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Knowing if a guy is ok to approach about sucking cock

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Started by #526571 at 01,Jan,17 16:20
Hi Everyone, brand new member here, have looked at the site for a while and really am impressed with the intelligence and support here.

I consider myself straight but have had a few experiences of mutual cock sucking and it's lovely. The thing is it has mostly been through some site or another. But as I walk around I wonder how many guys I pass that would be interested also and might be thinking the same and how to know without being too overt or dropping myself in it.

Any ideas, pointers or great tips that have worked for you?


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New Comment

By #515432 at 05,Jan,17 15:45
It helps now that this site has a "Who lives near you" kinda thing. Plus people who post their location can help. Since I've been on this site it has landed me a couple of nice cocks. But in public and face to face I'm not sure

By JackHammer at 04,Jan,17 14:03 other posts of JackHammer 
Great question. I've been trying to figure that out for a while. I live in a small town and am totally in the closet and never been with a guy (except in my young teen years). There are a couple of guys that live near me that I would love to get to know better but have no idea how to signal them. Craigslist just seems to have the regulars that post all the time; not what I want. I'll be watching this discussion.

By #526576 at 01,Jan,17 20:03
Just out in public? I'd probably not even try. I have had occasional luck while at the YMCA in the locker room. I don't hide the fact that I look. Occasionally I'll get a nod or something, then follow him into the shower.
By #526571 at 02,Jan,17 14:55
I guess it's come down trusting your intuition, think how many lost opportunities are passed everyday the locker room tactic sounds good
By spermkiss at 02,Jan,17 15:40 other posts of spermkiss 
Ever since you posted this topic yesterday I've been wanting to make a comment, but I've been turning over in my head what to say. So I guess I'll just plunge right in and see how it turns out. If I don't like what I've written I don't have to click on "Submit Comment".

First of all, unlike you I am gay. Not just gay, but gay, Gay, GAY. Now we gay men have something of a sixth sense that relates to sex and sexuality. It is often called our gaydar. We often just have a feeling about other men and we know who is interested in a sexual hook-up. But my own gaydar (and every other gay man's) doesn't always work. Your remark about "lost opportunities" really struck a nerve as I've had a lot of them myself. There have been many situations that in hindsight were golden opportunities that I missed out on. Oh, well.

Now you, as a straight man wanting to do a little switch hitting, probably do not have much of a gaydar. But with practice this is something you can learn. And locker rooms are a good place to start. Men are nude there and they are generally just dripping with sexual tension. After exercising all his other muscles, many a man would like to finish up with an exercise of his love muscle. Don't be shy about looking guys over and see what kind of response you get.

After you've practiced your skills in locker rooms, you can move out to the world at large. Good luck.
By #526571 at 03,Jan,17 21:29
Great response and well considered, exactly what I was hoping for; and I would think a few others. I shall put it to good use and let a few looks linger that extra beat when the opportunity arrises. Thank you very much Spermkiss, I look forward to reaping the rewards
By spermkiss at 04,Jan,17 01:38 other posts of spermkiss 
"...looks [that] linger that extra beat..." are a Major Part of gaydar. Pal, you learn quickly and you've got potential. Again I say good luck.

By kebmo at 02,Jan,17 19:32 other posts of kebmo 
Maybe if we all wore a green earring in our left ear?
As far as meeting like minded guys goes, Craigslist is my go to site. By posting there I can find exactly the type of guy I'm looking for and discuss what we will do before we meet. If I have contact with 20 guys, I'll meet just one. Being picky is OK.

By #363802 at 01,Jan,17 17:05
Good question! I'd LOVE to know too!

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