading rumors again?
By #131063 at 30,Jun,15 18:35
When I can't think of what to have for dinner I either make a huge salad with as many ingredients as I can collect - I'm talking salad bar excessiveness - or I go to a nice restaurant.
By #7976 at 27,Jun,15 03:16
Is this a SEX site??? Well, is the Moon our nearest heavenly body, not including thee ones you **** with? Of course this is a sex site. One that's fun and enjoyable but still, a sex site.
So does that mean I shouldn't ask a member for a recipe for a tuna noodle casserole? I've been thinking about tuna fish 🐟🐟🐟 and as far as I'm concerned, you can't go wrong with noodles, noodles are yummy!
Tuna Helper!? That's not REAL tuna noodle casserole!
By #491031 at 21,Jun,15 02:02
Tuna Casserole
1 (12 ounce) package egg noodles
1/4 cup chopped onion
2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
1 cup frozen green peas
2 (6 ounce) cans tuna, drained
2 (10.75 ounce) cans condensed cream of mushroom soup
1/2 (4.5 ounce) can sliced mushrooms
1 cup crushed potato chips
Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Cook pasta in boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes, or until al dente; drain.
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).
In a large bowl, thoroughly mix noodles, onion, 1 cup cheese, peas, tuna, soup and mushrooms. Transfer to a 9x13 inch baking dish, and top with potato chip crumbs and remaining 1 cup cheese.
Bake for 15 to 20 minutes in the preheated oven, or until cheese is bubbly.
Serves six
Also, because this is a "sex site", I am required to tell you that you must have some random guy stick his balls in it
before serving or the Forum Monitors will get all cranky with me.
The recipe sounds easy enough. Question, did you find the recipe on the Campbell's soup can, have you tried it? And should the the random guy's balls be smooth or furry?
By #491031 at 21,Jun,15 04:35
It was in my Mom's cookbook. (The "random guy's balls" part was not.)
I have tried it and it is tasty. (For a little extra spice, try BBQ flavored potato chips.)
The balls can be either/or...so long as he hasn't taken them out to pee in public.
Your Mom's cookbook? That's good to know that it's tried and true!
My younger si$ter has my Mom's cookbook and she, my si$ter, is surprised to find that some of our family favorites were taken from a manufacturer's packaging.
Regarding the tuna noodle casserole, I have been craving it for a while. This is the time of year that my mother would put together various dishes that didn't require too much prep time or cooking such as a tuna and elbow macaroni concoction made with onions, celery, red peppers, sometimes hard boiled eggs and bound together with mayo or Miracle Whip then served cold. A good meal on a hot day! Last weekend I went to my younger si$ter's house and she made rueben sandwiches for dinner. I recalled how delicious the sauerkraut was that my Mother prepared but didn't mention that the stuff atop the rueben tasted straight out of the jar.
Exactly TheUnicorn. This site should be whatever we want it to be. This site should be fun. Even this site is of an adult nature, we can still have stimulating conversations on whatever we want, rather than just talking about rating dick and peeing in holes.
That was a tad hurtful.
See, the quotation marks...those little lines that look like this "...before and after the words in the title where intended to indicate irony. I get from reading your posts that punctuation isn't really your thing, so I just thought I'd help.
Also, what's up with the ranting again? It doesn't make you look very good to people who might read this.
If you had included a few random "cunts" in your rant, people might confuse you with that happy_guy doofus who used to be a member here...
Reading that made my brain hurt.
Get real...
I think 12kink is kind of sweet on me.
What do you think?
You keep starting these threads asking for pics of gaps, nipples, clits, right breasts, etc., but you NEVER post any of your own.
Maybe if you got things started--other members would join in.
"How can you say to your br0ther, 'Br0ther, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your br0ther's eye." --Luke 6:42 (Because, you know, hypocrisy and whatnot.)
Just a note of clarification, though:
While the lengthy screed about this NOT being a sex site is very ranty and a bit pissy, it is not, in fact, the work of the PRF. You can tell because epistles posted by the Pissy Rant Fairy contain much more condescension and self-aggrandizement.
Are you voting ANTI sex site, or PRO being a douche?
But there is, at least, the occasional tuna casserole recipe.
So it's not a total loss.
TheUnicorn, were you still on the lookout for a "party pooper"?
The didgeri-dookie? DOOKIE? Seriously, I have not heard that term in a hundred years. Thanks for the laugh!
--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes
You know, with you mentioning the recipe for the tuna noodle casserole, it got me thinking about the upcoming holidays. Wonder if you would share some of your family favorite cookie recipes? I notice that you frequently say, 'I like cookies', I'm hoping that you've got some good ones.
Also the instrument is known as a didgeridoo and is an aboriginal tribal instrument.
Therefore, any "ridiculous inferences" have been made by you.
I know that it is great fun to use big words, but we should always try to use them CORRECTLY. Otherwise, we just look silly.
You're welcome.
Interestingly, the didgeri-dookie has also been adopted by the SYD Star Chamber as a method of alerting members that something "esoteric" is going on.
In reply to your addendum: I fear it would be unwise to share cookie recipes in the Forum. It seems that some members find cookies to be "a load of crap" and, for some strange reason, offensive to the wonderful land of Australia. I do not wish to be "recipe-ist".
Give it a rest Mr. headstrong, you had enough to say about Bella and myself in **** on that stupid private group.
The difference between you, Bella and me is that with her and I you see the real article and we say what we think, we do not hide behind false facades and fancy lexicon.
Why "stupid"?
Wherefore "obtuse"?
In what regard "typical"?
By what reasoning "vapid"?
You've used a number of polysyllabic words but, once again, by your usage I am not quite sure you know what they MEAN.
For the record (and the millionth time), Oh Eternal Donkey Flogger, I said nothing about you privately that I haven't also said in public.
There is no "false facade". I made no effort to hide who I was here. Any member with two brain cells to rub together could have identified me by my writing style from reading my very first post. (Also, "false facades"--based on your intended meaning here--is an oxymoron. By definition, all such facades (masks, disguises) are "false". So...um...again with that "using big words you don't understand" thing.)
The difference between us is that I have a sense of humor and you are...unfortunately...you.
Correct, this is not a sex site. It is a site where I often see the most unrestrained personal attacks by one person upon another; in between the pages and pages of profiles that go far beyond the premise of showing one's dick and instead becomes a showcase for 'show your most extreme and depraved fetish'. [And try to be as graphic as possible!] If any of this is arousing, then excuse me. I don't find it so.
I did, however, provide some helpful tips on word usage.
As for your literary criticism, I might be viewed as unkind and insulting if I called you a "humorless philistine", so I won't do that here.
I get that you and John are, forgive the term, "butt-buddies" from way back, but I find it odd that you overlook his transgressions and only focus on what you perceive to be mine. That smacks of hypocrisy, don't you think?
Perhaps you are a good writer, and your spelling and grammar reflect that you at least take the time with composition. May I suggest now maybe work on your people skills?
Thank you, by the way, for the complimentary remarks about my writing. It means the world to me.
With this community, we have a number of great ethnic restaurants that serve kofta/kafta with that yummy tzatzki sauce. I LOVE Middle Eastern food, come to Detroit, let's do lunch, it's on me
--------------------------------------- added after 36 minutes
I am an admirer of you, your sexy schlong as well as your insight and intelligence. Don't get caught up in drama, don't let an asshat Spooner feed you bullshit. Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see!
Tuna Casserole
1 (12 ounce) package egg noodles
1/4 cup chopped onion
2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
1 cup frozen green peas
2 (6 ounce) cans tuna, drained
2 (10.75 ounce) cans condensed cream of mushroom soup
1/2 (4.5 ounce) can sliced mushrooms
1 cup crushed potato chips
Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Cook pasta in boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes, or until al dente; drain.
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).
In a large bowl, thoroughly mix noodles, onion, 1 cup cheese, peas, tuna, soup and mushrooms. Transfer to a 9x13 inch baking dish, and top with potato chip crumbs and remaining 1 cup cheese.
Bake for 15 to 20 minutes in the preheated oven, or until cheese is bubbly.
Serves six
Also, because this is a "sex site", I am required to tell you that you must have some random guy stick his balls in it
before serving or the Forum Monitors will get all cranky with me.
The recipe sounds easy enough. Question, did you find the recipe on the Campbell's soup can, have you tried it? And should the the random guy's balls be smooth or furry?
I have tried it and it is tasty. (For a little extra spice, try BBQ flavored potato chips.)
The balls can be either/or...so long as he hasn't taken them out to pee in public.
My younger si$ter has my Mom's cookbook and she, my si$ter, is surprised to find that some of our family favorites were taken from a manufacturer's packaging.
Regarding the tuna noodle casserole, I have been craving it for a while. This is the time of year that my mother would put together various dishes that didn't require too much prep time or cooking such as a tuna and elbow macaroni concoction made with onions, celery, red peppers, sometimes hard boiled eggs and bound together with mayo or Miracle Whip then served cold. A good meal on a hot day! Last weekend I went to my younger si$ter's house and she made rueben sandwiches for dinner. I recalled how delicious the sauerkraut was that my Mother prepared but didn't mention that the stuff atop the rueben tasted straight out of the jar.
But what does the kitten have to do with it?
I was merely asking the guy what role the kitten played in the scenario he outlined in his comment.