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Member "rightbyme" is a fake account.

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #518644 at 25,Dec,16 11:31

This account is FAKE . I have found the images on the internet. He cropped them so it can be difficult to find them through google image search. I even posted the comment on his main page but he deleted them. It's unfair how people like these are having their identity here.

check this page and scroll down to see images----

only registered users can see external links

only registered users can see external links

please everyone , don't believe everything here.. stay safe.

Similar topics: 1.WHO IS A FAKE?   2.Please report this member   3.Say what you mean...   4.For your amusement.   5.Some guys still ask about Morgasm  

New Comment

By bella! at 28,Dec,16 11:29 other posts of bella! 
So because you were able to find several of rightbyme's pictures on various blogs, that makes him "fake"? Isn't it POSSIBLE that your pictures, my pictures, his pictures, her pictures COULD be posted on blogs elsewhere? We really don't have control over our pictures/words that are blogged and reblogged, do we?
By milesbferry at 29,Dec,16 01:44 other posts of milesbferry 
And whose fake ID is Charming Star? Or, less than charming. He/She/It always deletes my replies. The site police are active,
By bella! at 29,Dec,16 01:48 other posts of bella! 
Hmmmmm...... could that even be a possibility?
By milesbferry at 29,Dec,16 03:33 other posts of milesbferry 
He/She/It hasn't deleted this one. Yet. Who am I? Where am I?
By bella! at 29,Dec,16 03:49 other posts of bella! 
Who are you? Where are you?

A couple of tips, the "where are you" can easily be determined, just ask the person next to you at the pub. The "who are you" is a bit tricky if your name isn't written in the back of your undercrackers!
By milesbferry at 29,Dec,16 15:55 other posts of milesbferry 
Good tips, Ta! But Google Maps knows where I am at all times - just have to look at the phone! Own name, too

Yes, I have spent about a week in pubs. Having a couple of days off now. I've even cooked a meal today
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

Sorry, site police! These latest posts have nothing to do with fake accounts.

I'm sorry I am in the wrong place, after all

By #518644 at 30,Dec,16 17:08
Charmed.. Charmed star

By #518644 at 30,Dec,16 17:04
hi there .. honestly i thought thrice about posting this thread. I also saw that his photos were CROPPED and MANIPULATED from the real ones as i posted links of a couple of photos , and this makes it hard to search it using "google image search engine". The reason i posted this is because he/she could be someone who may act as a person which he is not and maybe someone who is talking to that fake person might get exploited too. It's not good to see wrong things happening and staying quiet about it.

By SammyBW at 28,Dec,16 10:18 other posts of SammyBW 
You can simply report his profile to the admin by clicking on the respective button in his profile. Just add the links to the pics you found on the internet.

Your report will then be reviewed.
By *kmadeau* at 29,Dec,16 02:32 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By #518644 at 30,Dec,16 16:42
thank you

Adult Discussion Forum