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Girls and Horses

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Started by #270555 at 14,Dec,17 23:59
for about a year ive been working with horses more a caretaker of the place anyway they give lessons to learn to ride and ive noticed more than once a small damp spot or even have seen a damp spot on the saddle, does the saddle get all girls wet or

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By phart at 18,Dec,17 01:11 other posts of phart 
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By olderbro at 16,Dec,17 22:33 other posts of olderbro 
several times riding Ive orgasmed though it mostly happens when I was riding without a saddle(bareback). Crazy wonderful experiences

By DarkMax at 16,Dec,17 17:07 other posts of DarkMax 
I prefer look at solo stallion dick videos

By phart at 16,Dec,17 14:36 other posts of phart 
I can't remember where I read it but there is at least 1 state here in the US where it is still **** to have relations with a woman for 1 hour after they have ridden horseback.

By leopoldij at 16,Dec,17 10:22 other posts of leopoldij 
"I was on the equestrian team in high school and running my horse through some easy jumps and he got a little spooked by something and sped way up for a second. Anyway, something in the rhythm change made me rub a certain way and suddenly I was hanging on for dear life as I had the weirdest orgasm ever. I couldn’t look that horse in the eye for a week after and I felt totally exposed by having that happen in front of my teammates."
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Is it normal to like orgasms on horse back?
86% Normal
I go horse riding because I have orgasms while my pussy rubs on their backs while I go riding. Is this normal?
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"It is absolutely fantastic the pleasure coming from horseback riding. While I began to bounce up and down on the small saddle, I start feeling waves of ecstatic pleasure,until I reach wonderful orgasms. Besides I enjoy a lot the matter that my **** is my slave,obbeys me,sweats supporting my beautiful body, sometimes suffers exhaustion and punishment (whip) . All that stuff is very erotic."
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"My first orgasm came from riding a horse. When I was about 14 while riding one day bareback and I noticed that if I leaned forward just right, the rocking back and forth motions of the horse walking felt wonderful on my vagina. For the first few times, I would move away when the sensations became strong not knowing what it was that I was feeling. One time I didn't move and I had an intense orgasm. I was amazed anything could feel that good. I even told my mom about it and she just smiled and told me I had an orgasm which she explained was the height of sexual excitement. "
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"Do you realise WHY that are into horse-riding are bat-chit insane? I'll explain
Most gi.rls that start horse-riding at an early age inevitably carry it on for the remainder of their life to some degree or another. The reason they develop this unconditional attachment to horses is because between the age of 11-15, they experience their first orgasm due to the stimulation whilst riding on the back on a horse. Hence their lifelong affinity towards the ****."
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--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes

"Do you realise WHY that are into horse-riding are bat-chit insane? I'll explain
Most gi.rls that start horse-riding at an early age inevitably carry it on for the remainder of their life to some degree or another. The reason they develop this unconditional attachment to horses is because between the age of 11-15, they experience their first orgasm due to the stimulation whilst riding on the back on a horse. Hence their lifelong affinity towards the ani.mals."
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By pifad at 16,Dec,17 08:28 other posts of pifad 
Hmmmmm are you sure it’s just the girls?

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