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Started by chubbyloves at 08,Sep,16 22:54  other posts of chubbyloves
through most of my life I was sexually active with guys and girls. I had to back off because of my job. You had to be a "goodie 2 shoes" if you worked for the government and had clearances. I never had to go through the "life style Polygraph" They don't have that anymore. So for 30+ years there was no fooling around except for one friend. That is another story.
After I retired early I opened a handyman business with a side of e-bay. A friend suggested I sell something on Craigslist. I opened an account and found another word called personals. I set up a private email account and put out an add. Kept it very general. Had a lot of replies. Being down low married I had to be careful. I just wanted to see how easy it was to get and give a blowjob. Met an older man in his 70's, went to his house and he shoved his hand down my pants. It had been 10 years for me since I was with a man. He had a good mouth and we got each other off. He was a widow and started getting very possessive. Gone.. now I was back in the swing of things. Still DL and in the closet but having fun when I can.

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New Comment

By #147052 at 09,Sep,16 14:54
I have too walked in those shoes. Difficult where I live to find someone with similar interests.

By pifad at 09,Sep,16 08:06 other posts of pifad 
Oh I hear you!

Adult Discussion Forum