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wife fucks my ass

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Started by #476211 at 02,Sep,15 04:40
I just love it when my wife fucks my ass with a dildo would like to hear more stories about this

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By #311947 at 24,Sep,15 12:42
My play mate nails me in the ass. I love it! I like riding the dildo as she holds the base of it and sucks my cock. So hot.

By leopoldij at 18,Sep,15 21:34 other posts of leopoldij 
I have to try to get her do that! How can I make it happen? Any advice?
By spermkiss at 19,Sep,15 16:26 other posts of spermkiss 
Just ask her. In English, unless you and she communicate better in some other language. As sex advice columnist Dan Savage wrote in his column, many straight people, men and women both, think that a male ass is a place like a leather bar or the Liberace museum where only gay men go. But as you apparently know and as Mr JKSM87 has discovered, the ass can be a source of enormous pleasure for many men, even straight men.
By leopoldij at 19,Sep,15 18:01 other posts of leopoldij 
Not "apparently". I know for sure.
I hinted on that to her, but hints are not good enough.
She knows that I possess a butt toy (see my pics) but she has not helped me use it yet.
Takes long time to get rid of preconceived ideas and superstitions.
This is because we live in a fucked up society where "morality" is imposed by artificial rules, rather than logic and common sense.
By spermkiss at 20,Sep,15 23:19 other posts of spermkiss 
More advice from Dan Savage: a good lover is G,G,G, that is good, giving and game. So come right out and tell her that butt play is something you want, indeed it's something you gotta have. This is a totally reasonable request so if she's good, giving and game she'll give it to you. If she won't, it's time to start looking for another girlfriend.

By the way, if you're not familiar with Dan Savage or his column Savage Love, you can read it on the internet at A new column every Wednesday. He has also written several books which I recommend without reservation.
By leopoldij at 22,Sep,15 05:57 other posts of leopoldij 
Thank you. I will.
There's nothing better, for me , thank using my cock (fucking, masturbating, handjob, blowjob) while, at the same time, having something in my ass. Makes orgasms much more intense. Even when I'm fucking my gf , I secretly stick my butt plug in.
By spermkiss at 22,Sep,15 15:55 other posts of spermkiss 
"There's nothing better...using my cock...while, at the same time, having something in my ass."

Well, as a gay cocksucker I really like being in an all male three way with a guy like you. I like sucking his cock while the other guy fucks him in the ass. The dual stimulation of a dick in his ass and my mouth on his dick sends him over the top in a massive orgasm that is the biggest thing since the big bang.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes

Another thought, when fucking your gf, don't secretly put your butt plug in, but make a big show of putting it in. Let her know in no uncertain terms that, for you, anal stimulation is a major part, even an essential part, of the sexual experience.
--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes

Still another thought, this time a question.

I just went to your page and saw that you identify as straight but are interested in both women and men (not an unusual situation, by any means). So, have you ever been with a man?
By leopoldij at 22,Sep,15 19:20 other posts of leopoldij 
Answer. Yes, but only in presence of a woman. I'm not excluding any possibilities however.
By spermkiss at 22,Sep,15 21:27 other posts of spermkiss 
Good for you. You sound like a nice heteroflexible metrosexual.
By leopoldij at 22,Sep,15 21:33 other posts of leopoldij 
I'd rather not have any label. I am what I am and the point is, like I said, to derive pleasure. Wish I had realized that earlier in my life.

By leopoldij at 22,Sep,15 21:37 other posts of leopoldij 
"Another thought, when fucking your gf, don't secretly put your butt plug in, but make a big show of putting it in. Let her know in no uncertain terms that, for you, anal stimulation is a major part, even an essential part, of the sexual experience."

Ah, if only things were that simple... Why do you think I have fuck buddies? Because I need more than I get.

By #420420 at 18,Sep,15 05:04
I never imagined trying anal sex, but I met an AMAZING woman, that suggested it, and we tried it. She had this 'Cyber-skin' toy, that was supposed to be 'SUPER REAL' in feeling!! OK, straight, wanting to feel a 'REAL' penis, in my ass?? I don't know how she convinced me, and I am still thinking she slipped something into my glass of wine!! She knew what she was doing, and started slow, playfully, and we were laughing, and cuddling, kissing, and playing, and it wasn't like anything I ever shared, or IMAGINED!! I NEVER thought that I would be able to take the size of the 'toy' she presented, but it ended up being an AMAZING experience! I couldn't stay hard, which I thought was a problem, but she said it was normal, and to just love the feelings. I CAME SO HARD that it almost HURT!! It seemed to last forever, and it was like NOTHING I ever experienced before!!! Guys, don't judge until you try it, with someone that knows how to LOVE your bottom!!
By spermkiss at 18,Sep,15 18:56 other posts of spermkiss 
As you have discovered, prostate orgasms can be extremely intense. ("I CAME SO HARD that it almost HURT!!")

Oh how I envy you. I'm as gay as they come and have been fucked in the ass hundreds of times. If the guy is really hot and/or he is someone I am really fond of, the knowledge that he is using my ass for his sexual pleasure makes the act enjoyable. But the physical pleasure just isn't there.

On the other hand, a man can be totally straight but if his body is built so that he derives pleasure from prostate stimulation from anal penetration, he will enjoy being fucked. He might even climax this way. ("Guys, don't judge until you try it...")
By #420420 at 19,Sep,15 03:55
I imagine that a big part of the experience is the 'novelty' of something previously unknown, and unique! As an 'Experienced man', does that INCREDIBLE sensation wane, and disappear, bit by bit, with each time? Do I only get something like 50 'GREAT ONES' before everything turns, and it is just 'the usual??' On a related note: she said it was 'normal' that I couldn't stay hard with the toy. Was she just trying to make me feel OK, or do most guys lose their erection when anally penetrated? She seemed to 'know' and somehow got me hard, just touching, not sure what, or how, with the 'OTHER' thing happening at the same time!
By spermkiss at 19,Sep,15 16:39 other posts of spermkiss 
Well, maybe part of it was the novelty. After all, this was your opportunity to be a virgin all over again. Will that incredible sensation wane and disappear? Probably not. I don't know how well this translates, but my own all time favorite sex act is to suck a guy off. 'Been doing it since I was 22, fifty years. The thrill of having him climax in my mouth is as big as ever.

As to your question if it's normal to lose your erection while being anally penetrated, there is no normal. Some guys do, some do not. Whatever your dick does during the penetration is normal for you. So just relax and enjoy the sex and don't worry about whether or not you dick is hard.

By leopoldij at 19,Sep,15 13:15 other posts of leopoldij 
You're right!
By spermkiss at 19,Sep,15 16:19 other posts of spermkiss 
So I guess you're a straight man who likes taking it in the ass. Good for you, man.
By leopoldij at 19,Sep,15 17:59 other posts of leopoldij 
I like anything that is pleasurable. The only boundaries are defined by health, human dignity, and respect. Other than that, what's the problem?

By heylittleman at 18,Sep,15 11:35 other posts of heylittleman 
My G/f milks my prostate.. And I'd really like to try being pegged, I just can't think (too shy) of how to bring up the subject of using toys.

By #254338 at 02,Sep,15 16:51
wife won't do it... but I had a gf who used to use a dildo and work her way up to at least 3 fingers so she could try to reach in and rub my prostate (or at least where she thought it was)...

By t-rex at 02,Sep,15 07:37 other posts of t-rex 
Not my wife, but a female friend, first with a dildo, then a strap on she bought, it was much hotter with the strap on , it actually felt like I was being fucked, which I was of course, and she really started pounding into me, I came like crazy. She promised to let me watch her fuck a girl friend of hers with it, if I licked her pussy good, I made her cum twice while licking her pussy, so I can't wait to see her with her friend, knowing her, I'm sure I will get a special treat, just not sure what it will be

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