I am really interested in buying a cockring or 2, one that wraps around your balls and cock. Where can I buy one that will ship anonymously? What I mean by that is sthat I don't want one showing up at the house with the companies labels, name, ect ect anywhere on the package. Thanks.
well scratch that, they messed up my address by not putting the full addy on the shipping label...how does that even get anywhere lol. Waited 6 days only to be told the package was undeliverable and since they use DHL, they are impossible to contact
By #311947 at 08,Jan,18 11:32
only registered users can see external links. I like wearing rings too from time to time. ... I wouldnt worry about anon shipping, its pretty much standard practice with places shipping out "adult" novelties and toys.
By #206678 at 07,Jan,18 21:40
The best cock rings are from oxballs.com and they have a very discreet delivery. Check them out.
I have heard about them, couldn't find before about their shipping confidentiality. I will keep them in mind next time I want to order something, I already have ordered from lovehoney
As someone who has worn a cock ring 24/7/365 for more than fifteen years, I'll add a comment or two. I found that both the neoprene and the stainless steel rings (even those claiming to be surgical steel) caused a rash.
So I wear a chi-ld size jade bracelet. These can be purchased for only about two or three US$ each at the jade market in Hong Kong. (I visit there often, was just there in October and I'm going again in March.) If there is a shop near you that sells Chinese imports you might want to look there. Of course here in the USA they are going to cost more. In addition to not causing a rash, the jade has the added advantage on not setting of the metal detector in airport security lines. Since I travel a lot this is a big advantage.
When I said I wear mine 24/7/365 I really do meant that. I even wear it to medical appointments and no doctor, not even a urologist, has commented or even batted an eye.
only registered users can see external links
So I wear a chi-ld size jade bracelet. These can be purchased for only about two or three US$ each at the jade market in Hong Kong. (I visit there often, was just there in October and I'm going again in March.) If there is a shop near you that sells Chinese imports you might want to look there. Of course here in the USA they are going to cost more. In addition to not causing a rash, the jade has the added advantage on not setting of the metal detector in airport security lines. Since I travel a lot this is a big advantage.
When I said I wear mine 24/7/365 I really do meant that. I even wear it to medical appointments and no doctor, not even a urologist, has commented or even batted an eye.
Good luck.