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Your penis will age, and this is how.

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Started by #463848 at 10,Dec,17 14:29
1. It will permanently shrink... In a continuous and determined fashion. This is owing to once-normal and "hearty cells" being replaced by non-elastic fibres called collagen, which cause an overall diminished effect. One thing which can be done to lessen the effects of the collagen is to keep weight gain down as much as possible - especially around the mid-section. As weight gain increases around the belly, the fat pad pushes out and a larger penile percentage gets buried under the skin.
So, that isn’t actually shrinkage but because there is less **** supply as you age, it will not appear as big as when you were younger. Erections without stimulation will become fewer and even the ‘morning wood’ may less erect.
Even with stimulation, it will take longer to become erect, although this can be improved with visual or sound stimulation.

2. With age comes curvature. It's not your fault and there's very little you can do about it. It's simply because of "repeated trauma" from every day (maybe) activities like sports and sex. These cause scar tissue to accumulate along the length of your penis.
This of course does not include those penises that are naturally curved from the outset, although some of those will only show the curvature when erect.

3. As you get older your scrotum droops. For this you can thank loss of muscle mass.
Again, this is not the same as the drop or rising of the scrotum because of ambient temperature. So, the scrotum will be higher on very cold days and lower on very hot days (always of course subject to the restrictions of clothing). This is to secure the health of the sperm.

4. Erectile dysfunction can occur at any age, and it is not an uncommon problem. What causes it, however, is **** loss. (Meaning the pressure of the circulating **** is not high enough to manage all of the needs, so the penis has low priority).
Sometimes this can be countered by **** the **** into the head of the penis and holding it there so that there is a harder penis head which can then more easily be physically stimulated.

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By #553294 at 03,Apr,18 03:25

Same here. Mine's the same length & girth both soft & hard as it was when it stopped growing back when I was 18.

By onthelose at 03,Apr,18 03:23 other posts of onthelose 
What you have to say is true for most of us, but there are always going to be outliers and they like to use that to dismiss what everyone knows is true. So to all of you rock hard 90 year olds , great for you, you are the best!!

By Blade at 03,Apr,18 02:35 other posts of Blade 
#1 & #2 are not really true. My dick has gotten thicker over age. My length is exactly the same. My dick is exactly the same shape it has been since I first got hard. Pay attention. If you got fatter, your pelvis will protrude out around your dick. so if you measure or visually look, it looks like you got smaller, but that isn't your dick, its the surrounding body that is moved out around your dick. Push your skin tight against your bone, and you'll see what I mean. When you young, you are tight there.

Now if you had an injury, you may have a change in shape. I haven't, and I'm exactly the same.

Now #3 & #4 totally true.

So you get a 50% for accuracy.

By #539358 at 02,Apr,18 22:05
Mine’s always been curved anyway!
--------------------------------------- added after 50 seconds

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By phart at 02,Apr,18 21:04 other posts of phart 
yep,enjoy that toy while you can still play with it.!
By #553294 at 02,Apr,18 21:47
Been playing with mine ever since I discovered it was good for more than peeing back when I was 5 - and I'm not about to stop!

Even when I have a regular girlfriend, I usually "check the plumbing" and make sure everything's working right at least twice a day.

Checked out your pics. Looks like your very nice cock still works great! How old are you?

By #553294 at 31,Mar,18 01:52
Well....I'm 62. Fortunately, none of that has started to happen to mine yet! I get numerous erections every day, I'm still really horny, and I can still (and often do) reach orgasm 5+ times a day. Balls are still tight, it's still straight as an arrow, my erections are still rock-hard, and it still points nearly straight up too!

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By #539358 at 02,Apr,18 17:31
And it’s a lovely looking cock too
By #553294 at 02,Apr,18 19:14
Thanks for the compliment! Never thought I had a nice package until I posted pics on here & started to get so many nice comments & compliments!

By #435701 at 02,Apr,18 16:41
Thank you SO much for that depressing update!...I have been wondering why my cock is over an inch shorter I am just 9 years younger than you and apparently, I have so much MORE to look forward to LIFE...what can one do except age...

By Nevermore at 11,Dec,17 13:02 other posts of Nevermore 
Thanks a lot, Captain Buzzkill.

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