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GF found my toys

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Started by heylittleman at 19,May,16 16:31  other posts of heylittleman
My better half found my toy collection last night, then ended up using my Aneros on me while we made love.. It was mind blowing.

Anyone else had a similar experience?

Similar topics: 1.male sex toys?   2.Men and toys   3.Do you like sex toys?   4.My wife just found my bag of ‘other’ toys   5.Toys. Sex toys  

New Comment

By #596639 at 25,Sep,19 18:53
I have fucked with my Aneros Vice inserted. Feels like someone fucking you from behind if in a missionary position. Preferably he ankles over your shoulders.

By spermkiss at 22,May,16 15:24 other posts of spermkiss 
Wasn't this a liberating experience? And didn't it really spice up your love life?

But I gotta ask, what's an Aneros? I'm guessing it's some kind of anal stimulator.
By #23212 at 23,May,16 05:54
Actually, an Aneros is more of a prostate stimulator. Next time you're in the Castro Street area, stop into any of the many sex toy shops there, and you'll be certain to find this very popular item (and more inexpensive copies of it). :x

By leopoldij at 23,May,16 01:14 other posts of leopoldij 
Gf didn't find my toys. I showed her my toys.

By #485312 at 20,May,16 20:11
must be a good enough excuse to buy some new ones together now *lix*

By Raypark at 20,May,16 16:25 other posts of Raypark 
Nope, made sure she knew about my toys from day one, and she loves it when I introduce a new one too.

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