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Alphabet dicks.

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #536760 at 22,Sep,17 07:00
Alphabet ? No it's not another game......
Well ........ Ok it is.

Similar topics: 1.Little Dicks: Post Pics of Little Dicks Here   2.Dirty Alphabet Story   3.Young dicks/Old dicks   4.Where are the beaches to see the most dicks?   5.Calling all pencil dicks  

New Comment

By leopoldij at 31,Oct,17 05:01 other posts of leopoldij 
Next: members you'd like to fuck, name, link, pic
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AsianBabe /member.php?w=538415
[deleted image]
By #485312 at 31,Oct,17 07:52
Aussieman187, /member.php?w=502711
[deleted image]
he's my 'A' man, the BEST *lix*
By leopoldij at 31,Oct,17 08:32 other posts of leopoldij 
That's a good pic of him!
By #485312 at 31,Oct,17 09:58
yeah one of my faves, he took a swim in the river, in the dark, he's always full of surprises and fun *lix*
By leopoldij at 31,Oct,17 12:42 other posts of leopoldij 
In other words, he knows how to enjoy life and make you part of the enjoyment too. This is not always easy. Great.
By #485312 at 02,Nov,17 10:38
Basque9 /member.php?w=99612

Basque9 would have to be a site favourite *lix*

By #536760 at 04,Nov,17 01:54
Yes please.
By leopoldij at 04,Nov,17 05:14 other posts of leopoldij 
C = cando1

[deleted image]
By #485312 at 05,Nov,17 12:17
cody8789 /member.php?w=275407
[deleted image]
for the boys, lm choosing cody, he has that cousin it feel about him, and looks a bit naughty, has great taste in cars and likes the folding stuff... *lix*
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[deleted image]
lm voting for Deekayl for the boys D, he has always been flexing his muscles here and has a nice arse *lix*
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By #534035 at 05,Nov,17 15:33
D = Doriann

[deleted image]
By leopoldij at 05,Nov,17 23:21 other posts of leopoldij 
E three candidates

Eminems, a total babe, but she's not been around for a while [deleted image]

eLena, a Greek girl I'd love to fuck [deleted image]

Emma248, Asian babe from Laos
By #485312 at 06,Nov,17 01:05
ElectricBlue /member.php?w=543747
[deleted image]
electricblue because lm a sucker for long hair and pretty face
Edmonton /member.php?w=65464

Edmonton because he is always so nice to me and a great tributor and contributor to the site
enticingman /member.php?w=440755
[deleted image]
enticingman, love him or h@te him, he's a great contributor to the site, plays the games and pic of the month, he's one that stands out to me *Lix*
By leopoldij at 06,Nov,17 12:45 other posts of leopoldij 

FunEmma [deleted image] total babe

FrenchEbony [deleted image] impossible to resist a black beauty, as well known, i love dark-skinned girls
By #485312 at 07,Nov,17 07:48
gaysjman /member.php?w=542221
[deleted image]
jman could make a living out of being a willie look alike and has a great smile
geebee100 /member.php?w=119213
[deleted image]
GB, had great taste in costumes, shoes and furniture, so lm sure he would take that to the bedroom too
glenda /member.php?w=82808

glenda is a stand out, has great lips, oozes sexy and smashing hot clothes..
Gntlmn /member.php?w=91489

Gentleman as l like to call him, looks like an action hero, has big guns and l can imagine him in a leather jacket and riding down the highway with a bandanner
By leopoldij at 07,Nov,17 11:21 other posts of leopoldij 

haciryne [deleted image]


hencsi [deleted image]
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hotty [deleted image]

By HotFuckerBoy at 24,Oct,17 01:49 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Okay, we need a new topic
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Anyone, anyone... ?
By #454258 at 27,Oct,17 05:59
Alright lets test everyone's knowledge of Astronomy.

Celestial Bodies/Space Objects

By #23212 at 27,Oct,17 06:09
By #536760 at 27,Oct,17 06:16
By PoloFields at 27,Oct,17 07:56 other posts of PoloFields 
Dipper. Big
By leopoldij at 27,Oct,17 23:05 other posts of leopoldij 
By HotFuckerBoy at 28,Oct,17 01:54 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Flare, as in solar
By #454258 at 28,Oct,17 03:35
By leopoldij at 28,Oct,17 11:24 other posts of leopoldij 
Halley's comet
By HotFuckerBoy at 28,Oct,17 13:52 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Imploding star
By leopoldij at 28,Oct,17 19:30 other posts of leopoldij 
By #454258 at 29,Oct,17 06:39
Keplar Earth like Planet
By leopoldij at 29,Oct,17 11:12 other posts of leopoldij 
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Little Dipper
By HotFuckerBoy at 29,Oct,17 14:45 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
By leopoldij at 29,Oct,17 18:09 other posts of leopoldij 
By #454258 at 29,Oct,17 20:16
Orian Constellation
By HotFuckerBoy at 29,Oct,17 20:23 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
By #454258 at 29,Oct,17 23:23
By leopoldij at 30,Oct,17 00:08 other posts of leopoldij 
By #454258 at 30,Oct,17 05:59
By leopoldij at 30,Oct,17 07:00 other posts of leopoldij 
By HotFuckerBoy at 30,Oct,17 10:10 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Uranus (or as everyone says "your anus" )
By leopoldij at 30,Oct,17 12:03 other posts of leopoldij 
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White dwarf
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X-ray binary star
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Yellow dwarf
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Zeta Orionis

By leopoldij at 20,Oct,17 23:32 other posts of leopoldij 
Now what?
By #454258 at 21,Oct,17 00:56

By #536760 at 21,Oct,17 00:59
B = Biger fuckin axe
By HotFuckerBoy at 21,Oct,17 03:07 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Colt 45
By PoloFields at 21,Oct,17 06:54 other posts of PoloFields 

By leopoldij at 21,Oct,17 07:18 other posts of leopoldij 
E = Ejaculator
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Explosives is another possibility.
By #454258 at 21,Oct,17 07:56
By leopoldij at 21,Oct,17 10:02 other posts of leopoldij 
G = Gun
By HotFuckerBoy at 21,Oct,17 12:11 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Hand grenade

By HotFuckerBoy at 21,Oct,17 12:12 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
I have an explosive ejaculator, does that count?
By #536760 at 22,Oct,17 00:35
J = Javlin (RPG)
By leopoldij at 22,Oct,17 01:02 other posts of leopoldij 
K = Kalashnikov
By #536760 at 22,Oct,17 03:34
Lemons (they can hurt)
By leopoldij at 22,Oct,17 04:21 other posts of leopoldij 
So can Love.
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and Lumbago.
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and Lust.
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but neither Love, nor Lumbago, nor Lust are weapons, are they?
By #454258 at 22,Oct,17 04:49

or if that doesn't count,

Mortor Cannon
By leopoldij at 22,Oct,17 08:42 other posts of leopoldij 
N = Nukes
By #454258 at 22,Oct,17 14:51
Had to wiki this one.

Orita M1941 (Romania - Submachine Gun - 9Ч19mm Parabellum)
By leopoldij at 22,Oct,17 15:14 other posts of leopoldij 
P = Pussy (it is a weapon)
By #542901 at 22,Oct,17 18:08
Q= Queue (billard queue can be used as a weapon)
By #536760 at 22,Oct,17 20:47
R = Rail gun
By #485312 at 22,Oct,17 21:37
S = Sexbomb, sexbot from Austin powers *lix*
By leopoldij at 22,Oct,17 22:56 other posts of leopoldij 
T = Taser (titties, big ones, can be a weapin too)
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U = Uzi (the weapon with which a 9 year old girl accidentally killed her instructor in 2014 while he was teaching her how you use this lethal Israeli gun; it was a usual outing by the girl and her family at the Guns 'n Burgers place where one eats burgers and shoots guns, in the US, of course only registered users can see external links )
By HotFuckerBoy at 23,Oct,17 22:21 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
V-2 Missle
By leopoldij at 23,Oct,17 23:50 other posts of leopoldij 
W = Whip
By HotFuckerBoy at 24,Oct,17 01:46 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Xiphos - (a sword)

Yumi (Longbow) or a Yari (Spear)

Zweihander (Two handed Sword)

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By leopoldij at 24,Oct,17 06:28 other posts of leopoldij 
Foul! These are Greek, Japanese and German words. I didn't know that all languages were allowed!
By HotFuckerBoy at 24,Oct,17 10:09 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
It will have to do... I didn’t see anyone else jumping on tackling X,Y, and Z.
By leopoldij at 24,Oct,17 23:46 other posts of leopoldij 
No. We didn't get the chance. Lol
By #454258 at 25,Oct,17 05:25
Oh hey Pot, names Kettle, have we met?
By #536760 at 25,Oct,17 23:13

By HotFuckerBoy at 18,Oct,17 17:59 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
How about FOODS?

Apple Pie
By #536760 at 18,Oct,17 19:48
Banana cake
By HotFuckerBoy at 18,Oct,17 19:57 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Cream Pie
By leopoldij at 18,Oct,17 23:09 other posts of leopoldij 
D = Dandelion
By HotFuckerBoy at 19,Oct,17 00:41 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Eggplant Parmesean
By #454258 at 19,Oct,17 03:16
By #536760 at 19,Oct,17 06:00
G = Gummy Bears
By HotFuckerBoy at 19,Oct,17 10:26 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
By PoloFields at 19,Oct,17 11:08 other posts of PoloFields 
I = ice cream
By #454258 at 19,Oct,17 14:54
By leopoldij at 19,Oct,17 16:22 other posts of leopoldij 
K = Kale
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L = Longanberry
By HotFuckerBoy at 20,Oct,17 00:20 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
By leopoldij at 20,Oct,17 00:29 other posts of leopoldij 
N = Nectarines
By #536760 at 20,Oct,17 04:27
O = Octopuses
By #485312 at 20,Oct,17 05:31
P = Pussy!!! well you've all been to a chinese restaurant lm sure lol, *lix*
By #454258 at 20,Oct,17 05:43
I resent that Lix.

Quaker Oats Oatmeal
By leopoldij at 20,Oct,17 05:48 other posts of leopoldij 
R = Radishes
By #536760 at 20,Oct,17 07:48
S = Soup
Although I don't class soup as a food . Unless it's really chunky.
By leopoldij at 20,Oct,17 10:05 other posts of leopoldij 
Then choose Spaghetti or Sardines.

By #536760 at 20,Oct,17 07:57
Sounds yum
By leopoldij at 20,Oct,17 10:06 other posts of leopoldij 
T = Turnips
By #454258 at 20,Oct,17 14:56
Underwear thats made of candy

yeah thats a thing.
By leopoldij at 20,Oct,17 16:32 other posts of leopoldij 
V = Vaginas. Yes, I eat them.

By shackles at 20,Oct,17 16:37 other posts of shackles 
W=watermelon. Or whiskey. Depends on the day.
By leopoldij at 20,Oct,17 23:30 other posts of leopoldij 
X = X-rated candy shaped like a pussy
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Y = Yogurt
Z = Zucchini (used instead of a dildo)

By leopoldij at 15,Oct,17 13:57 other posts of leopoldij 

A = Anal
By HotFuckerBoy at 15,Oct,17 14:48 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Blow Job
By leopoldij at 15,Oct,17 19:38 other posts of leopoldij 
C = Cumshot
By #485312 at 16,Oct,17 02:04
DP, double penetration *lix*
By HotFuckerBoy at 16,Oct,17 02:26 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
By leopoldij at 16,Oct,17 03:22 other posts of leopoldij 
F = Fucking hard, without stoppin
By #454258 at 16,Oct,17 04:49

Im ashamed i even know that word.
By #536760 at 16,Oct,17 08:01
Then I'm ashamed to ask. What is that?

H = Hanky Panky
By leopoldij at 16,Oct,17 19:26 other posts of leopoldij 
I = Intercourse
By HotFuckerBoy at 16,Oct,17 20:12 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Jam the Joystick
By #485312 at 16,Oct,17 21:53
Knocking her up *lix*
By #536760 at 16,Oct,17 22:53
Licking anus
By HotFuckerBoy at 17,Oct,17 00:18 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Making My Man Milk - There's four "M"s for ya
By leopoldij at 17,Oct,17 01:10 other posts of leopoldij 
N = Nymphomaniac
By #454258 at 17,Oct,17 06:11
By PoloFields at 17,Oct,17 06:52 other posts of PoloFields 
P = Penetration
By #485312 at 17,Oct,17 07:13
By leopoldij at 17,Oct,17 07:32 other posts of leopoldij 
R = Rimming
By HotFuckerBoy at 17,Oct,17 10:10 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Suck and Swallow
By leopoldij at 17,Oct,17 13:50 other posts of leopoldij 
T = Titty fucking
By #454258 at 17,Oct,17 15:33
Urethra Play
By HotFuckerBoy at 17,Oct,17 19:49 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Vagina licking
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Wet Spot
By #485312 at 18,Oct,17 11:17
X-rated movie watching *lix*
By leopoldij at 18,Oct,17 14:26 other posts of leopoldij 
Y = Yank the plank

Z = Zipper dinner

By #454258 at 17,Oct,17 06:13
The act of a man bending over and stretching his anus wide open. some people like it i guess.
By #536760 at 17,Oct,17 19:56
Thank you toon.


By #454258 at 10,Oct,17 06:31
okay, how about...Professions?

By #536760 at 10,Oct,17 06:43
B = Bank Robber
By #485312 at 10,Oct,17 07:27
C = Clerk
By #536760 at 10,Oct,17 08:35
D = Dentist
By HotFuckerBoy at 10,Oct,17 09:59 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
E - Engineer
By leopoldij at 10,Oct,17 13:28 other posts of leopoldij 
F= Fucker
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G = Gangbanger
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H = Hooker
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I = Impregnator
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J = Jobblower
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K = Knob Polisher
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L = Load Swallower
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M = Manhandler
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N = Nympho
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O = Onanist
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P = Phallocrat
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Q = Quiffer Sniffer
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R = Ruboffer
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S = Sex Worker
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T = Toilet Trainer
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U = Usher
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V = Virgin Flower Planter
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W = Wife-Swapper
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X = X-rated Film Director
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Y = Yankoffer
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Z = **** Keeper

By #454258 at 10,Oct,17 15:26
Fire Fighter.

Ignore LEO
By leopoldij at 10,Oct,17 16:46 other posts of leopoldij 
Yeah. That's fine.
By #536760 at 10,Oct,17 20:59

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By leopoldij at 10,Oct,17 21:58 other posts of leopoldij 
there's no such word dude
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What's your native language really?
By HotFuckerBoy at 10,Oct,17 22:30 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
I think he meant gigolo, which means a male prostitute
By leopoldij at 10,Oct,17 22:35 other posts of leopoldij 
Oh, I see. What is his native language you think? He doesn't speak English properly.

By #536760 at 11,Oct,17 00:29
אני נותן לך רמז. זה לא זה.
By leopoldij at 11,Oct,17 10:03 other posts of leopoldij 
I don't give a shit.
By #536760 at 11,Oct,17 18:34
Yes you do.

By #454258 at 11,Oct,17 04:26
Horse Jockey
By leopoldij at 11,Oct,17 10:05 other posts of leopoldij 
I = Impregnator.
What's wrong with this profession?
It is a profession.
only registered users can see external links
By HotFuckerBoy at 11,Oct,17 10:12 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
By leopoldij at 11,Oct,17 10:15 other posts of leopoldij 

By leopoldij at 11,Oct,17 15:36 other posts of leopoldij 
K = Knob Polisher
I wrote it above.
It is a profession.

Look: only registered users can see external links
By #536760 at 11,Oct,17 18:35
Your like a turd that won't go down.
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Lemon picker
By HotFuckerBoy at 11,Oct,17 20:12 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Master Baiter - one who master at baiting fishing lines

Or how about

Massage Therapist
By #536760 at 11,Oct,17 21:02
By leopoldij at 11,Oct,17 22:24 other posts of leopoldij 
O = Organ Grinder
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P = Prostitute
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Both are respectable professions
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R = Rim-turning finisher
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S = Sex Worker
By #536760 at 11,Oct,17 22:44
1 carnt you just fucking pick one? And then just bobble around till the next person try's to flush.
By leopoldij at 11,Oct,17 22:54 other posts of leopoldij 
Nah, hon carnt yu shebring late n go neths from libber jentres. Then over bubbet stanza go glObular. Right?
By #536760 at 12,Oct,17 05:29

Fuck him.
A glasses guy.
By #485312 at 12,Oct,17 05:41
optometrist .. no need for glasses here, so much smut it burns the insides of my eyelids *lix*
By #536760 at 12,Oct,17 06:43
pickel taster?
By HotFuckerBoy at 13,Oct,17 00:27 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
I like having my pickle tasted
By #536760 at 13,Oct,17 07:42
Open 9 to 5 $2.50
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Quicky mart manager
By HotFuckerBoy at 13,Oct,17 11:47 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
By #454258 at 13,Oct,17 15:37
Security Officer
By leopoldij at 13,Oct,17 22:39 other posts of leopoldij 
T = Toilet Trainer
It's a job:
only registered users can see external links
By #536760 at 14,Oct,17 03:08
undie maker
By HotFuckerBoy at 14,Oct,17 11:42 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Voltage Tester

Yup it's a real job

only registered users can see external links
By leopoldij at 14,Oct,17 12:24 other posts of leopoldij 
W = Wad Impregnator

Yes, it IS a job:
only registered users can see external links
By #536760 at 15,Oct,17 01:19
The x-ray chick or dude.
By leopoldij at 15,Oct,17 01:54 other posts of leopoldij 
Y = Yard Inspector
Z = Zoologist
By #536760 at 15,Oct,17 03:20
Well Done. Now What?

By leopoldij at 06,Oct,17 21:54 other posts of leopoldij 

A = Archimedes
By HotFuckerBoy at 07,Oct,17 00:12 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Bell, Alexander Graham
By #536760 at 07,Oct,17 00:22
Curie Marie
By #485312 at 07,Oct,17 02:42
D = Darwin, Charles
By #536760 at 07,Oct,17 04:05
E = Einstein Jim
By #485312 at 07,Oct,17 04:58
F = Frankenstein
By #536760 at 07,Oct,17 05:43
The google dude
By HotFuckerBoy at 07,Oct,17 14:38 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Hubble, the telescope dude
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Isaac Newton
By #485312 at 08,Oct,17 09:14
Dr Jekyll
By #536760 at 08,Oct,17 09:43
Kelvin Cline
By HotFuckerBoy at 08,Oct,17 21:49 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Land, Edwin Herbert- Inventor of Polaroid cameras, probably the first cameras common ppl used to photo thier private parts
By leopoldij at 08,Oct,17 22:21 other posts of leopoldij 
Maxwell, James Clerk.
By #536760 at 08,Oct,17 23:51
Nobel Alfred
By leopoldij at 08,Oct,17 23:57 other posts of leopoldij 
He was NOT a scientist.
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NEWTON, Isaac. He was a scientist. Fucking Alfred Nobel was no fucking scientist.
By #539191 at 09,Oct,17 02:11
Oppenheimer the Atom bomb dude
By #536760 at 09,Oct,17 02:39
O,Leary Brian (went to space and stuff)
By #485312 at 09,Oct,17 07:33
P = Pythagoras, known for the theorem of the triangle, that the opposite side of the right angle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other sides *lix*
By leopoldij at 09,Oct,17 08:48 other posts of leopoldij 

By leopoldij at 09,Oct,17 08:50 other posts of leopoldij 
QUINN, Helen. Australian physicist.

By HotFuckerBoy at 09,Oct,17 10:59 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Another cool thing about triangles, it's the shape pubic hair grows
By #485312 at 09,Oct,17 11:59
lol, yeah l wonder if perving on pussy helped him cum up with the theorem *lix*
By HotFuckerBoy at 09,Oct,17 12:55 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Probably, I know I would

By #536760 at 09,Oct,17 08:47
And kelvin cline ?
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Helen Rhoda Quinn (born 19 May 1943 in Melbourne) is a particle physicist (my mother)

I was faster.
By HotFuckerBoy at 09,Oct,17 10:02 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Rorschach, Hermann - the dude who made those ink blot pictures

By #485312 at 09,Oct,17 10:07
S = Sigmund Freud *lix*
By #536760 at 09,Oct,17 20:40
Thomas Edison
By leopoldij at 09,Oct,17 23:10 other posts of leopoldij 

By #525562 at 09,Oct,17 03:36
Al Gore....An inconvenient money grab!

By #454258 at 05,Oct,17 01:43
Okay then, How about people in history?

Andrew Jackson
By HotFuckerBoy at 05,Oct,17 02:59 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Benjamin Franklin
By #536760 at 05,Oct,17 03:44
Captain Cook
By #454258 at 05,Oct,17 05:06
Danial Boon
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Edward "Blackbeard" Thatch
By #536760 at 05,Oct,17 06:19
Fa-th-er cristmas
By HotFuckerBoy at 05,Oct,17 10:17 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
By leopoldij at 05,Oct,17 13:39 other posts of leopoldij 
By #454258 at 05,Oct,17 14:05
By leopoldij at 05,Oct,17 15:08 other posts of leopoldij 
Since we moved to mythology now, let me continue...

J = Jupiter (=Zeus=Ζευς
By HotFuckerBoy at 05,Oct,17 19:59 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Kennedy, John F.
By #536760 at 05,Oct,17 20:39
Lizzy Borden
By #454258 at 06,Oct,17 02:38
Martin Luther King Jr.

I thought Icaus was a real person? sure maybe he didn't fly to the sun, but even the craziest legends have some root in reality.
By #485312 at 06,Oct,17 03:11
Nelson Mandela *lix*

By #536760 at 05,Oct,17 20:35

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By #454258 at 06,Oct,17 05:40
Pol Pot
By #536760 at 06,Oct,17 07:12
The Queen
By #485312 at 06,Oct,17 09:12
By #536760 at 06,Oct,17 19:34
Steven Hawkings

By #23212 at 06,Oct,17 06:24
Pierre Trudeau.
By leopoldij at 06,Oct,17 21:41 other posts of leopoldij 
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By WHATSUPDOC at 06,Oct,17 13:45 other posts of WHATSUPDOC 
How about Warren Zevon or ZORRO

By #454258 at 04,Oct,17 03:38
How about Anime?

Azumanga Daioh


Cowboy Bebop
By leopoldij at 04,Oct,17 07:47 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm afraid that won't fly....
By #536760 at 04,Oct,17 07:51
Blow fly ?

By #454258 at 04,Oct,17 14:14
Why Not?

By leopoldij at 04,Oct,17 14:32 other posts of leopoldij 
Because who knows about anime...?
By #485312 at 04,Oct,17 23:25
By #536760 at 04,Oct,17 23:52
Bless you.

By #454258 at 05,Oct,17 01:41
Not enough people, It seems.
By HotFuckerBoy at 05,Oct,17 02:55 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Not that there is anything wrong with anime, just maybe something that is more mainstream we can relate to? Personally, I couldn't name one anime cartoon
By leopoldij at 05,Oct,17 05:22 other posts of leopoldij 
That's what I thought too....

By leopoldij at 05,Oct,17 05:24 other posts of leopoldij 
I know that anime is Japanese. But what's the difference, if any, with manga? I honestly don't know.
By #454258 at 05,Oct,17 05:32
the difference being, anime is a cartoon you can watch on TV, and manga is like a comic or graphic novel.

Most anime starts out as a manga.
By leopoldij at 05,Oct,17 05:35 other posts of leopoldij 
Got it. Thanks.

By HotFuckerBoy at 02,Oct,17 21:36 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
How about Bands

I'll start.

By #485312 at 03,Oct,17 01:26
B = Backstreet Boys
By HotFuckerBoy at 03,Oct,17 01:58 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
By #536760 at 03,Oct,17 02:21
Deep Purple
By #534035 at 03,Oct,17 04:36
By #454258 at 03,Oct,17 05:58
Fleetwood Mac
By leopoldij at 03,Oct,17 06:13 other posts of leopoldij 
Guatemala Philharmonic
By #454258 at 03,Oct,17 06:42

By #358797 at 03,Oct,17 04:45
Bring Me the Horizon
By #536760 at 03,Oct,17 06:21
Iron Maiden--------------------------------------- added after 28 minutes and judas priest (sorry)
By HotFuckerBoy at 03,Oct,17 10:13 other posts of HotFuckerBoy Rock
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Linkin Park
By leopoldij at 03,Oct,17 13:09 other posts of leopoldij 
M = Metallica

--------------------------------------- added after 67 seconds

N = Nizhny Novgorod Academic Symphony Orchestra (Нижегородский академический симфонический оркестр )
only registered users can see external links
By HotFuckerBoy at 03,Oct,17 16:21 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Ozzy Osbourne
By #536760 at 03,Oct,17 18:49
Pink floyd
By HotFuckerBoy at 03,Oct,17 19:03 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
By leopoldij at 03,Oct,17 23:25 other posts of leopoldij 
R = R.E.M.
By #536760 at 03,Oct,17 23:32
Sex pistols
By leopoldij at 03,Oct,17 23:54 other posts of leopoldij 
T = The Time
By HotFuckerBoy at 04,Oct,17 00:28 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
By #454258 at 04,Oct,17 03:32
Van Halen
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

By #534035 at 04,Oct,17 03:33
By #454258 at 04,Oct,17 03:36
--------------------------------------- added after 25 seconds

ZZ Top

By #530841 at 03,Oct,17 16:12
Mine is called "Leo". Markus. /8s0sipn8fiyvpic.html

By #454258 at 02,Oct,17 04:00
Movie titles

can be porn, hentai or normal, but it has to be real. I'll google the fake sounding ones, So I'll know.

Almost Heroes (starring Chris Farly and Matthew Perry)
By #536760 at 02,Oct,17 04:04
Back door bitch,s
By leopoldij at 02,Oct,17 12:54 other posts of leopoldij 
Clif Banger
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours

Debbie Does Dallas
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours

That's a triple D! Beat that!
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

E = E.T.
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

F = Fargo
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

G = Ghostbusters
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

H = Highlander
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

I = Iceman
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

K = Kingpin
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

H = Hannibal
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

L = Lassie
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

M = Meet the Fockers
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

N = Nebraska
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

O = Octopussy
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

P = Paranormal Activity
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

Q = Queen of Outer Space
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

R = Rambo
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

S = Schindler's List
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

T = Terminator
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

U = Undercover Duet
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

V = Veronica Guerin
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

W = Wallace and Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

X = Xanadu
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

Y = Your ****'s ****
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

Y = Your's ****.ter
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

Y = Your's
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

Z = Zodiac
By #454258 at 03,Oct,17 05:57
First off, you're taking the fun out of it by not giving anyone else a chance.

Second, props for choosing Ghostbusterr for G
By leopoldij at 03,Oct,17 06:09 other posts of leopoldij 
I know. I felt like being a spoiled nerd.

By leopoldij at 03,Oct,17 06:09 other posts of leopoldij 
Please translate "props" or rephrase. I don't understand.
By #454258 at 03,Oct,17 06:41
Props = respect
By leopoldij at 03,Oct,17 08:20 other posts of leopoldij 

By leopoldij at 02,Oct,17 16:27 other posts of leopoldij 
By #536760 at 03,Oct,17 06:19
Please understand. Leo is a robot. You must translate precisly. If not you will end up in his celler. And by "props" he means feed me, leo.
By leopoldij at 03,Oct,17 06:23 other posts of leopoldij 
What's a celler? Perhaps English is not your mother tongue?
By #536760 at 03,Oct,17 10:13
What's my mother got to do with it?
I'm gust hungery.
Can I have a can opener?
I found this.
[deleted image]
By leopoldij at 03,Oct,17 13:07 other posts of leopoldij 
no, i don't understand what hungery means.
by altering one vowel only we get hungary, that is, a country.
i doubt it that you are a country.

By leopoldij at 29,Sep,17 16:27 other posts of leopoldij 

A = Air Pipe
By #530184 at 29,Sep,17 19:41
By #536760 at 29,Sep,17 21:49
Cum hole
By leopoldij at 29,Sep,17 22:52 other posts of leopoldij 
D = Dick receptacle
By #536760 at 30,Sep,17 00:22
E = Every young mans dream
By #454258 at 30,Sep,17 01:35
Fuck box
By #536760 at 30,Sep,17 03:31
G = Got a really long rope. I'm going in.
By #454258 at 30,Sep,17 06:27
By #485312 at 30,Sep,17 07:50
I = Inny
By #536913 at 30,Sep,17 08:47
J = Just what I need
By leopoldij at 30,Sep,17 13:25 other posts of leopoldij 
K = Knob Gobbler
By HotFuckerBoy at 01,Oct,17 01:30 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 

By #536760 at 01,Oct,17 07:24

M = Mmmmmm
By leopoldij at 01,Oct,17 09:44 other posts of leopoldij 
M = Muff

M = Money Maker

M = Mound

M = Main Dick Drain

By leopoldij at 01,Oct,17 09:45 other posts of leopoldij 
By HotFuckerBoy at 01,Oct,17 14:00 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
By #454258 at 01,Oct,17 15:24
Orgasam Station
By leopoldij at 01,Oct,17 18:12 other posts of leopoldij 
P = PUSSY!!!
--------------------------------------- added after 67 seconds

Q = Queef Quarry
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

R = Roast Beef
S = Slit
T = Twat
U = Uteran Hatch
V = Vag
W = WooHoo
By #454258 at 02,Oct,17 03:53

Yeast Factory

Zoot Coot

(thats all i could think of for Z)
By #536760 at 02,Oct,17 04:01

By #454258 at 28,Sep,17 05:26
Sex/porn related.

By #536760 at 28,Sep,17 06:30
Back Dooring.
--------------------------------------- added after 51 seconds

Well done toon.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

If your here leo just take one lollie not half the pack.
--------------------------------------- added after 39 hours

LEO ???
By #454258 at 28,Sep,17 06:49
--------------------------------------- added after 18 seconds

By #536760 at 28,Sep,17 07:50
By #485312 at 28,Sep,17 08:31
E = Erogenous
By #454258 at 28,Sep,17 14:16
By #536760 at 28,Sep,17 18:57
Gang bang
By HotFuckerBoy at 28,Sep,17 21:46 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
Hand job
By #536760 at 28,Sep,17 22:52
In the butt?
By HotFuckerBoy at 28,Sep,17 23:24 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
By #454258 at 29,Sep,17 01:27
By #530184 at 29,Sep,17 03:46
By #536760 at 29,Sep,17 03:51
sorry to hear that.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Hope you get a (MONSTER) god i,m good.
By #539191 at 29,Sep,17 04:03
[deleted image]
By HotFuckerBoy at 29,Sep,17 10:01 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
By #539191 at 29,Sep,17 11:21
By #454258 at 29,Sep,17 14:38
By leopoldij at 29,Sep,17 16:21 other posts of leopoldij 
S = Sologamy ( only registered users can see external links )
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

T = Transvestite

U = Urethra

V = Vulva

W = Wanker

X = X-rated

Y = Yeast infection

Z = Zoo_philia

By #454258 at 26,Sep,17 06:08
Locations. I'll Start.

A= Amsterdam
By #485312 at 26,Sep,17 08:06
B = Berlin
By #536760 at 26,Sep,17 08:41
C = Cambodia
By Sergius at 26,Sep,17 17:28 other posts of Sergius 
By #485312 at 27,Sep,17 01:34
E = Earth!!
By HotFuckerBoy at 27,Sep,17 01:39 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
By #536760 at 27,Sep,17 02:17
G = Greenland
By #454258 at 27,Sep,17 04:53
By #485312 at 27,Sep,17 09:05
I = Iceland
By #454258 at 27,Sep,17 15:11
Jersey City
By HotFuckerBoy at 27,Sep,17 19:03 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
K - Kalamazoo
By #485312 at 27,Sep,17 22:45
L = Liechtenstein
By leopoldij at 27,Sep,17 23:35 other posts of leopoldij 
M = Mexico
--------------------------------------- added after 13 seconds

N = Norway
--------------------------------------- added after 51 seconds

O = Oman
--------------------------------------- added after 73 seconds

P = Peru
--------------------------------------- added after 91 seconds

Q = Qatar
--------------------------------------- added after 105 seconds

R = Russia
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

S = Showyourcunt
By #536760 at 28,Sep,17 00:01
Mmm. Your just like me. You don't play well with others.
--------------------------------------- added after 53 seconds

T = tiny town
By #454258 at 28,Sep,17 01:38
By #485312 at 28,Sep,17 04:12
By #454258 at 28,Sep,17 05:24


By #536760 at 28,Sep,17 06:28
Next????? Thanks to the spoil sports.
--------------------------------------- added after 42 seconds

oops my bad.

By leopoldij at 28,Sep,17 12:26 other posts of leopoldij 
Why not? Showyourcunt is, for many, a place to live in.

By #536760 at 24,Sep,17 02:27
Car parts.You start?
By #485312 at 24,Sep,17 03:55
A = Alternator
By Sergius at 24,Sep,17 15:27 other posts of Sergius 
By leopoldij at 24,Sep,17 17:38 other posts of leopoldij 
C = carburator
By #534035 at 24,Sep,17 18:04
By #485312 at 24,Sep,17 18:47
E = Engine
By #526776 at 24,Sep,17 18:50
F = Flashers
By leopoldij at 24,Sep,17 19:56 other posts of leopoldij 
G = Gearbox
By Sergius at 24,Sep,17 20:19 other posts of Sergius 
By #536760 at 24,Sep,17 21:50
By Gntlmn at 24,Sep,17 23:22 other posts of Gntlmn 
By #530184 at 25,Sep,17 00:16
Knock sensor
By #485312 at 25,Sep,17 01:19
L = Lifters
By #536760 at 25,Sep,17 01:49
By #181785 at 25,Sep,17 04:06
Nuts! No not those.
By #485312 at 25,Sep,17 07:54
O = Odometer
By #536760 at 25,Sep,17 09:30
park break q is easy...
By #485312 at 25,Sep,17 11:25
Q = Quarter panel
By Sergius at 25,Sep,17 14:48 other posts of Sergius 
By #93221 at 25,Sep,17 14:55
Steering wheel
By leopoldij at 25,Sep,17 16:40 other posts of leopoldij 
T = Tyre
--------------------------------------- added after 113 seconds

U = Undercarriage
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

V = Valve
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

W = Wheel
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Come on guys, you go on now.
By #485312 at 25,Sep,17 21:00
X = xenon headlight or X-haust pipe
By leopoldij at 25,Sep,17 22:59 other posts of leopoldij 
What's a xenon?
By #485312 at 26,Sep,17 02:40
a brand of headlight bulb *lix*
By leopoldij at 26,Sep,17 16:54 other posts of leopoldij 

By #485312 at 26,Sep,17 08:05
Y = Yoke
By #536760 at 26,Sep,17 08:11
zerox printer. (i,m in a limo)
By leopoldij at 26,Sep,17 16:55 other posts of leopoldij 

By leopoldij at 26,Sep,17 16:54 other posts of leopoldij 
What's that?

By #536760 at 22,Sep,17 07:04
Pick any part of the body that starts with the next letter.
I'll start with A = arm
By HotFuckerBoy at 22,Sep,17 10:12 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
B = butt
By #485312 at 22,Sep,17 11:14
C = Cunt
By Andthisisme at 22,Sep,17 11:25 other posts of Andthisisme 
D = diaphragm

By JeffinKS at 22,Sep,17 11:33 other posts of JeffinKS 
E = epididymis
By jayman73 at 22,Sep,17 13:41 other posts of jayman73 
F = Finger
By #485312 at 22,Sep,17 13:46
G = Gluteus Maximus

By Andthisisme at 22,Sep,17 15:16 other posts of Andthisisme 
H = Heart
By #530184 at 22,Sep,17 15:41
I = Iris
By Sergius at 22,Sep,17 17:36 other posts of Sergius 
By HotFuckerBoy at 22,Sep,17 21:12 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 
K - knee
By Andthisisme at 22,Sep,17 21:37 other posts of Andthisisme 
L = Labia
By #485312 at 22,Sep,17 23:52
M = Muscles
By #516354 at 22,Sep,17 23:54
By #536760 at 23,Sep,17 02:22
woow so many bored people..

By Sergius at 23,Sep,17 04:00 other posts of Sergius 
By #485312 at 23,Sep,17 04:47
Q = Quadriceps
By routemaster at 23,Sep,17 06:05 other posts of routemaster 
By CreativeOne at 23,Sep,17 07:07 other posts of CreativeOne 
S = Scrotum
By #540382 at 23,Sep,17 08:09
By leopoldij at 23,Sep,17 08:54 other posts of leopoldij 
U umbilical cord
By #485312 at 23,Sep,17 09:05
V = Vertebrae
By Andthisisme at 23,Sep,17 11:13 other posts of Andthisisme 
X = xiphoid
By leopoldij at 23,Sep,17 15:07 other posts of leopoldij 

By #530184 at 24,Sep,17 00:16
Wisdom teeth

By leopoldij at 23,Sep,17 08:54 other posts of leopoldij 
By #516354 at 23,Sep,17 10:15
W=Willy (cock)
By Sergius at 23,Sep,17 15:32 other posts of Sergius 

By #206678 at 22,Sep,17 21:04

By #521574 at 22,Sep,17 11:31
E - esophagus

Adult Discussion Forum