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Started by #524674 at 05,Dec,16 21:03
Hey there. Just wondering if any guys or gals out the also love having a nice plug in their ass. I for one absolutely love it and sometimes leave it in for hours at a time

Similar topics: 1.how many use a buttplug   2.buttplug   3.i have a buttplug in my ass   4.comment on this pic please (male buttplug)   5.Buttplug tails, anyone?  

New Comment

By exhibit at 05,Feb,24 17:48 other posts of exhibit 

This one, made of glass, is good for hours and hours. Gives my prostrate a little massage too. So I tend to leak a little.

By exhibit at 30,Jan,24 23:58 other posts of exhibit 
I have several, some are now getting dangerous about being sucked in. So, I am shopping for bigger and safer. But have found a few that are good for hours and/or days.

By curious10 at 15,Jan,24 20:36 other posts of curious10 
I love to put my huge one in and then look at porn until I cant stand it anymore then I get big old dildo out and go to work on my hole

By neednopants at 14,Jan,24 13:51 other posts of neednopants 

By Lukas123 at 01,Jan,24 02:16 other posts of Lukas123 
I love butt plugs feels amazing I’m wearing butt plug in the night and weekends

By Ohioguy at 12,Dec,16 11:50 other posts of Ohioguy 

--------------------------------------- added after 51 seconds

By chubbyloves at 11,Dec,16 01:13 other posts of chubbyloves 
I have a draw full. 1 favorite. Love it in my ass when I jack off

By cumonme1 at 10,Dec,16 12:11 other posts of cumonme1 
I have a butt plug I use it's about 7.25 inches around at the widest part. it takes a little work to get it in but feels soooo good when does pop in my hole

By spermkiss at 05,Dec,16 21:50 other posts of spermkiss 
How 'bout a dick in your ass? Or better yet six or eight dicks in your ass, one right after the other.
By t-rex at 06,Dec,16 01:37 other posts of t-rex 
Wow, 6 or 8 woo hoo !
By spermkiss at 06,Dec,16 17:15 other posts of spermkiss 
Sounds like you really enjoy getting fucked in the ass. And you're straight! Hey, that's cool. A lot of straight guys like it.

By cumonme1 at 06,Dec,16 13:20 other posts of cumonme1 
I have several butt plugs I love them my wife introduced me to anal sex when she fucked me in the ass with a vibrator and i have enjoyed anal sex ever since.

By #102374 at 06,Dec,16 05:42
Oh hell yeah. Luv ass plugged.

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