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banning people

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Started by #460523 at 06,Feb,16 03:31
y do you ban people and do not tell them y you banned them.I have had a few and do not know what I did to them. I **** that I and here to have fun and bullshit with anyone love to talk and have fun.

Similar topics: 1.Banned from public chatroom   2.Silent banning from the chat room   3.Banning jerks in chat   4.Banning   5.Time to End Banning!  

New Comment

By bjuk at 04,Jun,17 22:46 other posts of bjuk 
Surely it is time for ValentinoBoss and Johnnyboy22 to fuck off?

By Dong69 at 25,Feb,17 23:38 other posts of Dong69 
Lol I been black listed, by a few, because they come off mentally unstable, I even had one call me a pervert!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I told her you should not talk, as that we both are showing people our bodies. Then she tried to claim , because I sent a pic of my cock lollol

By #294721 at 23,Feb,17 17:56
I agree with banning if they are posting obvious photo shopped or downloaded picsfrom porn sites. There are a few, rare. I mean what's the point of posting fake pics saying is you. Come on people.
By bella! at 23,Feb,17 21:53 other posts of bella! 
I believe that what you are speaking about is actually banning a member from the site because said member did not follow site guidelines, ie, posting Internet based pictures.

I believe that what the original poster of this thread topic is speaking about is blacklisting. Banning a member and blacklisting a member are two very different things. If you're banned from the site, POOF!, one day you're gone and your IP is blocked so you cannot create a new profile. If you are blacklisted, an individual member has decided that they do not want you to view their page nor do they want to view yours. Somettimes there might be valid reasons and the majority of the time, the blacklister is just an extremely weak minded whack-a-doodle. When you have been blacklisted,there is absolutely no contact with the member that has blacklisted you, basically, you're just not there......
By #208346 at 23,Feb,17 23:28
Admin say's IP's are not blocked unless it's really serious.Such as**** porn.
Only the member is banned and She/He can come back under a different name.If he were to ban a IP any one on wi-fi would be banned,such as a hotel or apartment complex,coffee shop etc.

By #208346 at 23,Feb,17 21:38
I've only blacklisted 1 member because he sent me a 150 point gift pile of poop.Cost me 150 to delete it plus more points to send him a gift of the finger.Never had any contact with him til then.

Been blacklisted by 2 for reasons I don't know or care.Think it was when they asked a question on the main page and I answered.Never chatted with either one of them.

By #460523 at 06,Feb,16 03:35
I hope someone will help me out
By #502711 at 23,Feb,17 07:26
Dunno mate. Some people just have fucking issues hey. I get heaps of people do it to me. I guess some people will look at a profile & think "I h.a.t.e this guy because his or hers pics are better than mine or they're getting more sex than me I better block them & be a total prick to them for no reason".

By bella! at 15,Feb,16 01:26 other posts of bella! 
Yesterday, I read this blog by a member that wrote about having his pictures "flagged" and losing points. In his blog, he decided to remove all of his pictures ( that will teach us, you flag his pictures, you will not be able to gaze upon his glorious penis any longer ) and referred to the membership as being "c@cksuckers" and "dumba$$es". WHY? Because HE uploaded his pictures in the wrong category! Go figure! I responded to his blog, my response was respectful as best as I recall, I used this analogy as an example; when some members decide they want to look at a penis, they might not want to see someone bent over spreading his butt cheeks. I noticed that he was a new member and pointed out that it might be difficult for him to interact with others with no posted pictures.

To further illustrate how dumb he is, he responded to my post but didn't use the [Reply] option. His post was something to the effect that I posted what he considered a lame comment on one of his pictures and wanted to know if my "dumba$$" comment was flagged and if I lost any points. I noticed in his bio, under the additional information, he said he was 64 years of age and that he was a "Southern gentleman". Rather than to continue to exchange thoughts in his blog, I sent him a private message saying that if that's the way a "Southern gentleman" from Tennessee acts, I was glad I was from Michigan to which I received a response saying that that explained everything, I'm a Northerner and arrogant! The old fart blacklisted me, which I'm okay with, I gifted him "the finger" and he used 50 of his precious points to destroy I nuked him.

Now here's a little caveat to my story, he's deleted his whiny ass blog, uploaded some pictures ( probably to earn points ) to destroy the bomb I sent AND he changed his bio by shaving 15 years off his age, now his profile says he's 49 and he also removed the part about being a "Southern gentleman"! Maybe he's trying to keep it real but I still think he's a pathetic old fart!
By admin at 15,Feb,16 02:03 other posts of admin 
Like if it was impossible to foresee his reaction...
By bella! at 15,Feb,16 02:37 other posts of bella! 
As I said, I'm not bothered by him blacklisting me, at least we had some interaction that he felt warranted his action. BTW, I only gifted him after he blacklisted me.

I found his blog over the top by calling members "c@cksuckers" and "dumba$$es" because of something that he was directly responsible for. If "flagging" pictures and losing points causes that type of reaction in an adult, it makes me wonder how he reacts to and copes with life's curve balls.

By #96761 at 06,Feb,16 04:46
I've only blacklisted someone if they send me crazy non appropriate messages. I mean common sense should tell you to treat people
Kindly. I've had to blacklist some very weird ppl however it's been very few. Most people I encounter are super nice. I don't know if I've been blacklisted but really don't let this eat at you personally. I've had encounters with you and you're a nice guy.
By bella! at 06,Feb,16 05:49 other posts of bella! 
Here's your stats;

Number of members who befriended cox: 208
Number of members who blacklisted cox: 1
Number of members whom cox has blacklisted: 20

This is an adult site, out of curiosity, what do you consider inappropriate? What if you just chose to ignore that member, do you think [s]he would continue to message you if there was no response? I guess that everyone has their own way of dealing with matters but I still feel that quite often members will opt for blacklisting for flimsy reasons.
By #96761 at 06,Feb,16 14:30
I consider inappropriate when someone sends me messages more than once asking very personal information such as age and address and very descriptive vulgar sex acts that have included minors, **** etc. Also I have ignored said messages only to continue to receive them. I felt blacklisting was the best way to handle it rather than to even respond in any capacity that could encourage them. I further have blacklisted people whom for an unknown spiteful reason has left derogatory comments on my pics and voted against me repeatedly for no apparent reason. Although blacklisting them doesn't stop them from voting against you. I feel if I don't like a pic, I move on. I don't degrade the person or vote their pic down. I feel all my reasons are valid to blacklist 20 people since being a member of over 6 yrs. being this is an adult site, people need to use caution when dealing with some aggressive strangers. You reference people aimlessly using blacklist bc they can. Well yeah. I work a very stress filled job and when I'm here it's to have fun not engage in having to explain to an adult or some internet predators that they are way out of line. So yeah sometimes I have that right to just blacklist and move on because I can and don't want to deal with non sense.
--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes

Some people do blacklist because they can. Out of how many ever thousand members I feel my number of blacklists are warranted and I won't tolerate anyone treating me with disrespect or sending **** filled comments or being vindictive for no apparent reason. I am a pleasant kind person and treat people with kindness. I have learned not everyone is capable of playing nice. I support the blacklist feature. If someone blacklists you for simply writing hello on their wall, well it's their loss really isn't it? If someone one blacklisted me for something that simple I'd probably be happy they did bc they are probably going to be a person that won't 'play nice" in the realm of this site to begin with. I don't take it personal if someone blacklists me or doesn't respond. It's their choice. I do take offense as I said to people leaving nasty remarks on my page and or via private messaging. When deleting and ignoring these people fail. Yep I blacklist is a second.
By #460385 at 06,Feb,16 14:53
Since you have blacklisted 20 members. Have you giving those members the courtesy you are asking for by telling them in advance why you did so?
By #96761 at 06,Feb,16 15:07
In some instances yes. In some no. I currently have a member sending me private messages daily basking me to degrade them humiliate them and they want my home number and address and will pay me cash. I replied sorry I am not into that. Yet today in get a msg " so now you're not speaking to me". At what point does a person not get that I said no. I don't feel I have to explain to someone that they are being out of line or vulgar and bothering me especially if I've ignored the messages or replied that I'm not interested. Sorry but not everyone comprehends the words no thank you and if I have to blacklist I will. Now, I'm adult enough that certain things are obviously needed to be taken with a grain of salt but I won't waste my time explaining to someone they are being cruel or nasty towards my account. I also am

Not going to ask a person why they felt the need to vote my pic down multiple times in a row. I figure there is a screw loose and I'm not here to be messed with. I'm here to have fun. I honestly don't care if someone chose to blacklist me. I have many good contacts on here and if for any reason someone blacklisted me it's their choice. I am
Not going to be offended nor do i expect to know why. I don't go around aimlessly blacklisting people but the feature is there and if I personally feel I need to use it i will and do. I've never asked anyone to give me the courtesy of any explanations. I've left very nice messages and compliments to ppl. They view my page and don't reply. I don't take it personal nor need to feel they should explain why they choose not to respond. It's their right to respond or not. I also currently have a man voting down my pics as soon as he sees they hit the main page. Why? Who knows. Who cares. Jealousy. Probably. He has ego issues. Probably. Have I blacklisted him no. Am I going to ask him why he continues to do this? No. Again, I only use the feature when I personally feel it warranted.
By bella! at 06,Feb,16 17:38 other posts of bella! 
Believe it or not, there are SYD members that have blacklisted more than 200 folks EACH!
By #96761 at 06,Feb,16 18:17
Wow. That's excessive to me. What is their purpose here? I mainly have very good positive experiences here but I am aware and cautious of internet trolling. There are some deviant folks on here and I've run across a couple. However the good far outweighs the bad.
By bella! at 06,Feb,16 20:21 other posts of bella! 
Here's the stats of one member I'm speaking of;

Number of members who befriended *****: 18
Number of members who blacklisted *****: 1
Number of members whom ***** has blacklisted: 249

A SYD member who has been befriended by only 18 other members yet has blacklisted 249!

By Rose at 06,Feb,16 19:23 other posts of Rose 
Cox sent me a message, then blacklisted me before I could reply to his message. Therefore, I banned him. And all because I deleted a comment he left on my wall. Read my wall, and read who I speak with: ONLY the member named aaa. So, cox got upset when I deleted his comment on my wall, and he lost precious points! I tried to message him and tell him I would gift him points, but, he had already banned me. Whatever.
By bella! at 06,Feb,16 20:05 other posts of bella! 
Rose, have you ever considered editing your profile to accept messages and posts from friends only?
By Rose at 07,Feb,16 04:06 other posts of Rose 
This comment is in response to what cox said about me at 14:58, but I cannot reply to his comment there.I have NEVER voted for a pic. I am not here for that. Sorry, you must be thinking of another member cox.

By Rose at 07,Feb,16 04:12 other posts of Rose 
In my case, no he did not give me an explanation. Now, he is making up shit. I have zero problem with being banned, just don't lie about me.
By #460385 at 07,Feb,16 19:27
@ Rose, what we don't get is, the only comments you make and accept are from aaa. Your profile says you're only here for aaa. You only have 1 friend, aaa. You delete all others comments off you main page which cost members points. You have no pics, no favorites, no friends, your pics can only be seen by aaa. You only accept gifts from aaa and you only send gifts to aaa. And you have blacklisted 27 members. WHY ARE YOU HERE?
By Rose at 07,Feb,16 20:52 other posts of Rose 
I am here to chat and exchange pics with aaa. It is more convenient and confidential, compared to email. As for the members that I banned, it is because they sent abusive or derogatory messages to me. If a member reads my status and still wants to write a message on my wall, and I choose to delete it and they lose precious points, too bad. I have every right to be here
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

I am here minding my own business, yet some people go looking to cause problems. A perfect example is cox lying saying that I "vote down pics as not hot". In my 2.5 years here, I cannot recall voting for any pictures, ever.

By #434610 at 06,Feb,16 20:44
Get over it ,u got banned big deal ,move on
By Rose at 07,Feb,16 04:10 other posts of Rose 
I explained why I banned cox. He was pissed off that I deleted his post on my wall and he lost points, so HE banned me. Now, he is saying that I "like to vote down people's pics as not hot". I have been here over two years, and have never voted a pic as not hot. Who is the childish one, cox? And I would add delusional.

By #460523 at 06,Feb,16 03:41
This does hurt when you do this and do not say y you did it
By bella! at 06,Feb,16 04:36 other posts of bella! 
Members blacklist other members because it is an easy process and because they can, simple as that. I've been blacklisted by posting "welcome" on new members walls, I've been blacklisted by members that I haven't even interacted with, I've been blacklisted by a member because I did not respond to their messages, recently I was blacklisted by a pompous ass pussy. Just my guess about those members that blacklist others for weak reasons or no reason at all, they do it because they are the ones that have personality flaws and are not capable of dealing with matters head on. It's an easy fix; ZAP! you're blacklisted and I don't have to deal with this any longer.

Please, don't allow this to eat at you.

By #460523 at 06,Feb,16 03:39
you can pm me about this. I have never banned anyone even if I did not like them. If I did not like what they said I would tell them not banned them

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