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Trends in cock size!!

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Started by #533385 at 20,Apr,17 00:04
In my youth, all the guys I knew had normal sized dicks, with the odd exception!! nowadays, especially on sites like this, there are an abundance of huge and sometimes humongous cocks. Are we being invaded by photoshop on a 'MASSIVE' scale??

Similar topics: 1.Ever had sex with an Indian?   2.GROWER OR SHOWER   3.Dick size vs. Shoe size   4.Are most gay/bi guys size queens?   5.Size Matters  

New Comment

By admin at 20,Apr,17 00:18 other posts of admin 
There are some photoshop jobs, but mostly what you see here is a result of only registered users can see external links

Guys with big dicks are much more willing to show them off.
By _avg_ at 20,Apr,17 01:01 other posts of _avg_ 
And selection bias: only registered users can see external links

I bet you pick 100 pages at random and you'll get about maybe 10 'big' ones, but it's the big one's you'll remember, which skews your perception of the actual size distribution.

Adult Discussion Forum