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soft or hard

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Started by #298287 at 06,Sep,12 20:59
when you look at the pics of reasent uplods or the archives why are most of them of hard ons, are the members of the cocks worried that they dont look good soft or that they are toooooooo small?
some of us like to see a soft cock and not hard ons all the time

Similar topics: 1.Soft or hard?   2.Soft or hard   3.Just wondering, who else can cum while soft?   4.can't get hard on webcam :S   5.Soft/Flaccid Dick  

New Comment

By thicknsmooth at 22,Sep,24 04:11 other posts of thicknsmooth 
I love looking at soft cocks here is mine

By Antonek at 22,Sep,24 02:32 other posts of Antonek 
Ok guys, I have my share of hard on pics. We all have cocks, which are not hard all the time. Obviously, a hard cock means you’re turned on. That’s cool. That feels good and probably means you’ll cum soon too. Who doesn’t like that? I personally try to post a variety of pics. All of which are the same cock, but in various stages of arousal. I guess I’m trying to keep it real. I hope you like them, but in reality it’s what I really am.

By lovetolickyou at 19,Sep,24 08:38 other posts of lovetolickyou 
I'm sometimes impressed by the sight of a big, proud boner, but my favorite thing is sucking softies. I love to see them small, limp, and ready to grow. My guess is that most guys choose to show their cock erect because they think it'll be most impressive to other guys when it's at it's biggest. I also really like seeing them flaccid.

By lovetolickyou at 19,Sep,24 08:28 other posts of lovetolickyou 
I'm sometimes impressed by the sight of a big, proud boner, but my favourite thing is sucking softies. I love to see them small, limp, and ready to grow.

By Bicunova at 18,Sep,24 16:54 other posts of Bicunova 
I like all, soft, hard, semi..Not much for the big cocks, I even like "small" ones,

By biguyfunn at 17,Sep,24 22:06 other posts of biguyfunn 
Love a limp cock

By Smoothsilk at 07,Sep,24 12:59 other posts of Smoothsilk 
I always like both. Starting soft because I enjoy those balls hanging down low. Then, get it hard because I love to lick a tight ball sac!

By Fixittight at 07,Sep,24 10:36 other posts of Fixittight 
Love taking a limp soft cock in my mouth so i can feel it growing biggest and hardening as o suck it. And I can't deep throat because of a gag reflex set I can't seem to get over. But if when I'm starting to gag and choke on it and try to pull back off of me to grab my head and just hold it right there making me gag just a few moments longer. Can I go my head and let me pull off so I start gasping for air. That's when it triggers something in me and I start getting really nasty about it

By jonns at 25,Jan,23 22:08 other posts of jonns 
[deleted image] [deleted image]

By #463848 at 05,May,19 08:23
I like to see soft cocks, before and after orgasm. We don't often see a video of a wanked orgasm that continues until the cock goes soft. Much easier for us older guys of course.

By routemaster at 28,Sep,16 01:22 other posts of routemaster 

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By #316057 at 06,Dec,13 05:02
I like to see hard ones

By CreativeOne at 07,Sep,12 00:56 other posts of CreativeOne 
Honestly ... most guys here show themselves "Hard" over Soft" for the simple reason it looks more appealing and more erotic ! However , I personally think both ways look great regardless ! So all in all ... just be patient with what members post , because there are a lot of variety here to look at no matter what !!!
By skot at 04,Dec,13 18:50 other posts of skot 
Hear hear! Soft can be just as intensely erotic as hard.

By #157044 at 03,Dec,13 21:17
My page has both too - like to see a cock in both conditions so expect others to want to as well.
Soft with my balls hanging down:
[deleted image]
Hard with my bag hard and tight:
[deleted image]

By #287786 at 06,Sep,12 21:55
most dicks look more "impressive hard. I only have one picture completely soft and a couple of "floppy" ones.
By Bendy at 02,Dec,13 10:46 other posts of Bendy 
How about flexible cocks? I can bend my boner in half, lmao

By malecall4 at 03,Nov,13 08:45 other posts of malecall4 
soft[deleted image]

By #424469 at 02,Nov,13 04:27
heres both hope u like [deleted image][deleted image]

By bigone21 at 24,Apr,13 22:40 other posts of bigone21 
here's both:

By Bendy at 24,Apr,13 22:09 other posts of Bendy 
Mine is flexible when it's hard... Lemme know whatcha think please

By #220845 at 07,Jan,13 03:07
I like them both

By jocstfr at 05,Jan,13 22:36 other posts of jocstfr 

By jocstfr at 05,Jan,13 22:34 other posts of jocstfr 


You decide!
--------------------------------------- added after 65 seconds

my mistake meant to post his one

By #337566 at 05,Jan,13 20:57
[deleted image]
Hard is more erotic in my opinion, but i have also soft pic

By slipper at 05,Jan,13 02:25 other posts of slipper 
I prefer seeing softies!!!

By *kmadeau* at 07,Sep,12 10:26 other posts of *kmadeau* 
one of my pic here:

By #291618 at 07,Sep,12 03:55
i have soft pics and hard pics on my site check em out im 18 yo it gives me the same uploading hard or soft pics u ask how u wanna see my cock and maybe ill do it

By littleun at 07,Sep,12 02:05 other posts of littleun 
neddie, look in my or moe joes favs. you can see enough softies to burn your eyeballs

By #285812 at 06,Sep,12 23:10
In my opinion, I guess if you have a big dick, you like to show just how big it is......

Let's say: if you had a Ferrari and a used Ford...which would you like to show off....Damn, that was a poor analogy !

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