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Me my wifw and her lover

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Started by #510951 at 11,Feb,17 21:57
My wife and I have been into full swapping and threesomes for many years, now we are starting something new, we are moving a submissive male into your home. Basically I am allowing my wife to have a second husband. Please tell me your thought, would you let your wife have a second husband or a live in lover

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By smcock at 13,Feb,17 03:42 other posts of smcock 
It would be nice if I could get my wife to take another man. I wouldn't mind if she wanted to see another man alone as long as I can have her after she gets home. As far as letting another man move in with us I don't think that is a very good idea.
By #510951 at 13,Feb,17 23:12
I am a little different then most men, I enjoy watching my wife having sex with other guys, so I have no problem sharing her. Besides he will be filling my Bisexaul needs as well

By #526576 at 12,Feb,17 22:27
My wife doesn't have a second husband but she has had a lover for about the last 6 or so months. She was straight up about it. She has always been (sometimes painfully) honest about everything. She told me that a guy at her work has been wanting to hook up with her and she has been turning him down. I asked her if she wanted to have sex with him. She said not at the expense of the marriage. I said, "What if I was ok with it? Would you want to then?" She said, "So you'd be OK with it?" I said, "Yeah I'd be OK with it. Better for you to have sex with my knowledge than go behind my back." She is horny as often as any guy but with my work schedule, I can't always meet the demand. Between me and her bf, she's getting laid probably 5 times a week.

By spermkiss at 11,Feb,17 22:11 other posts of spermkiss 
Hey, whatever works for you and her. I see on your page your wife sucking on another lady's tit and slurping on her pussy. I also see that you describe yourself as bisexual. So would this gentleman be a playmate for both of you? Would you and she take turns sucking his dick? The possibilities for MMF sex are endless. Inquiring minds want to know. Tell us.
By #510951 at 12,Feb,17 14:55
Yes, we would have sex a coule time a week with out my wife
we would have sex with my wife a coule time a week with out me and time a week with all three of us, and i have no problem being the cockold husband in a threesome
By spermkiss at 12,Feb,17 17:18 other posts of spermkiss 
An interesting story I've told before here on SYD, but I'll repeat it.

When I was in my early 30s and had been an out gay man for ten years I had an affair with a woman. She knew I was gay and had no problem with it. She and I had a LOT of MMF three ways.

One gentleman was interesting in that he had never done anything with another man and he was really uncomfortable being in bed with me. But he wanted her and if he had to take me as part of the deal he was willing. As the session progressed he warmed up to the idea. He said that watching the lady and me fuck was even better than porn because it was live, right before his eyes. And he got comfortable with me sucking his cock.

At one point the lady got hungry a went to the kitchen for a snack. As soon as she was out of the room, he went to town like a mad man. He French kissed and sucked cock like a champ. And, yes, he took my load and swallowed.
By #510951 at 12,Feb,17 18:13
I would let my wife and him have there fun first if he was uncomforable being in bed, I just want his load
By spermkiss at 12,Feb,17 20:05 other posts of spermkiss 
Would you eat it out of her pussy? Been there, done that. As I said the lady and I had a lot of MMF three ways. Sperm fresh from the dick is nice, but there's a certain mystique about sperm mixed with pussy juice. It's also nice to put your tongue right on the junction of dick and pussy as the man fucks. You can lick off the pussy juice with each outward stroke. After he climaxes inside her, he can withdraw and put his dick in your mouth for a clean up. Then turn to her and bring her to climax with your lips and tongue. His jizz and her pussy juice will just gush out. Yum.

By #510951 at 12,Feb,17 14:34
Yes both my wife and I are BI, He would be living with us as a submissive male for my wife both as a slave and a lover, I just want his cock to suck, it as a win win, Wife gits two man, he gets to fuck my wife and his cock sucked off (a lot) and I get to suck him off as well as fuck my wife.
By #520734 at 12,Feb,17 16:35
Sounds awesome!

By #510409 at 12,Feb,17 15:29
go for it,i certainly would
By #510951 at 12,Feb,17 15:50
Oh I am thanks

By kebmo at 12,Feb,17 05:27 other posts of kebmo 
That's a decision to be made between you and your wife. Whether or not "we" agree with you is irreverent. I hope you live happily ever after.

I have a friend and I know his wife too. We are friends with benefits and she knows. I could see myself being an addition to their marriage. I strongly doubt that that would ever happen but a guy can dream can't he?

I know that this isn't the angle you are looking for but I've never thought about being #3 in a relationship until I read your post.

By t-rex at 12,Feb,17 01:16 other posts of t-rex 
I too , would be interested in hearing the details

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