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Started by Greek18cm at 28,Apr,17 03:14  other posts of Greek18cm
Similar topics: 1.What is the best type of cockring? 2.Cockrings in a sauna 3.horny at work 4.Cock Rings and ED, any help?? 5.Cockring selfies exchange New CommentComments: |
When I said I wear it 24/7/365 I really did mean that. I've worn it to medical appointments, even with a urologist. No doctor has so much as batted an eye or made any comment about it being harmful, so I guess it's OK. Indeed, I've worn mine pretty much continuously for more than fifteen years now with no ill effects.
For what it's worth, I had a friend who has since passed away who suffered from ED. He had a cock ring which was prescribed by his doctor that just went around his penis to keep it hard. I would caution any man who wore such a ring to follow his doctor's recommendations.