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How long or have you ever seen a live in person hard cock?

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Started by fatcock66 at 15,Aug,15 04:09  other posts of fatcock66
I've not seen or touched another boner since 5th grade. I'd love to. How many here are like me? and would you admit it?
Let's hear stories.

Similar topics: 1.Quwstion?   2.Sucking cock   4.Wanting the fantasy to become a reality   5.I want to live with a Man who loves sucking cock.... (Florida)  

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By #460523 at 24,Nov,16 04:23
now just what I see on here

By #460523 at 24,Nov,16 04:22
maybe a 5.5 to 6 in one

By #436014 at 19,Nov,16 07:15
Last night, me and a guy with a nice hard 6.5' cock sucked each other off and swallowed each other's load. Hot.

By leopoldij at 15,Aug,15 12:15 other posts of leopoldij 
Sorry to be fussy, but I guess you meant to ask "How long has it been since you've seen a living person's hard cock"? If, therefore, we correct the syntax in this way, there is an obvious possibility left open: that which appears when we replace the adjective `living' by its antonym. No, thanks. I don't even want to think about it. I pass.
By #502573 at 05,May,16 11:20
No, I think they were asking when was the last time you've seen a hard one live and in person. Don't think dead would have a hard one! LOL
By leopoldij at 05,May,16 12:35 other posts of leopoldij 
It appears that if those who die by hanging get a boner at the time they expire.
By #519017 at 16,Nov,16 08:24
Correct. All their **** sinks down their dead body and inflates their cock so it sticks up hard. By the same principle masturbating standing up should be good, and In my experience I think there's some truth in that.
By leopoldij at 17,Nov,16 23:10 other posts of leopoldij 
All their what sinks????
By #23212 at 18,Nov,16 04:11
sangre, of course.
By leopoldij at 18,Nov,16 08:19 other posts of leopoldij 
Por supuesto! Gracias.
By #23212 at 19,Nov,16 06:13
Sangre de toros - Egri Bikaver.

By #496814 at 17,Nov,16 22:57
I dont view a cock as a person.

By #64328 at 17,Nov,16 20:20
Growing up i had several friends that we did this and those were some of the horny experiences I've had ever. Those were great times. That was true horniness.

By #460523 at 05,May,16 01:49
on and off for the last 44years not as much for a few years now
By dickisgreat at 17,Nov,16 15:40 other posts of dickisgreat 
Interesting. Many people out there say no one or hardly anyone is really bi or part-time bi or just experimenting or what have you and that these people are mainly just repressed gays. I'm reporting what lots of people think - I don't agree with it.

I used to be vegetarian but would eat a hamburger on July 4th and turkey on Thanksgiving just because I felt like it. Obviously messing around with same-sex should be just as flexible.

By #378894 at 15,Aug,15 13:04
Started jacking off with a friend of mine from school when we were 15. It was another 25 years before I got the chance to play with another guy. We'd watch porn, masterbate in front of each other, play with each other's dicks and rubbing them together. He liked sucking mine. That's been a few years ago so at the moment I come to this site to fantasize.
By kebmo at 16,Nov,16 10:59 other posts of kebmo 
I have some nice blog stories about me and my cock sucking friends for you to read Richard. Warning: May cause Lots of cock sucking photos too.

By kebmo at 16,Nov,16 10:57 other posts of kebmo 
Yesterday. My body building cock sucking friend visited me. He's the guy whose mouth I pissed in (read that story in my blog) but yesterday we swapped cum. Yummy.

By #511804 at 16,Nov,16 10:42
I have had some bisexual friends that I have been naked with and at one point a FWB in my mid forties. WE had a lot of fun learning new things and trying sex when had thought about in the past. Sadly he had to move.

By #519017 at 16,Nov,16 08:29
Played with lots of boys' boners, and vice versa, till I was about 16, then girls came along. Didn't touch and jack off guy's boner until my late 20's in a brief semi-gay relationship when I was lonely and sexually frustrated. Then wife came along. She hasn't got a boner to play with but she's got an even nicer pussy.

By #510842 at 05,May,16 03:48
I had a buddy when I was around 13 and we were always flashing each other our cocks and doing things like seeing who could get hard the fastest or cum the fastest. We would occasionally "dare" each other to touch/stroke the others dick. That lasted for about a year till I moved. I remember playing sports in high school and imagining what the other guys looked like hard but never did anything about it. I just recently came to terms with myself and admitted to both myself and some friends that I'm bi so know I'm ready to try some new things.

By #480031 at 15,Aug,15 05:48
I went from 15 until 52 without touching another man. (At 15 I had been touching just the one man for 3 years)
I've been doing my best to make up for lost time

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