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Started by admin at 19,Aug,15 03:03  other posts of admin
I added something little for you. This page /recommended.php that can be found under "Favorites and Uploads"->"Recommended" (may be not the best place, but this section was less stuffed).

This supposed to be something that may be of interest for you based on simple statistical analysis of your preferences cross-referenced to preferences of other members. I'm sure it will not work 100% correct, but even if it is of partial usefulness for you it'll be ok.

Please try it and tell me what you think. You have to be active on the site though, otherwise this won't work.

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New Comment

By shackles at 20,Aug,15 13:52 other posts of shackles 
I've been testing it out and it seems to work fine. I'm not sure that it's recommending pics/profiles that I'm necessarily interested in at the moment, but I think that the longer the feature is in place and the more I'm on the site then it will begin to really tailor the suggestions better.

Thanks for adding the new feature!
By admin at 20,Aug,15 14:10 other posts of admin 
Depends not that much on how long you are here, but on how active you are. If you do not chat, do not vote for pics, do not add to friends and even do not visit other profiles, it won't work for you at all. The more you do, the more it can suggest. As I said in other reply, I do not expect it to work more than 20%. Most of times it will show you what you have already seen or something that is not interesting for you. But even if 20% of what it suggests will be new and interesting for you - my goal is accomplished.
By shackles at 21,Aug,15 13:26 other posts of shackles 
That's what I meant. The more active I am, the more I'm actually on the site, then the more my preferences will be obvious to the program and it will display them. I think it's a very cool feature.

By admin at 19,Aug,15 12:58 other posts of admin 
I also added recommended profiles based on your recent visits now.

Still, you did not tell me how it works for you. I understand that with the members/profiles it's not so obvious but with pics you should be able to see it right away. You are supposed to be seeing pics you like there if you were honest with your votes and favorites.
By bella! at 19,Aug,15 15:12 other posts of bella! 
Okay, call me dumb as a doorknob, when you say "you" and "your", are you speaking of the membership as a whole or as "me", what I like. If your category is supposed to be tailored for my specific likes, it is not working. The majority of those pictures, I did not vote on.

I think I understood what routemaster was referring to the other day..... I noticed that some pictures on the Popular page seemed to have the views and the comments but weren't doing well as far as position. Pictures with less views and less comments were ahead of them. I specifically asked another member this question last week, I wanted to know whether he had many members that made comments but vote, he replied, yes. If that's the case and if I now understand routemaster's request correctly, are you able to place some type of character, a tick mark, an asterisk, something somewhere in the body of the comment that reflects that the member voted?

Points are a big incentive here. Providing you do dot exceed your daily allowance, YOU award points for "your actions" at the end of the day. Some people destroy gifts for the points, some people buy points, some people hunt for fakes for the points BUT what fun are the points if you don't use them? If a member chooses not to vote when he or she makes a comment, ultimately, that is their choice but it would still be interesting for others to see who those members are. It's kind of like going to a restaurant, enjoying your meal but not leaving a tip. Simply, if you are enjoying the member's picture enough to comment on it, vote for it....if not, others will see how "cheap" you really are.
By admin at 19,Aug,15 15:20 other posts of admin 
Those are not the pics you have voted for. Why would I recommend you something you have already seen?

Those are pics that are supposed to be similar to the ones you voted for.
By bella! at 19,Aug,15 15:43 other posts of bella! 
Thank you. I've seen many of those pictures but I did not comment or vote on them because they were not what I found appealing.
By admin at 19,Aug,15 16:18 other posts of admin 
I'm sure you have seen many of them. The idea is to bring to you something that you may be have missed that you may like.

Even if only 20% of those images are that you have not seen and like, the goal is achieved.
By bella! at 19,Aug,15 16:21 other posts of bella! 
You win!

Was my suggestion the same as routemaster's, is it doable?
By admin at 19,Aug,15 16:45 other posts of admin 
I honestly see no point in this, otherwise I would make it from start. You can vote multiple times for the pic, remember? Even 100 times if you like. Yes, pics can be pushed slightly to the top this way. Or bottomed with negative votes. That all was made on purpose and was very logical at the time. Seeing who does that won't change anything. You can do the same to any pic you wish. It's not against rules. And I wrote the formula openly - /faq.html#mainpage

Votes were never meant to be a main score of the pics popularity. Votes were rather meant to reward people who post pics that other like with points so that they can post more pics (because there are penalties for excessive posting) yet in the same time to point to the poster what kind of pics members want him to post more. And vice versa - to punish those who excessively post boring pics.

Number of visits and who added to favorites are real scores. I can make "who added this pic to their favorites" visible to everyone. This is by the way a real "like" that some people wanted. It does not cost points yet people would not add something they don't really like to the favorites. But somehow this is not that you wish to see. Those people who asked for "likes" (free votes) did not even remember they can see who added their pics to favorites.
By bella! at 19,Aug,15 18:31 other posts of bella! 
No worries, I thought it would be interesting to know who the members are that hold on to their points and won't vote.
By admin at 19,Aug,15 19:09 other posts of admin 
Again, don't get me wrong, if this did not require additional rather large table in the database, I would do this without any arguments, just because someone asked. It's easy and I see no problem in people being able to see it.

I can still make it show who voted in past 10 days, this information is available anyway. I doubt though this is what you will use much.

By admin at 20,Aug,15 14:48 other posts of admin 
I have added a page that shows "hot" votes in past 10 days. This was easy and did not require any additions to the database. The link is under rating percentage on every pic. Not exactly what you wanted, but may be it will be enough.

By #485312 at 20,Aug,15 08:22
evening admin, could you perform a small tweak on the notes addition?, could you put the direct link attribute on it also from the private message page so that you can open it and adjust your notes from there rather that having to go back to the members page to open it?

maybe even an auto fill of their age, orientation and location abbreviated in it as well, as it helps identify them quickly, eg; 26 S USA (s for straight, b for bi, and g gay) written in pink or blue for sex thanks *lix*

By #491253 at 19,Aug,15 20:18
Thanks admin. You have some really great ideas.

By soundsgreat87 at 19,Aug,15 18:13 other posts of soundsgreat87 
Very cool, the "pictures you might like based on your faves" seems to work pretty well!

By Ravioli_Max at 19,Aug,15 17:23 other posts of Ravioli_Max 
Thanks admin!

By Ray10754 at 19,Aug,15 14:09 other posts of Ray10754 
Tried it this morning! Seems to be working fine for me!
Thanks admin

By qhaos at 19,Aug,15 07:25 other posts of qhaos 
Nice feature admin! A new way to spend some time here!

By #208346 at 19,Aug,15 05:16
Thank you.I'll check it out.

By bella! at 19,Aug,15 04:27 other posts of bella! 
Thanks for striving to improve!

p.s. I like the notes feature linking to the recently uploaded pics, it's perfect and I will be using my [notes] feature more often. Thank you!

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