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Small vs Large, Soft vs Hard

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Started by #427109 at 15,Oct,16 08:29
I think I must be weird because it seems like my preferences are not the norm. I love smaller cocks and when sucking the first part is always best when the cock is still soft and flaccid. What are your preferences

Similar topics: 1.My Penis Size...Small Medium..or Large   2.Massive transformation from soft to hard   3.the SYD PENIS SIZE survey   4.soft or hard my penis small? medium? large? or average? as soft  

New Comment

By Alwaysnude at 22,Feb,24 17:23 other posts of Alwaysnude 
I got the small

By casado at 20,Nov,23 20:09 other posts of casado 

By #202392 at 20,May,20 17:14
Small and soft are the most attractive especially when they are not circumcised
By #463848 at 21,Nov,22 10:53
I am uncircumcised but I do like to see a dick that has been.

By cumcouplessa at 20,Nov,22 16:26 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. My only preference is that the guy is soft at first. I love to feel a cock "growing" in my mouth.

By Alwaysnude at 24,Dec,21 19:17 other posts of Alwaysnude 
[deleted image] Here small and soft
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

[deleted image] My hard dick
--------------------------------------- added after 7939 hours

[deleted image]

By #611458 at 14,May,20 16:55
I prefer sucking small soft ones and especially those that have ED.
By Quicksand at 17,May,20 16:15 other posts of Quicksand 
Will they cum if they have ed?
By #611458 at 17,May,20 19:51
Oh yes. Some have more of an ooze than a spurt.

By #64328 at 17,May,20 16:19
I've always thought smaller dicks are nicer looking

By Joe93930 at 17,May,20 09:53 other posts of Joe93930 
I love sucking small soft cocks and feeling it grow especially if the guy is a grower

By #536019 at 14,May,20 23:05
Definitely small and hard.

By #463848 at 13,Mar,19 09:32
I always like to find a cock soft and best if average size.

By #519672 at 16,Dec,16 01:50
suck it soft to make it hard yup

By pifad at 15,Oct,16 18:43 other posts of pifad 
Not weird at all. We have the same taste in men

By spermkiss at 15,Oct,16 17:02 other posts of spermkiss 
You're not weird at all. There are dozens of web sites devoted entirely to small dicks and their admirers. And on this very site, photos of micros often make it to the Most Popular page. There is at least one there as I write this.

By #505990 at 15,Oct,16 13:11
I agree, there does seem to be something very arousing about a small soft dick in your mouth.
By spermkiss at 15,Oct,16 16:59 other posts of spermkiss 
Man, you said a mouthful there. (Pun very much intended.) It is so satisfying to have a soft dick in one's mouth, to feel it rise to full attention with lingual caresses and then to unload some nice warm man juice.

By #81191 at 15,Oct,16 13:20

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