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Taking Photo's

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Started by #513416 at 11,May,17 22:22
I love taking nude photos of myself. The full frontal ones are great as are the close ups of my cock and balls. However I would like butt photos taken but am like a contortionist and they never come out right. Do you all take your own pictures or do you have a partner who takes them for you?

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New Comment

By #570598 at 02,Jan,20 04:38
Yes u can use selfie tiner. Or if ur phone has voice control.use that EG: WORD LIKE SMILE .CHEESE. ANYTHING TEALLY

By #551147 at 31,May,19 01:31
I use my cell phone. There is a option to say a keyword to make it take the picture. I think that's way better than a timer. I use the word "shoot".

By #581412 at 31,May,19 01:14
u have a selfie ---self timer on ur cell most likely look for it, its always on all digitals...xoxoxo Jillian

By phart at 31,May,19 00:23 other posts of phart 
What few pics I have posted are all I ever took.Nothing has changed or improved about me,and my camera quaility has not improved either.
I never learned all those fancy buttons on the camera anyway.I just point and shoot and hope!

By #583549 at 30,May,19 09:34
My gf takes about half of my photos.The rest are shot with a tripod and a 10 sec.delay on my camera.

By bikev at 30,May,19 07:43 other posts of bikev 
Wifi on my mobile

By #275407 at 30,May,19 04:40
My iPad has a ten second timer so I can get in place.

By #545468 at 30,May,19 03:42
When we take shots of us having sex, my hubby sets his camera on a tripod and sets the timer. We take lots of nude shots of each other. Then again we are both nudists.

By #586249 at 04,May,19 14:41
It's more fun with a friend..any Manchester guys up for it ..& outdoor photo fun is much more exciting.

By #502711 at 18,Apr,18 10:00
I have a partner to help me now, but when I first joined the site I was single & just used a digital camera on a tripod with a timer.
By #485312 at 28,Apr,18 07:28
mmm and l love taking your pics, you just cant take a bad picture baby *lix*
By #502711 at 28,Apr,18 09:02
I have a few bad ones, I don't upload them obviously

By #550094 at 28,Apr,18 01:14
I take all my own pics. Frontals are easy.

If you wanna take pics of your own backside, use a webcam
to capture your backside on video... play the video back
in your mediaplayer... pause the playback and do a screen
capture of a frame for the pic you want.

I recommend a mediaplayer known as GOMplayer (google it)
because it will take screen captures frame by frame
and saves the frames as image-still jpegs or bitmaps
so that you can choose your desired frame for the pic.

An easier way to photograph your backside is to
use a digital camera on a tripod, then set its Self-Timer
and quickly stand within the focus range to snap your
backside pics automatically.

You can also try these methods while you're having sex
if there is no 3rd person around to photograph you
while you're having fun.

Hope these tips help!
By #485312 at 28,Apr,18 07:30
another good way is to take a little video of yourself for a few minutes and screen shot a few shots off the video, lve done that with a lot of our pics, and all my shots are only 800 pixels wide, and still good enough quality to view here, plus they load fast too, as l don't like waiting for pics to load and they reduce when the finish loading anyway *lix*

By #61033 at 28,Apr,18 03:59
If you are using an android phone to take your pics you should try a free app called open cam. You can set it up to take photos repeatedly at a set interval while you pose. Just prop your phone up against something and shoot away...
The app has many great features.

By #275407 at 27,Apr,18 20:14
I took all my own pictures, I wish I had someone to take them

By Timbo at 18,Apr,18 08:58 other posts of Timbo 
A friend took the pics of me. I took some if him too.

By leopoldij at 17,Apr,18 09:13 other posts of leopoldij 
Wish I did have someone to help.
I take all pics by myself.
This makes it difficult to the pics when having sex.

By #552510 at 17,Apr,18 07:13
I use a camera timer. ("Timer Camera" app)

By #275407 at 17,Apr,18 05:13
I took all of my own pictures, cum check them out, leave a message if you like.

By #543717 at 17,Apr,18 03:00
I took most of my dick pics myself, with my digital camera and a little mirror. For some I had a partner, or my boyfriend, though: the ones taken of my whole body:

[deleted image]

By routemaster at 20,May,17 05:18 other posts of routemaster 
Try using a mirror or better still the timer on your camera. That's how I take all my butt shots

By #516354 at 12,May,17 02:37
If you have windows 10 there is a 'camera' app with which you can set a timer on and use with a cam or built in cam if you have a laptop.
By #513416 at 18,May,17 17:47
thank you have added 3 new pics.
By #516354 at 20,May,17 02:43
love the new pics

By leopoldij at 18,May,17 19:00 other posts of leopoldij 
Any Mobile phone camera has a timer

By #485312 at 18,May,17 06:07
if you need any inspiration, call by my favourites page, l love arse and have collected some of the hottest shots here, well that ones l find hot... hope they help *lix*

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