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wow she's hot

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Started by #509942 at 07,Jun,17 03:39
I couldn't resist her actions

New Comment

By leopoldij at 12,Jun,17 20:26 other posts of leopoldij 
She's hot: [deleted image]
By bella! at 12,Jun,17 21:10 other posts of bella! 
You don't hesitate to show the faces of the women you are with, if indeed that is your penis. I'm curious; 1) why don't you include your own face in any of the pictures or videos and 2) my guess, these women do not know their images are posted on SYD/SYC. Care to comment?
By 2nice at 12,Jun,17 22:22 other posts of 2nice 
It is simply a matter of integrity. Of which, he has none.
--------------------------------------- added after 36 minutes

I've been gone awhille, please help me, is Leo the village idiot?
By bella! at 13,Jun,17 00:19 other posts of bella! 
I wouldn't call him the village idiot, maybe the village dog that would probably eff anything.

By leopoldij at 12,Jun,17 22:25 other posts of leopoldij 
Relax. Of all the women I fuck, I only show the faces of those who have approved.

--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

As for my "penis", this is a sex site, not a baptopentecostal temple. Call it cock or dick. You know what my cock looks like. I will remind you:

[deleted image]

It was you who liked this pic in the past.

Also, since you're interested in whether the cock is my cock, you're welcome to Skype me and I'll show you.
By bella! at 12,Jun,17 22:59 other posts of bella! 
I am relaxed.

"Of all the women I fuck, I only show the faces of those who have approved".

Do you pay the women for the services that they provide or just what is it that the get out of it?

By #513002 at 12,Jun,17 22:49
shes happy to be shown with leopoldii's, i know him and the girls are very ok with being show with his cock, oh and its his cock!
By leopoldij at 12,Jun,17 22:50 other posts of leopoldij 
Indeed, it's mine, it's small, and it's active. And it's a cock, not a penis.

By bella! at 12,Jun,17 23:03 other posts of bella! 
@ bigfunfun, And how would you know that this woman or any of the women are "very okay"?

I've said this before, I have a big concern with any man who has no problem revealing the face of the woman he's with yet does not have the cajones to show his own.
By 2nice at 12,Jun,17 23:12 other posts of 2nice 
Bella, I'm sure they know each other well and hang out quite frequently. The U.K. and San Francisco are right next to each other.
By big9inch21 at 12,Jun,17 23:58 other posts of big9inch21 

By bella! at 13,Jun,17 00:21 other posts of bella! 
Well, it is possible because the U.K. closer to San Fran than Sweden is!

By #513002 at 13,Jun,17 13:26
Yes because you never been on a plane before, and you did not know that San Francisco is the center of the high tech industry in the world, and people from all over the world travel there, including leopoldii.
By bella! at 13,Jun,17 13:48 other posts of bella! 
So you know leopoldij is a worldly traveler and what business brings him to the States? Hey, since you know all about him, when he arrives in San Francisco, do you pick him up at the airport?

By 2nice at 15,Jun,17 16:15 other posts of 2nice 
That was known as sarcasm. I see sarcasm still doesn't pan out well here.
By bella! at 15,Jun,17 16:20 other posts of bella! 
Zoom! Whoosh!......✈ For me, sarcasm never gets old!

By #491031 at 16,Jun,17 02:16
Uh...what's this "sarcasm" you speak of?

By #460385 at 13,Jun,17 14:02
@ Leo. Did you get permission from these girls to post their pics all over the internet as well as the young boy in the background?

By RealTitsLover at 12,Jun,17 01:58 other posts of RealTitsLover 
It's alright. She doesn't like when you resist her actions.

By t-rex at 11,Jun,17 12:59 other posts of t-rex 
Ok, I'm lost
By leopoldij at 12,Jun,17 00:26 other posts of leopoldij 
Maybe dill12 is on drugs...

By #509942 at 11,Jun,17 02:53
Why is that?
She's 24
By leopoldij at 11,Jun,17 10:55 other posts of leopoldij 
We don't even know who SHE is...

By leopoldij at 08,Jun,17 16:55 other posts of leopoldij 
Her actions are actually il_legal (unlawful). Watch out!

By #358797 at 07,Jun,17 03:51
Good for you!
By #460385 at 07,Jun,17 16:34
Who the hell are we talking about? Who's hot?
By #522085 at 07,Jun,17 18:51
You guys I assume

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