I ask again: Would you go to a member's page, especially one you haven't interacted with, and leave a nasty comment?
There's a member whose nickname is "milesbferry"
/member.php?w=490079 I've never interacted with (unless he's someone who had a different nickname and changed it, maybe Boyd, maybe JohnS?), whom I don't know, but who, however, seems to find it proper to come to my page and leave comments as follows:
milesbferry [Ignore] at 09,Aug,17 18:56
Is it just me who sees that Leo is a real nutcase/dick/twat/areshole?
I never wrote anything to him. He seems to be posting a question to other members about me. Why does he do it on my page and not in the forum? Admin, and others, is it ok to go to a random member's page and leave **** comments? If it is, then, fine, these are the rules of the site. It's not my site. Let's all then practice this "fun" sport. But I doubt it that this site supports random **** comments.
When I first came to this site I used to link members ' pics and discuss them in the forum, when I found them sexy and hot. I discovered that this offends a small minority. I stopped doing it when I think it's not appropriate. I learn from interacting with others. I apologized to all those whom I've inadvertently offended and go on to have fun. But some people don't learn from experience.
In your opinion, the member should have posted his issues with you in the forum? Maybe it would have been better if he posted a blog about you and used the same sentiments in his title. Or maybe if he should have created shell account(s) for the purpose of antagonizing or irritating? Or 😎 turnt up that muzik to 11 & be louder
If someone whom you never knew came to you and said
"why is bella(!) a real nutcase/bitch/twat/arsehole?"
what would you say?
The latter part of your comment
"Or maybe if he should have created shell account(s) for the purpose of antagonizing or irritating? Or 😎 turnt up that muzik to 11 & be louder because they are THE GAME?"
makes no sense to me. I don't know what a shell account is, not that the capitalised words mean.
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Just saying.
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or you
I’d just move on and try and forget about it. Don’t let it get to ya
Half the time members who are attacked did something in past and don't even realize that. I will not point fingers but you all know members who stir the shit here and when it fires back they seem to be genuinely surprised why is that, they did nothing wrong. And even if you did not do anything at all, there is still a lot of people who can h@te you for weirdest reasons.
Damn, I myself was stalked by a moron who was following me for over a year in my personal blog. I never met him, never talked to him in real life and I doubt I ever had an argument with him on some forums, since I did not advertise my blog anywhere. He just encountered it and something stung him. May be because I lived a life he never could. I don't know. But he followed me and left n@sty comments under every post. I was rather surprised by his persistence and abundance of free time since he was obviously accessing my blog from work (IP traced back to some bank). I could write a complaint to them and get him fired for doing stupid shit during work hours. But I did not. I wanted to study him and learn how to insult him in the most effective manner. He lasted over a year as I said. Then he disappeared. I don't know why he came I don't know why he stopped coming. May be he changed job and had to actually do work on his working place
I have no way of knowing who that member is in reality and what he has against you. All I can tell you - that is not Boyd and not Johns.
But, yes, you're right. No point in arguing too much. I just found his reaction inexplicable, that's I posted here.
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Correction: I used the expression "reaction". Wrong expression. Wetting word. For reaction refers to an action to something I have caused to someone. In this particular case, I don't even know who he is.
As i said, I've no clue who he is, i haven't interacted with him. But he seems to have been monitoring my page. And he came in there and, without replying to my posting, he excreted verbal diarrhoea.
I could very well be wrong in what I'm saying, I could be talking about of a different society, whatever, but any person who has brain should first engage in discussion. Not insults.
Some people just get their jollies by being nasty...
The mind boggles at what some people would like to spend our taxes on.
Of course, if the state had provided **** girls for these men of Newcastle they would not have had the urge to ply with drink and drugs, and ****, these young women. (other UK cities have had the same court cases.)
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Edit: Und3r - ag3 R_a_p_e
PS. Same sex stuff should also be included in there somewhere.
But, regardless of what I'm saying in my blog, you did not reply to my posting, you just called me names and did not engage in a discussion. You just came in there and shat verbal excrement. It's only after I posted this in the forum that you felt obliged to explain your unsolicited words.