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Your First time..

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Started by cardinal at 22,Jan,16 08:32  other posts of cardinal
Haveing sex how was it..describe how it was where it was and details of what type of person they was..

Similar topics: 1.Friends - Bestfriends - Couple?   2.self reflextion   3.Masturbating - Your Usual Routine?   4.masturbating for the first time (guys)   5.The troubles of a **** Bi Relationship  

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By #487206 at 26,Nov,16 21:05
We were both 14 I was sleeping over at my cousin's house she was my cousin's friend. In the middle of the night with my cousin in the room we started kissing and touching my dick was throbbing n her pussy was soaking wet. I got her naked from the waist down got on top n slid into that tight wet pussy I remember how hot she felt inside I barely lasted a minute pulled out n came all over her belly n pussy

By #519017 at 26,Nov,16 20:09
I was nervous and so was she. She was laying on the bed in my flat just in a negligee. She said "I guess I don't need this" and took her negligee off so she was nude. I was standing there with the biggest stiffest erection I'd ever had knowing I was going to get sex, but I was so shy I could hardly take my clothes off, but I did and joined her nude on the bed. We had a good romp, feeling and kissing (which was the best part of it first time!) then she rolled onto her back and spread her legs. I got on top of her and shoved my cock in. She was tight because she was nervous. The thrusting action came naturally and I jerked my load after a couple of minutes. "Was that it?" She said. It was an anticlimax after all the build up. But having "done it" we improved and lost our nervousness within a few days.

By #181785 at 04,Feb,16 07:48
My first time was an after school, in my parents living, on the sofa. It started with a blow job. Then it progressed to anal. As youngsters we didn't know about protection so it was bareback. Like I said it started by me giving him a blow job and then I got behind him and did him. After I was finished, we switched places. He did me from behind then finished off by giving me a blow job. This was the start of a year of fucking and sucking.

By fatcock66 at 01,Feb,16 21:46 other posts of fatcock66 
first time for me... first time for her as well... that's a good way to get started. We of course used a condom, and she was on top. She was one of the few females that was able to cum from penetration. We must have done it hundreds of times in the two semesters together. My grades suffered too. Worth it though.

By #491031 at 01,Feb,16 21:02

By #64328 at 01,Feb,16 20:02
The first time was awkward and was to nervious to orgasm. The second time was not until 3 years later and i was done in about 2 minutes and that included taking my pants off and her putting a comdom on me. After just a only few pumps i was all the way in and there was nothing i could do to stop cumming. She was 2 years older and really cool about it. She just said that happens sometimes and not to worry. 5 to 10 minutes later i was rock hard again and the second time was much better for her. Luckily she was very cool about the cumming so quick the first time and she even told me it was hot that i was so turned on that i nutted almost instantly on the first attempt

By #485312 at 27,Jan,16 16:24
it was lousy, my brush handle was a better root l thought, it was on the steps of the CWA rooms after a cousin tex electric light show disco and it was with the hottest dude in my class, *lix*

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