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Proposed New Site Feature

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
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Started by #443583 at 07,Jul,15 06:26
I would like to propose a new feature for this site, if others like the idea and Admin ever feels inclined to include it. I would like to see a wank register or fap meter on each picture page for people to click when they masturbate to your pic. It would be especially cool if it not only tallied the number of wanks, but kept a register of who (people would be volunteering the info, after all) it was and even alerts for when it's currently fappening. Maybe it's too much trouble, or there wouldn't be enough interest. But I betting I'm not the only one who'd like to see this fappen, I mean happen.

Similar topics: 1.Small new feature for premium members   2.who visited your page   3.Comments and Worship   4.Top Member   5.Admin: This is a Members Request to : Bring back the Ban Feature from the past...  

New Comment

By #289712 at 22,Jul,15 15:11
Yeah that would be cool. It's great seeing the view numbers, but knowing of others masturbating looking at my penis would be awesome

By fila1305 at 10,Jul,15 22:16 other posts of fila1305 
And if this register is implemented, then should it be registered by the member's page as a total or by picture? If it would be by picture it might become a 9th-10th option to index the pics on the page. Just a thought.
By admin at 10,Jul,15 22:45 other posts of admin 
What I see in your suggestion and pretty much in original poster suggestion is just another vote option without points cost. It has cost because it's how I think it should be. People give likes on facebook too easy because they cost nothing. And as much as it may indulge ego of many people, they are mostly worthless because of that. You may deceive yourself for some time with such "likes", but it won't be otherwise useful. I do not like fooling people even when they beg to be fooled.

Give me some other meaning rather than "like", otherwise I do not see much reason to make it.
By fila1305 at 11,Jul,15 19:49 other posts of fila1305 
I totally see your point. Since it can not be checked whether the member was truthfully and did what the button stands for, it looses every kind of value.

By #491031 at 10,Jul,15 21:07
Or, you know, people could just send you a message saying: "I just jerked-off to your photos. Thanks!"
You could keep your own tally.
By admin at 10,Jul,15 21:46 other posts of admin 
You overestimate people. Communication is a problem. If you could analyze messages that people leave on pics and exchange in private you would see that most of them consist just of several simple words like "cool", "nice", "hot", etc.

At one point I was thinking about making a site where all communication would be based on emoticons. Regrettably it requires a knowledge of semiotics which I do not possess and could not find any specialist who would be interested. Success of applications like "Yo" and "Emojli" indicates that I actually overthought it, people are even dumber, I could make it without knowledge of semiotics.
By #491031 at 10,Jul,15 21:51
I've been posting around here long enough for you to know that I NEVER "overestimate" people, admin.
I get your point, though.
Many of the folks around here don't do very well when it comes to using words...
By admin at 10,Jul,15 22:13 other posts of admin 
It's not just here it's a common problem. Twitter had limitation of 140 characters because it was oriented towards sms messaging, so that people could post things from their phones (and sms had this limitation at the time). But it became a big hit exactly because a lot of people simply don't know how to say anything longer that does not look boring or stupid and this excuse of having only 140 characters occurred to be exactly convenient excuse not to write anything longer that they needed.

But I do not make my conclusion on Twitter alone. I analyzed public chat messages from several popular sites. A lot of people don't know what to say and how. Most of time you do not see it simply because they stay silent.

By admin at 07,Jul,15 11:43 other posts of admin 
From my experience, when people masturbate, they are not willing to distract their attention to clicking on anything.
By #443583 at 10,Jul,15 06:42
I've shared entire masturbation sessions with another person while we pm'ed each other back and forth the whole time. Which kind of interfered with the act a bit, though we still had a good time.

This could be a fun kind of tally tool that you could look at even after a long absence (like, for instance, the "who visited your page" function).

Anyway, food for thought, should you consider implementing it.
By admin at 10,Jul,15 12:16 other posts of admin 
With person may be, but how many people would be willing to interact with a lifeless page?
By fila1305 at 10,Jul,15 20:28 other posts of fila1305 
Just pushing a button for 'current' on the screen just before starting isn't that much trouble. And then maybe another button that can be pushed afterwards for the register.
By admin at 10,Jul,15 20:49 other posts of admin 
It's not a matter of trouble it's a matter of remembering it. You do realize that I cannot make this button popping up in front of image - this would be no less annoying for most of members than ads. And if I put if somewhere out of sight - even those few willing to push it would forget and most others would not even notice it at all. There are people here who have been on the site for 4 years and still don't know half of controls they have.

I can make it, but I bet most of you will be deeply disappointed by results.
By fila1305 at 10,Jul,15 21:04 other posts of fila1305 
Yes, you're probably right about the lack of knowledge of the site by some members. But how about positioning the feature on top, next to the voting option?
By admin at 10,Jul,15 21:50 other posts of admin 
That place would be my first candidate anyway. More difficult is to decide where to show the results. Sometimes I think that header already looks like a jet control panel...
By fila1305 at 10,Jul,15 22:06 other posts of fila1305 
Yes, you're right. My first suggestion would be in the 'social'-section, just underneath 'who visited your page?', but that section is already rather extended when it's unfolded.

By leopoldij at 07,Jul,15 21:49 other posts of leopoldij 
There are several issues with this.
First, what constitutes masturbation? Does it include cumming?
Second, what makes you think people will be honest?
By #491031 at 07,Jul,15 22:00
Leo--You, of all people, not sure "what constitutes masturbation"? I find that very hard to believe...
By leopoldij at 10,Jul,15 21:20 other posts of leopoldij 
Well, since I'm an expert in masturbation, I need to ask for ddetails!

By #124665 at 10,Jul,15 10:40
My gauges would all bury the rev limiter into the redlined till the site throws a connecting rod n we can't have that now can we? Tisk tisk ⏰💣

By #208346 at 07,Jul,15 06:30
The Hot/Not buttons and comments seem to cover that just fine.

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