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Where to get my dick sucked in Chicago or sucking first time

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Started by #509942 at 03,Apr,16 06:44
Never have sucked a dick but had my dick sucked by my neighbor when i was drunk one night. I played with his dick while he sucked mine felt great

Similar topics: 1.Chicago anyone   2.I sucked my first dick today booth in west suburbs of chicago getting your dick sucked by a stranger   4.first time getting my dick stroked and sucked by a guy   5.want to suck a dick  

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By Maxream at 18,Mar,19 06:24 other posts of Maxream 
Chicagoland area. Let's help each other out

By #211891 at 06,Apr,16 18:50
Look for gay bath houses. I have always had a great time going to a gay bath house because everyone there wants what you want:

By spermkiss at 03,Apr,16 16:18 other posts of spermkiss 
If you want to become a cocksucker and/or get sucked off by a cocksucker, go where the cocksuckers congregate. Find a gay bar and go there. As a new face in the bar, you WILL get attention. You'll score. If you don't know where the gay bars are, well the internet is your friend.
By #509942 at 05,Apr,16 03:48
Thanks i like to look at dicks they turn me on but after i cum i feel weird
By spermkiss at 05,Apr,16 19:31 other posts of spermkiss 
May I add a few more points?

First, you describe yourself as straight but you just said that you like to look at dicks. If this bothers you, relax, it's completely normal. Every man in the world likes to look at other men's dicks. Guys like to look at dicks. All guys. It's a guy thing, not a gay thing. So look to your heart's content and enjoy it. You don't have to turn in your Straight Membership Card because you like looking at dicks.

Secondly, you get turned on looking at dicks. Again, completely normal. When men look at porn, what do they want to see? Well, if they're straight the probably want to see exposed lady parts. But they also want to see hard dicks. Guys want to see one or more hard dicks shooting one or more loads of jizz. Without an ejaculation the porn viewing experience is just not complete.

Finally, you feel weird after you climax. Again, completely normal. When a man climaxes his body secretes a hormone called prolactin that causes him to lose all interest in sex. That's what causes you weird feeling.
By #509942 at 06,Apr,16 12:03
Thanks for the feedback
lady parts what are those
By spermkiss at 06,Apr,16 17:51 other posts of spermkiss 
You're welcome and I hope it was useful. Here's more.

OK, you self identify as straight (more about this in a moment), but you want to try out sucking dicks. This, too, is normal. It's not as common as liking to look at dicks and being turned on by them (which is universal), but there are a LOT of straight men out there who like to suck guys off. I call these men straight cocksuckers. So, how many are there? Undoubtedly millions worldwide. In my personal life I've known several. So if you're so inclined to suck cocks and swallow loads of jizz, get out there, get down on your knees, do it and enjoy it. And again, you don't have to turn in your Straight Membership Card if you do. You're just a straight cocksucker.

Now, the question of if you're really straight. I gotta wonder if a man who asks the question "lady parts what are those" is really straight. Hell, I'm as queer as a three dollar bill and I like looking at lady parts. I've even been down there lapping on them and licking up that pussy juice. And no, I ain't bisexual. I'm gay, Gay, GAY!

By leopoldij at 06,Apr,16 12:05 other posts of leopoldij 
You're spot on right. I like looking at dicks.

By #201583 at 04,Apr,16 14:34
A few places off of the top of my head: 15th Avenue Adult Emporium, Banana Video, Steamworks, Mans County, Maneuvers...the list is massive. If you go to one of these places and meet people, this starter list will expand immensely.
By #509942 at 05,Apr,16 03:49

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