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Dick Prints

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Started by #498140 at 25,Sep,15 15:14
I enjoy Printing my dick pics from random libraries and computer labs and leave them for girls I know to see. If u seen my dick/remote comparison pic. That's the one I printed for girlfriends mom.she was working on the same counter that had it. She waited at least 30 mins then asked me if it was mine. Once I told her yes she got mad saying I better not be showing other people . I told her I didn't that I took the pic thinking of her. She said for it not to happened anymore in case her husband found it or something. !!score!! She has huge fits and a tight Lil ass. Normally I where loose shorts (grey) to show her the bulge and outline of my cock. When im standing by her in my shorts I have got erections multiple times and she will just keep conversation going for ever! She has walked in on my jack off and she ever tasted my cum without knowing .

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New Comment

By #6568 at 25,Sep,15 18:42
.....I bet she does indeed have huge fits with a fool like you dating her daughter!'s a wonder she has'nt had a seizure!

I see from your page that you are actually 25 years old if you have not exagerated this as well. Why not have a try at growing up a touch and becoming a nice young man who is a credit to the community and who will be viewed as ideal boyfriend material by nice ladies with daughters.....

.....Just saying!....promise us you'll try!
By bella! at 25,Sep,15 20:07 other posts of bella! 
You are so wise and thoughtful! I'm glad that you responded to youngmagik and ME!

By #498140 at 27,Sep,15 14:53
Your dumb . don't **** because u never had a chance
By #491031 at 27,Sep,15 15:33
"Your dumb". I love the irony.
By #23212 at 27,Sep,15 23:43
Perhaps you might want to explain to Mr. "I where loose shorts' what the word 'irony' means?
By #491031 at 28,Sep,15 02:34
I am thinking that pissing up a rope would be a better use of my time.
By JeffinKS at 28,Sep,15 14:02 other posts of JeffinKS 

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