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Nude male massage

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Started by #501472 at 18,Oct,17 07:51
Who as had a full nude massage by a man and got to suck his cock I have it was great

Similar topics: 1.nude infront of mirror gspot to massage your own prostate   4.Anyone ever gotten a professional “massage”?   5.Is there any gay photographer that takes erotic nude pics in Dublin?  

New Comment

By bella! at 18,Oct,17 18:48 other posts of bella! 
So if I understand your post correctly, you are receiving a massage from someone that you end up giving a blowjob to, correct?
By #501472 at 19,Oct,17 06:45
It starts your from top t o toe down your back and then down your front and massages your dick and balls while you suck his cock and he sucks yours and finishes with his cock massaging inside your arse you should try it
By bella! at 20,Oct,17 20:23 other posts of bella! 
My question was because I was interested in understanding whether this was you going to a masseuse, you paying for a professional massage but in the end decide to give him a blowjob OR if this is something you enjoy with a FWB.
By #501472 at 20,Oct,17 21:02
Oh yes I enjoyed it perhaps you should try it then you would understand ??? Or dont you fancy getti g rogered by a stranger
By bella! at 22,Oct,17 09:30 other posts of bella! 
Somebody is not reading each word and pulling their thinking cap down snuggly.

By #542421 at 22,Oct,17 07:13
I’ve had a nude full body massage that included my prostate. I didn’t need to be sucked off

By MrBone at 18,Oct,17 18:17 other posts of MrBone 
There is a guy here in Utah that does male only massage and waxing, thinking I’ll take advantage of his services.
By #501472 at 19,Oct,17 06:46
You will ennoy it I do

By #206678 at 20,Oct,17 18:57
Waxing sounds good

By kebmo at 18,Oct,17 14:08 other posts of kebmo 
I have not...yet but it sure sounds like an exhilarating time.

By andrew999999999 at 18,Oct,17 12:10 other posts of andrew999999999 
I've had many in the sauna complex I go to, but they end with me having my cock sucked.

By #485312 at 18,Oct,17 11:22
[deleted image][deleted image]
l got to suck his cock and got a fuck off him, our massages are incredible *lix*
[deleted image]

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